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8839 No. 8839
Do people really have OOBEs? Or do they just lie and say they do to impress me?
>> No. 8851
Do they have the experience of being out of their bodies? Yeah, hence the claims.

Are their conscious minds actually outside of their bodies while this is occurring? Debatable.
>> No. 8854
Our states of consciousness change ever day.
Why wouldn't it be able to leave your body?
>> No. 8856
People don't really leave their bodies, they just have hallucinations that appear that way.
>> No. 8863
Obe's could be intense lucid dreams, psychotic episodes, coping mechanisms, or the result of oxygen deprivation in the brain. Or they could be your mind traveling around doing stuff. No one really knows, although the popular opinion amongst people who have experienced them is the mind thing. So yeah. People have them. People who aren't interested in paranormal stuff too. It's just a thing that happens, and some people like to induce them from a waking state. They aren't lying.
>> No. 8870
Why can't I have one, huh? I've been trying my whole life to have an OOBE. What makes them so special?
>> No. 8872
What different methods have you tried and how much time and effort have you given each method?
>> No. 8873
I did the rope trick.
>> No. 8876
Read >>8874 , I doubt this guy is just telling storys
>> No. 8969
you have to prepare adequately for the rope trick. in other words you have to already be on the verge; it just seals the deal.
read robert bruce's book astral dynamics, there's probably a pdf somewhere. Not the whole goddamn thing, that would take too long. just read the pertinent sections.
>> No. 8978
I've only had one out of body experience, but it wasn't very spiritual. I was playing paintball in the woods from my friends, and my team was annhilated so I was hauling ass across the woods, pretty much to the point of exhaustion. I guess I fainted while still running or something, because I could see myself running from a vantage point that I would estimate to be from the top of a tree. If I recall correctly it lasted about half a minute before I regained consciousness, feeling dazed and scared on the dirt.

So OP, just exert yourself until you pass out.
>> No. 8990
I had an out of body experience caused by the worst panic attack of my life. It started as anxiety, then a panic attack, then derealization, and lastly an out of body experience. I saw myself, from a third person down-view perspective, running in circles telling my roommate I was going to die. So it does exist, but for me it wasn't fun. The derealization involved with the out of body experience was the most scary because I really felt like the universe didn't exist or something like that.
>> No. 8991
I had an OOBE but only once. I was laying in bed and I was standing in the door way looking at my self laying in bed.
>> No. 9001
Obviously if they are having the experience of being out of their body, their full conciousness is participating.
>> No. 9006
ITT: People who don't know what sleep paralysis is.

I'm a chronic sufferer of sleep paralysis. The most commen effects while under this is anxiety, followed by a sense of panic normally associated with mortality, and, usually, hallucinations. I get this every other morning it seems, and there's nothing paranormal about them. It's just freaky as hell, I've never really gotten used to it.

But if it will make you fools feel better, then consider it an out of body experience. I get it frequently, so I must be some kind of powerful psychic.
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