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File 130639018239.jpg - (538.05KB , 1024x768 , BakerHotelTX.jpg )
9091 No. 9091 hide expand quickreply [Reply]
Alright, I just wanted to share an experience I had with a certain hotel in Mineral Wells, Texas.
>about a year ago, I was coming home from filming a show down in dallas with a fellow cameraman one night, and took a detour through the back roads.
I came across Mineral wells, texas, a tiny cow town in the middle of nowhere covered in trees and hills.
The one thing that loomed over the dark town was the Baker Hotel. This massive abandoned hotel that could be seen for miles..the minute I saw this building, chills over came me.
I had the impulse to stop, I wanted to go in, I usually nope at these sort of things...but not this time....I HAD to go in..

So I pulled around and got a closer look, some windows were open on the top floor and a few closer to the ground were shattered due to kids throwing rocks. It was overgrown all around the facility. I felt like it was inviting me in...so I stepped out of the car and immediately I felt cold. I couldn't take my eyes off of it....I was on the verge of climbing over the fence when something Grabbed me from behind.

The Cameraman that was riding with me pulled me off the fence, and this snapped me out of it. He told me he had been yelling at me to back in the car, but I don't remember any of that..I only remember the hotel.

We soon left and I couldn't get the baker hotel off my mind...I did so much research on it and looked back on the history. (just wiki baker hotel) I'm planning on going back soon, I have a team of friends going with me to explore.

I was curious if anyone has ever been to this location and received the same feelings. If not, anyone felt something similar to any eerie place?
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>> No. 9102
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URBAN EXPLORATION!!! Get in, get some pics/vids & post them! Be part of the Movement!
>> No. 9121
post something your self.

Can we post our urban exploring youtube vids ???
If there good vids >???
>> No. 9192
Quite a few people have done this, you can find plenty of pictures on Google...

If you really want to do it, hurry up because:

"Plans were announced in August of 2010 for Domingo Lara to reopen the Baker from its current owner and fund $54 million for renovation. Domingo Lara the main players in the plans to bring the hotel back to life. Plans call to enlarge the current 400 plus rooms and bring the total number of rooms down to 155. The third floor would be converted to a mineral spa. The restoration will take two years. Austin film director Kevin Pruitt grew up in Mineral Wells and is working on a documentary on the hotel and town. The planned title is Ballad of the Baker.[2]"
>> No. 9208
OP, I live in north San Antonio and would have liked to go exploring with you. But I just googled Mineral Wells Texas, and it's all the way up by Dallas. ;~;

I've always wanted to do something like this.
>> No. 9209
Oh shit, nevermind. This thread was necro bumped from May.

Anyway OP, if you ever have plans to do some urban exploring in the future hit me up or make a thread here.

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9201 No. 9201 hide quickreply [Reply]
So about a month ago I stumbled upon the Slender Man mythos, which in turn led me to the many Slender Man based Youtube series. After watching a good some of them I was, to say the least, paranoid. I tried to get my friend into the mythos but he wasn't interested. Around a week after finding the mythos at 3 AM I started hearing strange noises coming from my garage. It sounded like some kind of truck or large vehicle pulling into my garage followed by a gurgling sound. I just shrugged it off as "I'm just paranoid from all these videos and hearing shit." The next day I went for a walk out In the desert near my house with my best friend (the same one who I tried to get into the whole Slender Man mythos but wasn't interested.) I told him about the weird noises and ask him If anything strange had happened to him the night before. He told me that he woke up in the middle of the night, he said that he felt as If he was being watched. He said he got out of bed and walked into the kitchen. Both his older sister and mother were up. He ask them what was going on and they both said that they saw the shadow of a tall man next to a small child. This disturbed me. I stopped where I was and sat down. I ask him If he was just fucking with me, he said no. I Explained to him that the original story behind Slender Man is that he abducts children, and that what his sister and mother saw fits the quota perfectly. He was a little more than shaken up after hearing this. I don't actually think I've ever seen him legitimately scared until right then. I ask him If there's anything else relevant to whats been happening that I should know and he started to tell me about a time last year when him and another one of my friends were hanging out at the other friends house when a pickup truck pulled up beside his house and idled there for a couple of minutes. The truck, as he told me, was blacked out and had no logos on it. They watched it through my friends screen door for a bit and it eventually started off down the street. Now, my friend lives right at the end of our block. Apparently right as this truck turned the corner it popped out on the opposite side of the block that my friends house is on around 4 seconds later. "Almost as if it teleported", he said. It pulled into the driveway and idled there for about 2 minutes, then left. He said that that could have been what cause the noises I heard. The rest of the day was just us trying to figure stuff out. We still don't know whats going on but it seems to have stopped for the most part.
>> No. 9202
They got woken up by a shadow of a tall man (how could they tell?) next to a not-shadow child?
>> No. 9204
They both said they saw the shadow of a tall man text to a small child. So no it was a shadow not an actual child.
>> No. 9205


I think the trucks are just coincidence. Probably cops/feds or drug dealers.

Personally I'd investigate this further, but I don't buy into the mythos or the the idea that trying to document Slendy calls him closer.
>> No. 9206
You guys do know that the slender man fake, right? It was intentionally made up on Something Awful.
>> No. 9207
Obviously he`s not real. I never said he was. I just posted this because I sure a hell can`t think of an explanation.

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9177 No. 9177 hide quickreply [Reply]
I'm looking for this ARG that I found once upon a time, I don't have a screenshot of any sort, but I remember it was a "Stream" of a girl in an all white test chamber, occasionally she would vomit or strip and roll around on the floor or some shit.

I also remember to get to the "stream" involved going to a page that mimicked google and typing in a certain string.

Can anyone help me out?
>> No. 9180
I remember the ARG you're talking about, OP. Thing is, I can't remember what it was called or where to find it. Sorry, OP.
>> No. 9181
Hmmmm, I wish someone knew where I could go to find it :/
>> No. 9190
99chan has one on irc i think

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9132 No. 9132 hide expand quickreply [Reply]
Hi /x/, got a question for people with knowledge of spirits and apparitions.

A friend of mine was cam chatting with me when she started saying she felt watched. She told me her arm was twitching uncontrolably, and that there was a malign, unwelcoming presence around. Suddenly she was holding her arm in pain, saying it felt like there was a burning hand gripping her; the intensity of the heat reduced her to tears. After ten minutes the severity of the incident passed, but she still felt an intense unwelcome feeling. I have no idea what it could be and any heldful information is welcomed.
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>> No. 9150
I get a sharp pain around my heart sometimes. I'll just blame it on spirits instead of going to a doctor.

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>> No. 9158
I didn't say she was smart.
>> No. 9163
I believe, good sir, that she was screwing with you.
>> No. 9164
In a non-sexy way? That's the worst kind.

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>> No. 9173

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9144 No. 9144 hide expand quickreply [Reply]
You guys ever been to this site? I've been addicted to it for the past week or so. It's kind of a very original take on creepypasta, from the perspective of a storing corporation.

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>> No. 9161
At first I thought wow --really cool/creepy then I saw this:
SCP-230 - The Gayest Man Alive
SCP-247 - A Harmless Kitten
Don't they have moderators?

I think I'll contribute, "The Haunted Jellybean"
Ya. That'll kick ass.
>> No. 9165
Did you read those entries? Because they're good. Don't be a jackass, judging a book by its cover.
>> No. 9166
Try 270, the telephone thing. The sound transcript freaked me out for days.
>> No. 9174

The mp3? The first part is a numbers station recording known as "Swedish Rhapsody" I'm not sure if it's multiple numbers stations or not I'd have to give it a re-listen.

The SCP itself seems to be based on or at least heavily inspired by the "dig site to hell" which was featured on Art Bell's radio show and can be found called "sounds from hell" and number stations.
>> No. 9176
The former sweats heroin. The latter is a full grown bengal tiger.

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9116 No. 9116 hide expand quickreply [Reply]
Ghost Hunting Fail.

I have spent my whole life Exploring supposed haunted places. I have spent my life studying the Occult . Since I'm 11, I have studied witchcraft and satanism and Goldendawn-- etc. I have explored many a building at midnight hoping to see a ghost, Or anything supernatural. Anything at all.When I say my whole life I mean, the last 30 years of it now.

I have never seen anything remotely supernatural . EVER!!!
I believe this is because...ITS ALL MADE UP!!!
Id like to hear from others that have never seen anything BUT STILL CONTINUE to look for such phenomenon .
I will post one of my youtube vid's , of a cemetery at night, if its allowed.
11 posts and 3 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 9168

The hatman is a product of delirium. Can happen to you if you are sleep deprived as well as drug induced (look up Deliriants)
>> No. 9169
it is strange to me that many people see nearly the same thing.
>> No. 9170
I'm not >>9137, but I've seen the hatman, too. I wasn't sleep deprived and I hadn't been drugged (to my knowledge, anyway).
>> No. 9171

Same here actually
>> No. 9172
Eat a couple boxes of Benadryl and you'll see ghosts and aliens and werewolves and whatever else you don't want to see... namely spiders.

File 131052475693.jpg - (48.37KB , 493x479 , 1.jpg )
9130 No. 9130 hide quickreply [Reply]
Hey guise. I found this witchcraft ebook collection yesterday, and I thought I would share with my bros. Enjoy!

>> No. 9139
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That list is awful. sacred-texts.com alone has more esoterica than such tripe!

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9022 No. 9022 hide expand quickreply [Reply]
i'd like to post some creepy gifs guys.

you can have my starbucks survey too if you wanna take it: http://www.surveymonkey.com/s/P5XGWM8
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>> No. 9054
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>> No. 9062
File 130439282511.gif - (719.77KB , 448x336 , creepy dark.gif )
Is that from a movie of something? I've seen it probably a hundred and a half times and no one ever know where it's from.
>> No. 9063
xtro, and no you don't want to watch it.
>> No. 9064
haha okay i'll take your word on it.
>> No. 9114
Can't imagine why he wouldn't. "Xtro" is a wonderful piece of sci-fi horror that is oft forgot by modern film-goers.

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9065 No. 9065 hide expand quickreply [Reply]
Before you conclude....

so recently I've been looking into the creepypasta about Pokemon Green's Original Lavender Town Track. It was know to cause convulsions and all that shit, and i read about that, and i'm convinced it isn't true... but i just finished listening to the track again and i've suddenly been feeling cold chills and all itchy and junk. but it went away almost as fast as it arrived. what i wanna know is...
is there an actual frequency in that song that can cause those effects to happen, even if this is just creepypasta, this is the only one that has really gotten to me... mostly cuz it's my childhood... hahaa

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>> No. 9087
That's the assumption I was working on - most of the binaural beat programs I've seen tell you to use headphones anyway, so I took it as a given.
>> No. 9100
When I was a kid, the unown song from the ruins of alphs scared the shit out of me. The weirdest thing is, the song has no point. There's no reason for it to be in the game. It's just there, and it's creepy as fuck.

>> No. 9101
Speakers wouldn't work either. Binaural beats depend on different frequencies being delivered to each ear without any cross contamination.
>> No. 9111
That reminds me of some of the music from the original Metroid. My little brother couldn't even stand to be in the room when I was playing in certain parts.
>> No. 9112

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9105 No. 9105 hide quickreply [Reply]
Questioner: How does a third-density planet become a fourth density planet?
Ra: I am Ra. This will be the last full question.

The fourth density is, as we have said, as regularized in its approach as the striking of a clock upon the hour. The space/time of your solar system has enabled this planetary sphere to spiral into space/time of a different vibrational configuration. This causes the planetary sphere to be able to be molded by these new distortions. However, the thought-forms of your people during this transition period are such that the mind/body/spirit complexes of both individual and societies are scattered throughout the spectrum instead of becoming able to grasp the needle, shall we say, and point the compass in one direction.

Thus, the entry into the vibration of love, sometimes called by your people the vibration of understanding, is not effective with your present societal complex. Thus, the harvest shall be such that many will repeat the third-density cycle. The energies of your Wanderers, your teachers, and your adepts at this time are all bent upon increasing the harvest. However, there are few to harvest.
>> No. 9106
Questioner: At what stage does a planet achieve social memory?
Ra: I am Ra. A mind/body/spirit social complex becomes a social memory complex when its entire group of entities are of one orientation or seeking. The group memory lost to the individuals in the roots of the tree of mind then becomes known to the social complex, thus creating a social memory complex. The advantages of this complex are the relative lack of distortion in understanding the social beingness and the relative lack of distortion in pursuing the direction of seeking, for all understanding/distortions are available to the entities of the society.
>> No. 9107
Is there then, from the point of view of an individual who wishes to follow the service-to-others path, anything of importance other than disciplines of personality, knowledge of self, and strengthening of will?

RA: I am Ra. This is technique. This is not the heart. Let us examine the heart of evolution.

Let us remember that we are all one. This is the great learning/teaching. In this unity lies love. This is a great learn/teaching. In this unity lies light. This is the fundamental teaching of all planes of existence in materialization. Unity, love, light, and joy; this is the heart of evolution of the spirit.

The second-ranking lessons are learn/taught in meditation and in service. At some point the mind/body/spirit complex is so smoothly activated and balanced by these central thoughts or distortions that the techniques you have mentioned become quite significant. However, the universe, its mystery unbroken, is one. Always begin and end in the Creator, not in technique.
>> No. 9108
QUESTIONER: Am I correct, then, in assuming that discipline of the personality, knowledge of self, and control in strengthening of the will would be what any fifth-density entity would see as those things of importance?

RA: I am Ra. In actuality these things are of importance in third through early seventh densities. The only correction in nuance that we would make is your use of the word, control. It is paramount that it be understood that it is not desirable or helpful to the growth of the understanding, may we say, of an entity by itself to control thought processes or impulses except where they may result in actions not consonant with the Law of One. Control may seem to be a short-cut to discipline, peace, and illumination. However, this very control potentiates and necessitates the further incarnative experience in order to balance this control or repression of that self which is perfect.

Instead, we appreciate and recommend the use of your second verb in regard to the use of the will. Acceptance of self, forgiveness of self, and the direction of the will; this is the path towards the disciplined personality. Your faculty of will is that which is powerful within you as co-Creator. You cannot ascribe to this faculty too much importance. Thus it must be carefully used and directed in service-to-others for those upon the positively oriented path.

There is great danger in the use of the will as the personality becomes stronger, for it may be used even subconsciously in ways reducing the polarity of the entity.
>> No. 9109
I am Q’uo, and am with this instrument. You may well ask, if it is true that the greatest service one may perform is of a radiance that is inward in nature, why one needs to incarnate at all to perform this service. And this is not an insignificant question. For it is true that the world in which you find your engagements, the world in which you find those who call upon you expecting to have your service in return, is an important mirroring element, shall we say. For service seeks those it may serve. And it can seem somewhat hollow and self-enclosed to feel that the bonds that unite those who seek in a sacred humanity are not breathed full of life.

One feels isolated and alone when one does not hear back a response to the service one has offered. This, we would suggest, is an occasion for reflecting on the true character of the service which you have had to offer. For service that seeks results in a form in which those results are expected is, in reality, a service which does not leave the closed sphere of the intention of the one who seeks to serve. One cannot predict how one’s service will be taken. One cannot know when it has really been of use to another. And so again and again, my friends, you must make a full effort, and again and again you must reckon with the possibility of hearing no echo at all.

We do not deny the loneliness that befalls a seeker in such a situation. We do not deny the difficulty in maintaining the energy of seeking under such a circumstance. We do not deny the difficulty in holding to the desire to be of service when it seems as if none of your fellow human beings really do want what you have to offer.
>> No. 9110
Nevertheless, we would say that it is frequently the case that the most eloquent efforts made in the area of service are those which are almost unnoticeable, in many cases, even to the self. We would say that the daily effort to inquire of the self about its own deepest intentions is itself a very great service and one upon which all true service depends.

It may be that there will be a day, there will be a week, there will be a month, or there will be a year in which one cannot honestly say to oneself that one’s whole heart is in one’s service. Upon these occasions, it is well to be consoled. It is well to realize that in order to serve, the self must be gathered to itself. And this very often requires moments of rest. It requires pulling back, and without judgment allowing the self to follow that which it finds diverting; allowing the self to seek solace where solace may be found. The very act of making this allowance is itself a spiritual act of very great significance, for in that gesture, one acknowledges also that one still abides, that one still is upon the path, that one still has set the intention to be of service to others in precisely that way it is given one to be.

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9068 No. 9068 hide quickreply [Reply]
I went to sleep and during my dream I began to hear a noise that sounded as though someone next to me was breathing heavily into my ear, the noise actually woke me up and upon regaining consciousness I heard one final exhale before it stopped. It was really creepy, I'm not sure whether it was a dream or not because in the past I've heard things in the real world that have filtered into my dream world, but I don't want to imagine that something was actually in my room and breathing on me.
>> No. 9069
That reminds me of something that happened a few nights ago. I swear I blinked and it went from dark to light outside it didn't feel like sleep that or I dreamed I was awake looking outside and it was still dark either way I was confused and a bit freaked out.
>> No. 9073
Honestly, it could have been your own breathing OP. You can't trust your senses while you're sleeping. Take your pic for example. It's a representation of sleep paralysis, which is often mistaken for being assaulted by some boogie man. In fact, I just looked and your pic is at the top of the Wikipedia page on sleep paralysis.
>> No. 9075
Perhaps it was sleep paralysis? They occur alot to me but luckily it's always with my eyes closed, so it's just like I am awake in my sleeping body.. but my brother sees things, hears things and even feels things when having a sleep paralysis
>> No. 9103
>I've heard things in the real world that have filtered into my dream world.
Why couldn't you have dreams filter into the real world?
>> No. 9151
That only happens when you talk in your sleep or sleepwalk or something like that.

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9078 No. 9078 hide quickreply [Reply]
Okay, here's the deal: The original owner of the house I live in committed suicide-in my current bedroom no less. Anyway, we've lived her for five years now, with nothing out of the ordinary happening. That is, until the past two weeks. I keep my laptop upstairs in my bedroom, so I'm up here a lot. Two weeks ago, I was up here, had been online for awhile, when i got the feeling somebody was watching me. I quickly turned to look over my left shoulder, and caught a glimpse of , for lack of a better term, a "shadow" ziiping into the closet. I chalked it up to nerves.
The thing is, this has happened three more times, and the past two nights I have been awakened by something. I would swear someone is shaking my foot until I awaken. Am I experiencing something paranormal, or am I, for some reason I yet don't understand, experiencing some sort of psychological reaction to the the fact that I sleep in the same room that a man killed himself? It would seem odd if that is the case, as I've lived here for five years, with nothing like this occurring, and not really even thinking about it.
>> No. 9079
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There's a possibility is that your head is just fucking with you. What I mean is that since you know someone died in your room, your mind is imagining this man's spirit manifesting itself. Maybe it's because you subconsciously want to see a spirit, or maybe it's because you really believe there is one, and because of that desire or belief you're tricking yourself into seeing and feeling things that aren't there.

It basically comes down to the question of would you still be sensing these things if you never knew a man died in your room?

I'm just throwing that out there, it's a possibility. Stress, fatigue and/or emotional issues could also factor into it... or maybe your house is just haunted, who knows?


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9093 No. 9093 hide quickreply [Reply]
I've been having short flashes of memories/visions a few times a week for the past month or so. It started with an old woman who I believed to be an ancestor, but as these flashes continue I've started thinking that perhaps these are past life memories.

So, to make a long story short, I'm looking for techniques to get more information. This is something I've never bothered to look into because it was of no interest, so I don't know the first thing to do or where to go. I'd rather not go to someone else for a regression if I can help it.
>> No. 9098
I've had some visions like that, I don't know what they mean. A few years ago, I was in chemistry class when I suddenly zoned out, saw something confusing, and felt a very strong feeling of familiarity. It was a very fat lady with short hair in a big puffy dress, sitting in front of a table with some blurry things on it (cheese? a teapot?). She had wide eyes and flabby cheeks and her face was very reminiscent of a toad. I felt like I knew her well, like I saw her every day even though I had never seen her before. The feeling of realness and familiarity was so strong that for a few minutes I had trouble telling whether she was a real person or not. Then the teacher passed out a worksheet and I snapped out of it.

OP, I would advise you to learn to meditate. It should get you in a state of mind in which you could see weird shit more easily. Go to a quiet place, empty your mind, stare at a wall, and stop moving completely. Do this for as long as you can.

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9030 No. 9030 hide expand quickreply [Reply]
Hey, /x/. I used to be a reductionist believer of the physicalist philosophy (nothing exists outside of physics, aliens/ghosts etc. is bullshit). However, I'm starting to lean agnostic because of recent events involving paranormal activity.

I am Texas Tech guy in /b/. I go to a public university in West Texas in a city called Lubbock. Last 4/20, I went out with a friend to smoke at his frat buddy's house. There were a few other people and it was quite loud; however, the majority of drinkers and partiers were in the other room; the only smokers were me, my friend, and his frat buddy.

So we were in the frat buddy's bedroom, smoking, high as fuck. I was passing a bong to my friend when he stood and left with his frat buddy (apparently to get drinks, but they never came back). I sat there with a bong, smoking bowl after bowl. Eventually I was borderline-uncomfortable high (the "twitchies" - you become sensitive to muscle neural impulses) when I stood up and paced the room. No sooner had I done this than the floor in the closet started creaking. I opened the door, thinking a lost partier had passed out in the closet, but nothing was in there besides a hamper and some dirty clothes.

I left the room and found the frat buddy, who owns the house. His response to my nearly-incoherent recount: "You heard something in there, man? I think it's a ghost. I hear shit rattle in there all the time and there's never anything in there. Just don't mess with it bro."

Now, admittedly I was very high, and I wanted to believe, but my scientific outlook and atheism led me to believe he was just fucking with me.

So I find my friend and bring him back to the room to finish our weed and leave. We smoke another bowl when suddenly the closet door begins rattling and we hear... not a growl, not a voice, just a clearly audible vocalization. Like when you're about to say something but you get cut off. It didn't come from my friend - I was watching him when it happened and he was holding in his smoke.

My friend in his infinite wisdom coughed, yelled "You see that, man? IT'S A GHOOOOOOOOST!!!", then ran to the door and threw it open. Upon his face was a look of horror - he didn't believe me when I told him there was nothing in the closet. He then looked at me (keep in mind he was almost higher than I was when we got back in to the room, but later said that opening the door scared him sober) and yelled hysterically "THERE'S NOTHING IN THERE MAAAAAN THIS IS LIKE SOME MOVIE SHITTTTTT!!!!" He slammed the door and ran out of the room. I packed my shit and followed him before the door could make any more noise.

When we left the room we said our goodbyes and got in my car, speeding to my dorm. I noticed a faint.. pressure? Itchiness? on the upper-left part of my back the entire ride back.
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9 posts and 1 image omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 9074
Paranoia and anxiety will make you hear/see things. When I'm alone in the house after dark I hear everything and think burglars are coming to get me, so I half-assedly bunker down with a firearm before sleeping.

Lately I've been paranoid about roaches and have been seeing phantom ones constantly.

It's all in our heads OP.

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>> No. 9080
Phantom Cockroaches you say?
Thank you for giving me something else to fear.
>> No. 9085
Sounds like a band name.

Anyway, when you're really afraid, your brain goes into a sort of "hypersense" mode where it's looking for every little thing that could possibly be dangerous; coupled with being "high as fuck" this was probably just your brain taking the stuff that shows up when you're high and amplifying it. Remember that your head isn't built to handle drugs, the fear response just makes things worse.
>> No. 9089
ever notice how these always start with "I was atheist" and end with "now I believe"?

As a scientist, I know that literally anything is possible because nothing enforces reality to remain as it does.

Believe everything, just don't act upon belief, act upon what you know.
>> No. 9090
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You're a scientist? What kind of science do you do?

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9039 No. 9039 hide expand quickreply [Reply]
Ok so I am not to sure if this belongs here and I apologise now if it doesnt.

But for the passed 2 years maybe longer i've suffered with sleep paralysis, which I am just starting to get used to even tho it still freaks me out. But what I've found scary is the time in which these episodes take place, roughly the same time give or take a few minutes. The creepiest episode I had whilst camping roughly 4am I wake up roll over to get comfortable then I presume I go back to sleep and thats when it hits I can't move I hear the weirdest noise almost like gargling but not quite. Then it feels like I am being lifted up so I start shouting and screaming trying to move until I get woken up by my ex saying I must of had a nightmare. Needless to say I slept the rest of the holiday in my van with the doors locked i was that creeped out.

Now since then non of them have been that bad but still the same old can't move feels almost like something is in my room with me slowly getting closer till i wake up shouting at the top of my lungs. It did however kinda die down since I moved outta my shared apartment when me and my g/f split but last night my dad literally had to break the door down as he thought I was being attacked because I had a episode similar to the camping experience including the being picked up. Now I know most are gonna think im trolling but I can't get outta my head that the camping episode felt like i was being abducted mainly due to the feeling of being picked up of the floor. Can anyone relate or give me some advice because I thought I had it undercontrol untill last night
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>> No. 9048
Thank You for the advice. I have been looking at learning how to lucid dream, especially now if it can help control my episodes.
>> No. 9049
Does audio stimuli do anything?

I don't have any advice, I've just been curious about how music or background noise effects people who suffer from sleep paralysis.
>> No. 9051
Any outside stimuli can do something. Occassionally I get an episode with an eye partially open, and that's easily the scariest thing that can happen during an episode. The only difference is that you actually physically SEE things, not just experience them, and it's a whole 'nother level of freaky.

Most of the time, it's similar to a bad acid trip, to give an easy perspective to someone who hasn't experienced it.

No problem. To me, sleep paralysis is very close to lucid dreaming. The only difference is that you're aware of things that actually happen in the real world while you are paralyzed. Thanks to this, the techniques of learning to control lucid dreams work like a charm. You get to know exactly when it's happening, and like I said, have a degree of control over them. Most of the time I take advantage of the situation and play out things the way I want, much like a lucid dream.

For more information, there's a thread about lucid dreaming in /dream/. It's a good place to start.
>> No. 9076

I've suffered from sleep paralysis a couple of times, it's really scary shit. I haven't figured out quite what causes it, but I have found ways to sort of willingly go into sleep paralysis, which basically consists of falling asleep perfectly still and making this gradual shift from wakefulness to sleep. Ever since I did this I haven't had any incidents of sleep paralysis, for some reason.
>> No. 9081
If I get paranoid of shit like that, I sleep on my stomach. I feel invincible.

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8998 No. 8998 hide quickreply [Reply]
I have a feeling that a fair amount of people who use this board likely have a fascination with serial killers like I do, and while they aren't specifically paranormal, they're certainly an abnormality within typical reality.

Since this board is practically dead at the best of times, does anyone know of any good documentaries or series related to serial killers/killings? It might help to make this place a little more interesting or merely cater to a particular niche of users here.
>> No. 9000
Go kill someone. Your facination will cease.
>> No. 9003
Temporarily anyway.
>> No. 9004
only a little I guess. But I did read "diary of jack the ripper" and it was really good.
>> No. 9016
The Killing of America (docu)
Ed Gein docu at end of VHS re-release of
Deranged (1974) with interviews with the judge on the case who reveals Gein killed over 20 women. You can get it from Video Screams.

Charles Manson Superstar (pro-Charlie docu made by members of Radio Werewolf)
>> No. 9077

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8970 No. 8970 hide quickreply [Reply]
Ok, so, I am a really logical guy, right? But since Saturday, something has been really bothering me and I don't know what logical explanation I can come to. It happened on Saturday night. I was invited over to my cousins new house that they bought up in the west hills of the city. Its a real nice place and in a good neighborhood. While I was there, Jack (my cousin) wanted me and Lizzy (his girlfriend) to see this unfinished building down the street. This place was HUGE! I mean, the houses in this neighborhood were already big, but this place was massive. It looked like it was 10 times the size of my house, maybe 15. Anyways, we went inside the place. No one thought of the amazing idea to bring a flash light so I illuminated the way with my crappy butane lighter. Jack began to tell me about how the house was never finished because the owner realized that he didn't have enough money to finish it so he stole like 3 million dollars from his company and went to Mexico. As we walked, Jack called up to me and said "Hey, dude, check this out" He took out his phone and used it as a light. Then, he went upstairs and started telling me about how it would be awesome to paint ball up there. I followed him and Lizzy. Once I got to the top, I saw something out the window. I whispered to Jack and Lizzy, "Guys... What is that?" Liz whispered "I don't know, I think its a homeless man." It didn't look like any homeless man I ever seen. He/she was about my hight, 6 foot. It had no hair and was really fat, like 400 pounds. Once it saw us, it ran like crazy. It was running faster then any one I knew. We went to go check out what it was doing over by the road. It looked like it was digging a hole, but it didn't have a shovel when we saw it. It must have been using its bear hands for some reason. What I am surprised about is how fast it ran. I mean, this guy was 400 pounds of fat (there was no muscle on this guy from what I could see) and was able to run like a professional track runner. I know it sounds stupid, but if you saw it, you would be amazed to.
>> No. 9043
this actually sounds really scary.
>> No. 9047
Fat guy on drugs, from the sounds of it.
>> No. 9070
You should have tried talking to it to see if it could respond. Also are you sure it wasn't just some weird hairless bear?

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9059 No. 9059 hide quickreply [Reply]
Hi there. I was told some people here are competent in dream interpretation.

I've remembered a dream recently, which is a very rare occurence of me.(I might remember a dream once every two years) So I thought it might be a good idea to get as much information from this as I can.

Bear with me please, as I find the dream quite compelling, even though I haven't got a clue as to what it means.
It's also quite peculier as at some points, I have knowledge about my surroundings I couldn't possibly have. Yet, for some reason I do.

It starts with me being in a corridor of my old highschool. I walk past the classroom of an old teacher of mine who taught lifestane class. (I'm dutch, its a class where we learn about different religions and philosophies. Its mandatory.) I had a good connection with this teacher, and he died last year. I was suddenly reminded of this fact in the dream, and felt sadness because I would never see him again.

I continue down the corridor, and go one floor down the stairs. Here the building is different from reality, as there is a grassy hill up against the school building. This is when I get attacked. The attacker is apparently not alone, as I can feel (don't ask me how) that there is fighting going on in the school as well. I overpower my attacker, a white guy in a combat suit and a sword with three prongs on the end, and take his sword.

I go down the staircase again, to the ground floor. Instead of being the school gathering hall, it has a large cathedral like feel, with pilars along the side. There are others fighting here, and I know some of them are on my side, but they elude my vision.

I take on another attacker with my weird looking pronged sword, and I manage to kill him. Then I rush along the pilars to get outside, where I engage and attack two more enemies. One of them falls to the spot marked "dead goon." (important for later.)
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>> No. 9060
bump for interest

Maybe you're a descendant of Altaïr and experienced one of his nightmares.

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9025 No. 9025 hide expand quickreply [Reply]
Are there any of you guys here who have an interest in the occult, but don't regard any of it as actually objectively true? I myself have been interested in it for quite some time, and while I used to believe in quite a bit of the phenomena as actually occurring in external reality, I no longer do. Still, I find it rather fascinating to investigate this sort of stuff.

Who else is out there with me?
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>> No. 9028
I enjoy it as far as modern folklore goes.

I don't really "believe" in any of it other than maybe a few cryptids. I just have a thing for ruins and haunted roads.
>> No. 9029

Mental states? What about your mental states does this help, and how?
>> No. 9038
Yep, it's the only reason I troll around all the paranormal boards. I like mythology, the occult, and all that scary shit. My life is boring, so fear is very attractive to me.

But all the while, we're just kidding ourselves. All of it has an explanation, just because we don't know it doesn't mean a "ghost did it."
>> No. 9040
It helps me become more centered and better in control of my emotions. As for the "how" I have no fucking clue how it works.
>> No. 9058
sometimes ill see a book at the library on the occult, or magic, or the paranormal, and ill rent it just to see what it's like. i read a book on alchemy which had some pretty intense shit

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9010 No. 9010 hide quickreply [Reply]
Dear occupants of 99chan's /x/ board,
I was banned from 4chan for some reason, something about link spamming when I posted one link, once, to a deviantART artist's gallery. That being said, I feel like a change in pace and have come here to dump my immense collection of Slenderman pictures.
>> No. 9011
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or not. This chan's flood detection is terrible.
>> No. 9012
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>> No. 9013
Slenderman isn't that spooky. He's probably on par with some of the smaller things in Discworld.
>> No. 9015
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I take it you've read >>/ask/30952 ?

I would highly implore it if you haven't already.

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