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File 130456569162.jpg - (70.46KB , 450x366 , sleeping woman and demon.jpg )
9068 No. 9068
I went to sleep and during my dream I began to hear a noise that sounded as though someone next to me was breathing heavily into my ear, the noise actually woke me up and upon regaining consciousness I heard one final exhale before it stopped. It was really creepy, I'm not sure whether it was a dream or not because in the past I've heard things in the real world that have filtered into my dream world, but I don't want to imagine that something was actually in my room and breathing on me.
>> No. 9069
That reminds me of something that happened a few nights ago. I swear I blinked and it went from dark to light outside it didn't feel like sleep that or I dreamed I was awake looking outside and it was still dark either way I was confused and a bit freaked out.
>> No. 9073
Honestly, it could have been your own breathing OP. You can't trust your senses while you're sleeping. Take your pic for example. It's a representation of sleep paralysis, which is often mistaken for being assaulted by some boogie man. In fact, I just looked and your pic is at the top of the Wikipedia page on sleep paralysis.
>> No. 9075
Perhaps it was sleep paralysis? They occur alot to me but luckily it's always with my eyes closed, so it's just like I am awake in my sleeping body.. but my brother sees things, hears things and even feels things when having a sleep paralysis
>> No. 9103
>I've heard things in the real world that have filtered into my dream world.
Why couldn't you have dreams filter into the real world?
>> No. 9151
That only happens when you talk in your sleep or sleepwalk or something like that.

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