Post your pastebin/script collection if you have one. I'll start:
I uploaded a couple more.
update on - now with an undo feature update on J2 - random title decoration
I like the script. The output looks good. I've written something similar a few times in different languages except instead of bars I have percents. I'll probably take something from yours and incorporate it into mine though. If you don't need the ability to pipe input into and you wanted to make this a little more "standalone" you could just open2() /usr/bin/du directly within the perl script. Here's the Perl version of my prettybyte() sub which is of similar functionality to your bytesToSize sub if you want to check it out. It's probably not the best Perl because I'm not usually a Perl guy and I was going from my original C function.
>>195 No, I don't need to have it as a separate script. It's just that bash is most natural to me and I'm a bit lazy if I can use someone else's code or something I already know. Thanks for prettybyte by the way. The if/else I had in there was another example of my lazies :P