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6 No. 6
I am interested in creating and maintaining my own websites. How do I got about doing this?
What skills do I need to acquire? ( Right now I am familiar with perl, C, Java, SQL and assembly).

For example, let's say I wanted to create an imageboard like 99chan, or a forum like linuxforums. What languages do I need to know?
These are just examples by the way, so you don't need to get into specifics ( like telling me to use kasuba x or something).

Other than html and php, what else do I need to learn?
>> No. 7
You should learn javascript too. And learning php isn't necessary if you know perl.
>> No. 8
Design philosophy for functionality and usability and stuff. The artistic side of it. Pretty much how to take the coding skills and translate them into something appealing for the end user.
>> No. 15
Alright can someone explain to me what exactly is the relation between html and css?
Also can you recommend a good IDE for writing html?
>> No. 16
html is pretty much just the words and pictures, css does structuring and styling. You can do most styling and formatting in html, but its way easier and more efficient to use css.

On most pages css does all the backgrounds, color, font, positioning, ect. If you learn html you'll need to learn css too, but css is pretty easy.

I'd suggest using notepad++ for writing html and css
>> No. 17
HTML: content
CSS: form
>> No. 18
alright when the internets was first invented everything was written in HTML. HTML let the first web designers build very basic web sites and add a couple pictures and that was it. In a push to make the internet more useful programmers started inventing other languages like javascript, css, flash, etc. Now the internet is really made up of a variety of languages some of which can do some of the same things.

The side effect of this is that there is not one be all end all language that can do everything on the web. Its really an example of bad planning and design by the first web developers. Although if HTML people keep innovating the way that they have it might make some languages obsolete
>> No. 27
Learn how to setup a basic LAMP environment.
>> No. 28
JavaScript: function
>> No. 259
Actually you could write your websites in Java with some libraries if you have a host that supports glassfish or tomcat (or similar). Using Java EE.
I'd recommend it if you're gonna write small websites, but if you're looking to write large applications I'd check it out.

PHP and Java are similar in syntax, difference is that one is a scripting language and the other is not.
>> No. 261
Getting a good idea of what sort of modules and libraries are out there for your language of choice. There's no point making some massive SQL function for you to use that could be highly buggy when there's something like ADODB out there. I suggest playing around with PHP, if you know perl it'll be super easy to pick up. Perl was my first language and I made the transfer to PHP pretty easily. You'll want to get decent with GIMP or PS and Fireworks for designing all the graphics that go into modern websites, CSS would also be highly useful, especially the finer parts of it. Javascript is also immensely useful but you can get by without it, I barely know JS and I do pretty alright.
Knowing how to set up and maintain a LAMP environment is a must have, being able to code a website isn't much use if you can't fix the server when it goes down.
You'll also be using a lot of SQL but SQL is pretty damn basic and not hard to pick up what you'll need (SELECT, UPDATE and INSERT really)
You'll also need to get some experience managing small sites so you know how users are going to react to things, where they're going to be looking and how they'll want to use things. It boils down to what >>15 said.

Its a mixed bag because you'll need to know network to software. The best thing you can get is experience, most people who make the sites have started using other applications like phpbb or IPB and learned from running and modding that.

>> No. 389
It's been over a year since I made this thread and I almost completely forgot about it...I'm gonna answer my own question in retrospect :D

objective PHP/mysql/html is a pretty good place to start from. Javascript can make your life easier but you can pretty much learn it as you go whenever it's necessary. Making yourself familiar with yaml or json after a few months will be helpful as well.

Also sublime text is a really good IDE and ya'll should try it.
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