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387 No. 387
Anyone familiar with PROLOG or LISP in relation to programming AI?

I have some basic questions such as: how easy is it to have smaller modular programs to act like neurons and have those neurons write the code for "new neurons"? Where together the modules make up a operating system that does a specific task.
>> No. 388
You need to be more specific...

But in case you didn't know, Emacs is mostly written in Lisp. And Emacs if pretty much an operating system by itself, and a really amazing one too. I'd say you'll be able to do what you want in either lisp or prolog.

How much programming experience do you have in general? If you're inexperienced you need to tackle a lot of smaller projects before doing something like that.
>> No. 390
The problem with using neural networks is that they sometimes miss-classify no matter how well you train them. You don't want your operating system to have this kind of behaviour.

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