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File 136674787264.png - (126.22KB , 485x750 , tumblr_lz6qxoL8EY1qiklxro1_500.png )
395 No. 395
I would like to create a wrapper or something that covers the user experience on a windows 7 machine, and only goes away after a certain textual input has been given.

I would like to link this textual input to a writing program I use.

What language would be appropriate to do this?
How does one make the screen lockout?
>> No. 396
>covers the user experience
What, exactly do you want to do? What set of programs are part of "the user experience"?
>> No. 397
I want it to effectively obstruct the screen and not go away until the user fills a form of a certain length, or resorts to the task manager.
>> No. 398
Why not use a screensaver, then?
>> No. 399
It is possible to create a giant window the size of the desktop with the title bar sheared off using the Win32 API. However, disabling the ALT-ENTER, CTRL-ESC etc. hotkeys would require you to intercept the keyboard messages, which is not that easy.

Also, OP, what programming language are going to attempt this with? C++, C# or something else?
>> No. 403
Just play a Valve game, they're almost impossible to get out of without quitting/crashing/etc.

>> No. 425
Inb4 OP releases his stealth.exe
>> No. 426
AutoIT is perfect for this purpose. I'm sure there are already screen lockers written and usable for you.
>> No. 427

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