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File 129001112653.jpg - (11.76KB , 512x468 , wicca_sigil.jpg )
7832 No. 7832 hide expand quickreply [Reply]
Lastnight I did my first sigil.

I asked to find a friend who I could truly relate too.

Today I got a message from my ex girlfriend who hasn't spoken to me in 4 months and the last time we did speak she cursed me out and said every insult in the book. NOW! she wants to be my friend.
1 post omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 8888
I am looking to create some sigils/runes/symbols as visual aids to a mantra that will help me remember to defend myself when approached by potentially malevolent entities. Any advice?
>> No. 8889
>> No. 8966
well be careful the only warning i will give to you is when you make them you must have a clear mind or any thought that you have good or bad will effect it forever! meditate clear your mind and then do it.
>> No. 8984

that is totally indicative of a fluff bunny. op probably thinks that wicca is an ancient religion.
>> No. 9009
OP, is your sigil wicca? I ask because your picture title?

because I dealt with allot of sigils, but it was in Deamonology, specifically the Goetia - related to Luciferianism.

Be specific.

Satan-- satanism (worshiping a male figure that is the opposite of god), has nothing to do with the goetia, they are usually born to christian/religious parents and want to rebel because they were touched or something, maybe loved killing animals as a child idk to show they are satanists.

lucifer(latin 'luc' for light)-luciferianism (meditations on inner light, does not seek to worship any god) Satan is not lucifer, lucifer is not a man or woman or unic whatever. Christians mistake lucifer as satan, which means they haven't fully read their book that they rely on, deals with the the main 72 spirits of light, related to goetia

wicca--witchcraft, also related to the goetia, and many other things.

there are many others that deal with sigils, there was some church of IDK that was from the UK that had a way of creating their own sigils and anagrams,


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6643 No. 6643 hide expand quickreply [Reply]
I had something weird happen to me a while ago and I'm wondering if anyone else ever experienced anything like this.

I was reading up some of the scariest moments in horror movie history, and I stumbled upon the The Blair Witch Project and Jacob's Ladder. I watched what were supposed to be the scariest scenes from those movies. I looked up the ending to Blair Witch, the part where the girl with the camera just keeps screaming for some reason, and then she goes to the basement to find her friend standing in the corner. Then I watched the hospital scene in Jacob's Ladder, and I saw the part where the torso with a bag over its head was shaking its head back and forth at the speed of light while making this really weird sound like wind blowing.

After that, I sat in my room with my back against the corner, staring intently at my door even though my family was home. There was this feeling of foreboding looming over me, and I had never been so scared in my entire life. I tried to leave my room as little as possible the next few weeks, and the worst part of my day became coming back home from school. I would dread that moment from early morning all the way up until the end of the last class. I was always looking over my shoulder or listening for unusual noises. Sometimes when I went out to the garage, I would imagine that torso from Jacob's ladder sitting in the back seat of my car, twitching violently and watching me. It was the weirdest thing that ever happened; it was just absolute fear for no reason for like two or three weeks straight. Can anyone relate or explain?
17 posts omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 8962
Well I don't know if this has to be just some real stuff going on or just my mind playing tricks on me. I was asleep and Early in the morning I woke up but fell almost back asleep. my right eye was closed but my left eye was half open. While I was falling back asleep. out of no where I saw a girl with white ragged clothing and long black hair and could not see her face. I saw this with my left half opened eye. She grabbed my through and I felt it, Honest to god i felt her grabbing my through the split second she did i woke up screaming and punching at the air. Ever since then I have been wondering what that ment. Some one please explain this to me.
>> No. 8963
>> No. 8993
After playing through Amnesia: The Dark Descent through an entire night and into the wee hours of the morning, and then failing to sleep for a second night, I experienced some trippy shit similar to what OP got, but likely worse.
Extremely well made (and scary as shit) game + surround sound + lack of sleep = fuck.
>> No. 8994
It's almost as if you're feeding on the fear a little. Remember that we do nothing without a reward system and while you may feel afraid, I detect a touch of exhilaration...which is why you keep indulging it.

Dopamine, epinephrine, etc...you enjoy them like we all do. I ride rollercoasters, you scare the shit out of yourself off horror films.
>> No. 9007
I finally decided to watch Jacob's Ladder after much procrastination.
It wasn't that good. At all.

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8839 No. 8839 hide expand quickreply [Reply]
Do people really have OOBEs? Or do they just lie and say they do to impress me?
9 posts omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 8978
I've only had one out of body experience, but it wasn't very spiritual. I was playing paintball in the woods from my friends, and my team was annhilated so I was hauling ass across the woods, pretty much to the point of exhaustion. I guess I fainted while still running or something, because I could see myself running from a vantage point that I would estimate to be from the top of a tree. If I recall correctly it lasted about half a minute before I regained consciousness, feeling dazed and scared on the dirt.

So OP, just exert yourself until you pass out.
>> No. 8990
I had an out of body experience caused by the worst panic attack of my life. It started as anxiety, then a panic attack, then derealization, and lastly an out of body experience. I saw myself, from a third person down-view perspective, running in circles telling my roommate I was going to die. So it does exist, but for me it wasn't fun. The derealization involved with the out of body experience was the most scary because I really felt like the universe didn't exist or something like that.
>> No. 8991
I had an OOBE but only once. I was laying in bed and I was standing in the door way looking at my self laying in bed.
>> No. 9001
Obviously if they are having the experience of being out of their body, their full conciousness is participating.
>> No. 9006
ITT: People who don't know what sleep paralysis is.

I'm a chronic sufferer of sleep paralysis. The most commen effects while under this is anxiety, followed by a sense of panic normally associated with mortality, and, usually, hallucinations. I get this every other morning it seems, and there's nothing paranormal about them. It's just freaky as hell, I've never really gotten used to it.

But if it will make you fools feel better, then consider it an out of body experience. I get it frequently, so I must be some kind of powerful psychic.

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7415 No. 7415 hide expand quickreply [Reply]
Hello /x/. Recently, I've looked into some black magic, and I decided to use some of this as a last resort, because my life isn't exactly going very well, and I guess you could say I'm tired of it.

The specific demon I want to contact is Furcas, and, pic related, it's what I think is is Sigil. Of course, if I'm wrong, please correct me. Anyway, I have a pendulum that should be adequate, and on the chance that anyone here has contacted Furcas before, I would also like to know what he prefers to be offered, if anything.

Now, my real question is; what the fuck do I do once I have that stuff set up? After some intense Googling, I was told to enter a state of trance (no idea how to go about doing that), draw a summon circle (what runes do I use?) and dangle the pendulum inside a cup or jar above the Sigil. Was I misinformed? Am I missing anything at all? I would like to remind all of you that I have absolutely no experience with black magic, and I do intend all of this to be taken seriously. Please, if you don't believe me on any of this or just think I'm a deranged 13 year old looking for attention, just don't post in this thread.
34 posts and 5 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 8923
make sure that you and the demon aren't in the circle together.

Make sure you know your Latin pronunciation and everything.
>> No. 8925
make sure you bind the demon. he will use everything he can think of to escape. you must not let this happen. also, be careful of the wording of the deal you make with him. leave no loopholes. and remember, Never trust what he says.
>> No. 8945
man, i wouldnt be messing with goetia magik, demons are two faced.. theyll want something more then intented in return... and they dont go they stick around and mess with your mind, and life even more..
>> No. 8987
I agree with them. You have to have specific knowledge of what you're doing. It's even difficult for extremely experienced individuals in the black arts. Summoning circles are even more so. you can't leave until the ritual is finished and the circle safely released. If you or someone happen to enter or leave during a ritual or summoning, you can break the circle, the terms with which the circle was bound, and in short, you're fucked.
if I missed it, 7416 is really intelligent. follow this anons advice.
>> No. 9002
You are your own demon

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8967 No. 8967 hide quickreply [Reply]
Hey kinda random here but I was just thinking...?
Before technology, humans had a completely different perspective on life. I'm going back to
the Egyptians,Mayans, indigenous people of Peru (can’t think of their names), aborigines up to native Americans here...Some of the most intelligent civilizations of humans ever. There’s been speculation that they have discovered some type of secret to human life by studying the stars, and nature in general -without technology-. And with human evolution these civilizations have disappeared or come close to non-existent, because of war caused by religion, greed, government decisions or “Exploration.” As human evolution continued, we gained a higher quality of life with the questions like “Why are we here”, “What is out there (in the universe lol)” becoming less and less popular.
Now here is my idea/hypothesis; comes into play, is it possible that with the advancement of technology. -We now spend our time catching up on what is the latest electronic coming out, or keeping up with our favorite TV show or favorite sports team and trying to out do others and be better than other people.. Instead of dedicating our selves to advancing the human race as a whole; that there is the possibility that there are very important things with our brain, within our Earth and out in the universe that we have not discovered yet is very likely.- We have dramatically set back the advancement of the Human species.
And the question is begged to be asked, is the government of all countries hiding discoveries made in the past years..?
>> No. 8971
>indigenous people of Peru (can’t think of their names)

Also, technology counts as anything as advanced as a rock tied to a stick (tomahawk). There is no "before technology" for intelligent humans.

>is the government of all countries hiding discoveries made in the past years..?
THREE periods before the question mark, and yes, everyone knows that.
>> No. 8972
Before Science, humans would believe whatever retarded shit they could be convinced of.

So we got shit like little boys who suck dicks erryday until they've eaten enough semen to shoot some themselves. And female mutilation, justified by "in our countries' heat the women's clits would SWELL to bigger than muh dick"


So, now we have a tool, a little idea, that in FACT something is not true until it has been repeatably tested and double-blind cross-verified.

And this tool, this little idea, has transformed our lives as much as figuring out how to make fire, or inventing agriculture.

Before fire, humans were weak.
Before agriculture, humans were few.
Before science, humans were stupid.
>> No. 8973

>before science

Nope, still stupid.
>> No. 8992

people are still, and always will be stupid, predictable, gullible, and most very importantly, stupid.
>> No. 8995

Your ideas are ignorant, lame, and probably within the definition of racist.

Civilizations war. They just tend to. Individuals compete and fight for resources, and humans are just damned cunning. Our natural tendency to view ourselves as members of groups exposes us to becoming enmeshed in larger (perhaps ever larger) hostilities.

Please note, OP, I don't blame you. It's not like you knew, and decided to scandalize us all. You just didn't know.

Humans are terrible at being perfect, but we could probably pull off a little more vital creativity

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8974 No. 8974 hide quickreply [Reply]
Found something for you all,
Reminded me of Lovecraft's stories to some extent, enjoy.

Read this:

Then listen to this:
>> No. 8975
I like the stories from Bitey/spider, I wouldn't really call any of them Lovecraftian (though it's pretty obvious why someone would be reminded of them) but they are all in good spirit of the traditional "ghost story" or "campfire tale."

Also a minor nostalgia bomb for me.
>> No. 8976
I have to say I thoroughly enjoyed the clip and am surprised I never heard of it throughout all these years.

Any other stories or clips like this anyone can recommend?
>> No. 8977

It's not that uncommon of a campfire type story.





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