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  • Blotter updated: 2015-09-02 Show/Hide Show All

No. 367
Hey crew.
I feel really embarrassed to have to ask this, so please don't make me feel any worse.
I had graduated 2 years ago, and haven't programmed since, getting more into the networking and managed services type roles. Today, my manager gave me a 2 minute assignment, that I cannot complete. And am too ashamed to admit it.
Here goes:
Create an access 2003 database with 1 table, two collums. A (primary key) and B.
Create a form, with an input box, button and label that techs can run in a corner of the screen. Then enter a value in the text box, click the button, and if it matches something in Col A, it will spit out it's related value from Column B.

In 30 minutes I got as far as creating the form and table, and on button click, a new variable will be assigned the value from the text box as a string, and the lable caption will change to it.

Could someone here, please take the time to help me with this?
>> No. 369
Well i'm sure it's a little late now.

That said; I would use button on-click event macros.

When creating macros there are a bunch of drag+drop commands you can call that should be able to do what you want.

Also, don't stress - no real job should contain any trace of fucking Access. Tell your boss to grow a dick and use a real database system.
>> No. 370
Thanx, I did manage to complete it after all. Took me like 5 business hours.
But we were light on work, and since no one else had a clue how to do this either, no one batted an eyelid.
But yes, I do need a new job.

On a side note, I discovered, that for some reason, running the set focus command, does not trigger the on focus command. Just found that odd.

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