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File 130639018239.jpg - (538.05KB , 1024x768 , BakerHotelTX.jpg )
9091 No. 9091
Alright, I just wanted to share an experience I had with a certain hotel in Mineral Wells, Texas.
>about a year ago, I was coming home from filming a show down in dallas with a fellow cameraman one night, and took a detour through the back roads.
I came across Mineral wells, texas, a tiny cow town in the middle of nowhere covered in trees and hills.
The one thing that loomed over the dark town was the Baker Hotel. This massive abandoned hotel that could be seen for miles..the minute I saw this building, chills over came me.
I had the impulse to stop, I wanted to go in, I usually nope at these sort of things...but not this time....I HAD to go in..

So I pulled around and got a closer look, some windows were open on the top floor and a few closer to the ground were shattered due to kids throwing rocks. It was overgrown all around the facility. I felt like it was inviting me in...so I stepped out of the car and immediately I felt cold. I couldn't take my eyes off of it....I was on the verge of climbing over the fence when something Grabbed me from behind.

The Cameraman that was riding with me pulled me off the fence, and this snapped me out of it. He told me he had been yelling at me to back in the car, but I don't remember any of that..I only remember the hotel.

We soon left and I couldn't get the baker hotel off my mind...I did so much research on it and looked back on the history. (just wiki baker hotel) I'm planning on going back soon, I have a team of friends going with me to explore.

I was curious if anyone has ever been to this location and received the same feelings. If not, anyone felt something similar to any eerie place?
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>> No. 9092
OP here, I forgot to mention, I didnt take this pic. When I was there, the grass was much taller and the entire building had an 8 foot fence surrounding it. plus it was too dark to get any pictures. so does anyone have anything to add/share?
>> No. 9096
This will not end well. This will end BAD.
>> No. 9097
Go inside and video it OP. You have the proper equipment.
>> No. 9102
File 130758352955.jpg - (222.80KB , 1280x950 , 3630508~1217803402838.jpg )
URBAN EXPLORATION!!! Get in, get some pics/vids & post them! Be part of the Movement!
>> No. 9121
post something your self.

Can we post our urban exploring youtube vids ???
If there good vids >???
>> No. 9192
Quite a few people have done this, you can find plenty of pictures on Google...

If you really want to do it, hurry up because:

"Plans were announced in August of 2010 for Domingo Lara to reopen the Baker from its current owner and fund $54 million for renovation. Domingo Lara the main players in the plans to bring the hotel back to life. Plans call to enlarge the current 400 plus rooms and bring the total number of rooms down to 155. The third floor would be converted to a mineral spa. The restoration will take two years. Austin film director Kevin Pruitt grew up in Mineral Wells and is working on a documentary on the hotel and town. The planned title is Ballad of the Baker.[2]"
>> No. 9208
OP, I live in north San Antonio and would have liked to go exploring with you. But I just googled Mineral Wells Texas, and it's all the way up by Dallas. ;~;

I've always wanted to do something like this.
>> No. 9209
Oh shit, nevermind. This thread was necro bumped from May.

Anyway OP, if you ever have plans to do some urban exploring in the future hit me up or make a thread here.
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