No. 9009
OP, is your sigil wicca? I ask because your picture title?
because I dealt with allot of sigils, but it was in Deamonology, specifically the Goetia - related to Luciferianism.
Be specific.
Satan-- satanism (worshiping a male figure that is the opposite of god), has nothing to do with the goetia, they are usually born to christian/religious parents and want to rebel because they were touched or something, maybe loved killing animals as a child idk to show they are satanists.
lucifer(latin 'luc' for light)-luciferianism (meditations on inner light, does not seek to worship any god) Satan is not lucifer, lucifer is not a man or woman or unic whatever. Christians mistake lucifer as satan, which means they haven't fully read their book that they rely on, deals with the the main 72 spirits of light, related to goetia
wicca--witchcraft, also related to the goetia, and many other things.
there are many others that deal with sigils, there was some church of IDK that was from the UK that had a way of creating their own sigils and anagrams,