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File 137857668191.jpg - (40.38KB , 500x403 , h5A1E3A20.jpg )
451 No. 451
Most esteemed /India/,

For some unknown reason whenever I try to plug in my external hard drive my computer will only recognize it if I plug it in to one specific usb port. If I try to plug it in to literally any other port on the computer or a usb hub attached to said computer it just calls it an "unknown device" and refuses to even make the smallest effort to recognize it or work with it to any extent despite being able to work with it just fine moments ago with nothing else having changed but the usb port used. I'm using Windows 7 home premium by the way.
>> No. 452
Is there anything special about that port, like maybe it is a lone USB 3.0 port with extra power? It shouldn't make a difference but it turns out it does in some weird cases (I've had the same issue come up while installing Windows from USB).
>> No. 453

No, it's not that. All the ports are normal ones with the same amount of power. I suspect it's something like windows 7 trying to install the driver for it again separately and specifically for use with the other usb ports for some stupid ass reason and then can't find the driver again and throws it's arms up in the air shouting "fuck it!" even though it's still the same device that it still has the driver for, but not a copy of the driver for use with other usb ports because the people who decided how windows 7 would use drivers were asshats.

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