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File 132684127995.jpg - (62.24KB , 750x600 , motivatorNewGM.jpg )
45 No. 45
Hi there /nerd/ I'm here to ask advice one what language I should learn to code a project I've been wanting to do. My goal is to make a program that does several things.

I basically want to make a program that works along side a table top RPG I will be making alongside with this program. I want to use this program make playing a table top RPG easier for host and player alike.

My goals for this program is that it act as an encyclopedia for my game world and rule system. I also want it to be able to replace paper character sheets. My last goal would be to make it so I can change data on the players side such as there XP and hit points.

So that's the gist of it. I myself have only a little experience with coding. I've only played with some C++ and some ancient form of VB.

So, what language should I learn to make this in?
Will one be enough?

>> No. 46
Any language would be fine. Do it in C++, Python, Java, whatever you're more comfortable with.

Also, I'd bet there are a few such programs out there already. http://sourceforge.net/projects/dd-manager/ seems to do at least the character sheets, not sure about the encyclopedia part.
>> No. 47
Forgot to add: the three languages I cited were examples, they are by no means better or worse than other languages for this specific case (as you basically need something that can draw a GUI).

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