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File 130947417435.jpg - (51.38KB , 476x653 , ghosts-i-have-been.jpg )
9116 No. 9116
Ghost Hunting Fail.

I have spent my whole life Exploring supposed haunted places. I have spent my life studying the Occult . Since I'm 11, I have studied witchcraft and satanism and Goldendawn-- etc. I have explored many a building at midnight hoping to see a ghost, Or anything supernatural. Anything at all.When I say my whole life I mean, the last 30 years of it now.

I have never seen anything remotely supernatural . EVER!!!
I believe this is because...ITS ALL MADE UP!!!
Id like to hear from others that have never seen anything BUT STILL CONTINUE to look for such phenomenon .
I will post one of my youtube vid's , of a cemetery at night, if its allowed.
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>> No. 9117
File 130947501492.jpg - (37.03KB , 480x360 , ftn_witchcraft_0919_480x360.jpg )
I have spent money on astrologers and physics and palm readers and such. (not much money, it gets old quick) When I was very young (7-ish) I search the deep woods for fairies and elves, I all so search the sky for UFOs (11-12 years old) .

These thing got very old very fast , But I still look for a ghost from time to time. or even just a fucking 'cold spot' in a building, or something.
...so far ...nada...
>> No. 9118
>I will post one of my youtube vid's , of a cemetery at night, if its allowed.

Sure, go ahead.
>> No. 9119
>> No. 9122
maybe we can have one thread devoted to urban exploring videos and 'Ghost hunting fails' .

??? yes ?
>> No. 9123
File 130979413436.gif - (490.16KB , 450x334 , delaware.gif )
Ah I see you live in Delaware. That must make for some good urban exploring. I pass thru there a lot between D.C. and NYC...seems pretty industrial with some abandoned areas...
>> No. 9125
Yes. I want you to look for what is called the 'Purina Building" ... as in Purina dog chow.

It is the ugliest building in our ugly town. It has been abandoned for at LEAST 40 years. Its a huge place that may have had its own 'Doc' in the Delaware river. (Im not sure)

You can see it from 95 and 495. you can see it best from around the area where 95-495 come to gether.
The very best place to see it is on 495 , right before the Eagemoor exit. Its outside the city, just on the city line...all by its self.... Its big and ugly.

It is the Holy Grail of WIl. De. urbanX'ing
>> No. 9126
Abandoned Mansion ,Wilmington Delaware. 1973ish.

I really had high hopes of seeing a ghost in here, but ...nothing.

Four parts::
>> No. 9137
I've spent my life trying to avoid supernatural shit. Are you familiar with hat man? The shadowy figure that looks like he's wearing a hat, and from my experience a big bulky overcoat thing.

I wish I didn't know he existed, I only know about him because I saw that fucker, outside in daylight no less. Then only later came across a picture of the exact same apparition I saw (I actually got a good look at him, it wasn't just something I saw out of the corner of my eye). I got tunnel vision and hauled my ass home and didn't sleep that night. It's real as far as i'm fucking concerned.
>> No. 9142
thank you for introducing me to the hatman phenom . I didn't know anything about it. I believe maybe it is kind of like the "Near death visions" people have (all over the world). It is believed to have something to do with the drug DMT ( schedule I DRUG) . it can cause or sorts of shit.
>> No. 9143
above, I saw Tiny crawl into a sewer drain @ 43 years old. Tiny is fucking crazy. god bless him.
>> No. 9146
File 131170589486.jpg - (19.42KB , 200x300 , 200px-Mothman_statue_2005.jpg )
I will try to explain myself better. (all ways a challenge )

Some people think that many of the Moth-man sighting and even some of the Jersey Devil sighting are 'visions' of a kind. Not actually something that can be called 'crypto-zoology', or ghost or poltergeist, not actual creatures but visions, inside the persons head.
This 'hatman' could well be in this category of vision rather then corporeal entity .
Now since so many people are see nearly the same thing many would say this constitutes something super natural . Others might take a 'Carl Yung' attitude and say the figures-people-creatures are built into humans subconsciousness.( Like dragons and unicorns appearing in so many cultures ). Many would say that these vision come from a sudden flood of DTM or even LSD into the brain.... In any event...its all very cool.
>> No. 9168

The hatman is a product of delirium. Can happen to you if you are sleep deprived as well as drug induced (look up Deliriants)
>> No. 9169
it is strange to me that many people see nearly the same thing.
>> No. 9170
I'm not >>9137, but I've seen the hatman, too. I wasn't sleep deprived and I hadn't been drugged (to my knowledge, anyway).
>> No. 9171

Same here actually
>> No. 9172
Eat a couple boxes of Benadryl and you'll see ghosts and aliens and werewolves and whatever else you don't want to see... namely spiders.
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