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9609 No. 9609 hide quickreply [Reply]
Operation Northwoods:


'Accidentally' released during a FOIA request by an insider within the Security State just months prior to the propaganda spectacle of 9/11, Operation Northwoods details a 1962 plot that made it all the way through the Joint Chiefs of Staff, and was only held back by soon-to-be assassinated President Kennedy.

The plan detailed blowing up American commercial passenger airliner with college students or missionaries and US military boats, theater bombings, a real terror campaign in Washington DC and Florida, and other false-flag black ops. The original document can be viewed online at the National Archives.

Page 136 of file (page 5 of actual Joint Chiefs report):

"This plan ... would provide adequate justification for US military intervention. Such a plan would enable a logical build-up of incidents to be combined with other seemingly unrelated events to camouflage the ultimate objective."

Page 141 of file (page 10 of actual Joint Chiefs report):

"It is possible to create an incident which will demonstrate convincingly that a Cuban aircraft has attacked and shot down a chartered civil airliner enroute from the United States. The destination would be chosen only to cause the flight plan to cross Cuba. The passengers could be a group of college students off on a holiday.
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>> No. 9610

OK. Gulf of Tonken. What's new?
>> No. 9611
Alright well I already knew about this. Good post and all but where exactly are you going with this? The United States and other countries have clear histories of false flag operations, it's not exactly new.

I've brought up this Operation before to show the possibility that 9/11 was a false flag op. I'm far too lazy to go over the evidence for or against the claim that 9/11 was a false flag, and I feel it would be too convoluted anyway. I just think that America's precedent of false flag operations makes it certainly possible 9/11 was a false flag op, though I wouldn't dare hazard a guess at the likelihood of this. That would require going over the large confusing mounds of evidence around the incident.

General false flag thread I guess?

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9567 No. 9567 hide quickreply [Reply]
So I want to try ritual magic, where would I start looking if I wanted to find a book about it online? What books should I look for first?
>> No. 9569
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Pls rspond.
>> No. 9570
>> No. 9571
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Sweet Torrent! Thanks, Anon.
>> No. 9572
If you remake this thread in /mu/ I can give you some tribal/ritual music. Then again, be warned: I don't believe in any of this metaphysical/spiritual bullshit.

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9561 No. 9561 hide quickreply [Reply]
what does /x/ think the bloop is?

>> No. 9562
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>> No. 9563
I'd say more interesting than the bloop itself are those idle sounds.


Natural phenomenon can really create some amazingly distressing noises. Really gets the horror imagination juices flowing.

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7803 No. 7803 hide expand quickreply [Reply]
I've been thinking recently that 99ch*n's /x/ might be low in the overall quality of posts compared to other chan's - however, that's not my judgment call to make, so I'm putting it to you guys instead.

How do you feel about this /x/'s current level of quality, quantity and rate of posting? If you're unsatisfied with it, what in particular don't you like? If you're satisfied, for what reasons do you like this /x/?
30 posts and 5 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 9257
every /x/ is terrible in quality.
>> No. 9279
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I remember when /x/ was about scaring the shit out of yourself and others,now it's superfluous quackery.

Oh well
>> No. 9280
Excellent contribution to the cause, man.
>> No. 9541
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i just got here and the air is thick.
>> No. 9550
I have put /x/ in the spotlight in response to the demand for more quality posts so lets see how this goes! <3

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9536 No. 9536 hide expand quickreply [Reply]
I consider myself a very logical and rational person. I'm always the voice of reason around others. I'm quick to point out flaws in arguments.

Recently, I tried magic. I believe it works. The issue is that it is about belief manipulation. Now that I see this, I see it everywhere I go, in everything I do and read. All my memories make sense. I guess it's like an understanding of my own existence unlike any other.

Obviously I can't tell many people about this, or I look cuckoo.
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>> No. 9543
I think you need to legitimately worry that in adulthood, even if others materially unbound you altogether, they may well really only do so because they really could already be sure which things you would and would not do.

Also, if we apply Popperian falsification it is easy in this case. Simply provide one instance of a communicable or otherwise useable idea someone has had, and evidence that it can't be produced by any combination of their previous experience.

The result of academic attempts to do this for centuries has become the "cognitive science" of the current cutting-edge.

SAGE has been used.
>> No. 9545
materially unbound? I'm not sure I understand
>> No. 9546
materially unbound? I'm not sure I understand
>> No. 9547
materially unbound? I'm not sure I understand
>> No. 9548
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9540 here.
What I meant by "materially unbound" was that the given individual no longer has to get any lumps of stuff out of their way to do as they please to a large extent. Visualise a jail and a laboratory. A definition of laboratory is: a workshop that the worker is willing and able and free to re-design at short notice. A person who is allowed a laboratory and also allowed to put it somewhere else is less constrained by other's uses of inanimate/non-human matter than anyone else. Of course the world is actually made of weir shit like force-fields, but jails have still been pretty effective for millenia anyhow.

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9378 No. 9378 hide expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]
Our /x/ feels pretty dead, and not in the spooky ghost town sort of way. I'm going to dump my creepy folder, I encourage others to do the same.
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>> No. 9433
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Don't ask about the file name, I rarely rename any images I save.
>> No. 9434
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That's all for now.
>> No. 9444
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>> No. 9445
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>> No. 9527
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does this count? i want some activity around here.

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6463 No. 6463 hide expand quickreply [Reply]
I haven't posted about my paranormal experiences in quite some time; but have an urge to do so again in order to possibly get valuable insight/opinions from others. The only problem with this is that my previous posts have only scratched the surface of the complexity of what has gone on and in order to delve deeper I would have to get into subject matter that is very dark and often somewhat repulsive. I'm curious to know how interested other posters might be in reading more about this and if you will be willing to engage/discuss the information.
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>> No. 9020
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So is the league still going, then?

I was lurking when it was created, but I was too busy raeging at the Syazel thread to book my place...

Also, more on-topic, I must admit I am intrigued as to Saucerian's view of things. Having read into the vril society and the branchings that lead off it, as well as owning a nigh-on first-pressing of The Coming Race, along with my own primarily shamanic/necromantic practices, I feel there may be much here that is relevant to my interests, and I am annoyed at myself for having missed this thread when it first came around...
>> No. 9045
Saucerianonymous, I hope the server move or the complicated subject matter (death, necroplasms, etc.) hasn't deterred you from coming back here. I have other lighter questions I can ask as well.
>> No. 9501
Just came back to let everyone (who actually sees this, which is maybe 3 people) that I'm currently making a surrealist film that will contain much of the same subject matter/images I've talked about here. So look out for a (mostly black and white) film (not digital); independent- sometime in the next year and a half or so.
>> No. 9506
I'm super excited for this, keep us informed please.
>> No. 9512
Can we find you anywhere else? I'm just now reading all of this :/

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9448 No. 9448 hide quickreply [Reply]

I started out putting myself out of my comfort zones to finally face and defeat my fears like a man, rather than forever be known as the one that ran.

But the demon it looked exactly like me, the sad thing was, he could not see. I was not repulsed, nor did i flee. Fears placed aside i saw he WAS me. Beneath the anger, he had the key. We only wanted to somehow be free.

So with open arms i took my brother to my heart. We were hurting ourselves, right from the start.

And together we rose, united as one, and walked with full hearts into the sun. A child was then born, quite a surprise! She's brighter than us both, and she has the sun's eyes.

Concretions are a natural process of forming living philosophers stones. They are combined in natural laboratories by mother earth and father sun themselves out of purified elements that are perfectly balanced on many levels to bless us now, in our time of need, with amazing healing stones that if used in the very near future will allow people to once again use transmutation, ushering in the golden age. This will all come to be. I have seen it.

These stones will be used to heal and ease the transition through fourth and into fifth density. The golden age dawns. Prosperity will return to the earth.

As these stones undergo a process of transmutation and purification so do you, and like them you will come together, twin flames, and like two balanced stones that express each other uniquely while being connected deeply you will be the first to bring the gift of love and prosperity in times of hardship and tribulations.
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>> No. 9449
Poetic! I like!
>> No. 9505
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I had that experience once. During the meditation (beside what you saw which I did too) I saw these two red snakes climbing my body from the end of the spine and then through legs and arms.
Found out it was the awakening of the 1st Chakra. Before I had some experience like this but with the Hearth Chakra. Saw someone in this bright forest and he was seated on a swing attached to a tree. The sun was so strong it could make someone blind. He was not human, but just etheric energy, green. I noticed it was me, hugged him and cried. Simply amazing. He was all the support I never had in life and all the love that could ever exist in the entire Universe.
I managed to awaken other Chakras. Now I have a Bright White Aura. Yes I can see Auras.
It's really nice to hear someone who has awakened.
Your pic reminds one of my dreams were I met these entitie who claimed to be "one of the three godnesses" and teached me how to use my 4 arms to protect from darkness. Yes, everyday I see shadows and dream with something evil and after I deal with it comes a new one eventually. And now they are coming in groups. Nevermind, back to the entitie after some research I found out that she just looked like the 4 arm hindu god. Quite interesting.
Pic related I am willing to die to change this world somehow.
>> No. 9511
Guess retirement is out of the question then.

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9437 No. 9437 hide quickreply [Reply]
Hey have you folks heard much about that sea dwelling cryptid called Trunko?
>> No. 9438
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Never heard of it until just now. Interesting.

Probably just a globster, but it seems strange to me that the witnesses at the beach thought it exhausted rather than dead, though remaining on the beach for 10 days sounds pretty dead to me. Perhaps the beach goers questioned were just a little thick, and the paper wanted to make a big story out of it.

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9241 No. 9241 hide expand quickreply [Reply]
My hispanic friend has just described a treatment performed on her brother by her grandmother that involved a lot of candles, an egg was broken (maybe over him) and the inside of the egg was revealed to have turned black after being prayed on. This treatment was performed on her brother in an attempt to cure night terrors in some way. She describes her grandma as being of hispanic/spaniard decendency.

Unfortunately my friend can't describe the treatment in too much detail because her brother was about 10 years old when this happened (and she was even younger/may not have even been there when it happened).

Unfortunately, her grandmother will no longer discuss the procedure or any supernatural/practices because she has become a devout christian and renounced that part of her life.

Has anybody here ever heard of such a procedure or is anybody able to help direct me in my research of this or other hispanic magick/medicine?

Any help is much appreciated.
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>> No. 9285
Can you describe anything from your experience to us?
>> No. 9303
Getting an accent trough an accident I could see happening, though it wouldn't really be an accent. But all of a sudden learning words you've never heard? No, you have to at least know the language for that to happen. You have to understand a wide variety of words and know how to pronounce them, you can't learn that trough being bonked in the head. You cannot learn things trough brain injuries, especially not something complicated like a language . That croatian kid learned german somewhere before going in a coma.
>> No. 9360
>Im mexican, this procedure is "una cura" which translates to "a healing", but is the name of this kind of "ritual"

AKA Una limpia (a cleansing).
>> No. 9363
Get an egg put the egg over every single part of your body while doing so say the rosary and pray for positive things in your life along with the world. It is preferred that the egg is a fresh out of the farm egg. once this step is done break the egg in a crystal cup full of pure water. Check the color of the egg yolk. If the yolk is white that means you were clean, black means negativity. once you have checked it put the water and yolk either in a river or a four way road cross thingy make sure u do not touch the yolk at all after this is done throw away the crystal cup and your cleansing is done. This is the true steps my mother is from Mexico she would occasionally preform it for people when they were unpure so I guess you could say she was a witch sorta
>> No. 9364
I hope those steps helped oh yeah I forgot it's also preferred to do the ritual on Tuesday and Friday before noon

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9327 No. 9327 hide quickreply [Reply]
Let's get a sigil thread going! I have a few books on how to make them, but here's my best book:


Let's make sigils for different things and post them here and profit. Perhaps even get a mega sigil going.
>> No. 9335
Why can't I, hold all these sigils?
>> No. 9336
You're putting yourself in danger by mucking about with fourth and fifth hand interpretations of things. Just because something is on an infographic doesn't mean it's true.
>> No. 9338

what do you mean?
>> No. 9339
Sigil making doesn't seem so bad
>> No. 9350
There are even now places on the net where normal people will give false info to the ignorant and laugh at their resulting pain or misfortune (hai guize put bleach and ammonia 2gethr u'll git soooo high). This is basically the same thing, pretty much paranormal trolling.

That which you are hoping to contact is real, but it's obscured. If your desires are evil, selfish or in any way negative then you might see small results, but it will be from demons and wicked spirits who cannot regain what they once had. Any positives you would experience will be from negative forces, and quite possibly they'll just ruin your life for fun, or force you into making a fiendish pact in a moment of weakness. If your motives are selfish, don't do it.

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9331 No. 9331 hide quickreply [Reply]
Hey all, I just read Melchizidek and the Mystery of Fire and I have to say it's one of the best short reads I've looked at.

It describes the various religions and their backgrounds in sun-worship and such.

Some excerpts would include how initiations went down in certain secret schools and how the Bible was mistranslated in certain areas, and as well as the Apocrypha being removed, people would understand that Adam was a representation of the human race and the garden was Earth, it then goes on to providing information on the spinal cord and brain + pineal gland and describes the process of spiritual and emotional states.

It's really interesting. I'd like to discuss it!
>> No. 9332

Here's the book:

>> No. 9334
Interesting read

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9330 No. 9330 hide quickreply [Reply]
Let's discuss Astronomy and Astro-Theology and how the stars affect both the planet and ourselves. I'll provide a book for reference for you all. :)


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9329 No. 9329 hide quickreply [Reply]
Hey all, I got a torrent for you guys filled with audio books and some regular pdfs. They're all of Manly P. Hall's lectures and some of his books that I've collected. The torrent should be still up with lots of seeds, but let me know if it isn't.


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9297 No. 9297 hide quickreply [Reply]
I'm kinda new to these things, but I think I've made contact with a spirit.
There's a girl I've seen in my mind for years, but i haven't seen her lately. I thought I could talk to her through tarot cards, and so I tried.
I've made lots of little squares of paper with letters in them, so I could ask her name.
I kept shuffling the cards with my eyes shut until I saw her saying "Stop.", then I took the first card on the deck. I did this three times, because I asked her three questions:
1-What is your nature?
2-For you, what is my nature?
3-Together, what is our nature?
The answer cards were:
1-The Hierophant
2-The Devil
3-The Strenght.
Basically, she saw illness and vice in me, and she thought she could help me and guide me. Together, we have confidence, control and strenght.
I shuffled all the letters and I took three consonants and three vowels. The letters spelled JASUHE, which is an anagram to Jeshua, the aramaic name of Jesus.

What do you think of these happening?
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>> No. 9299
I think you should repeat these steps again to see if you receive the same response.
>> No. 9302
Jasuhe is a real name, you know.


Maybe your spirit's name is Jasuhe.
>> No. 9316
I think you are lonely, hallucinating a girl and now falling prey to the vices of middle age women and 14 year old angsty wiccas.


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8778 No. 8778 hide expand quickreply [Reply]
Anyone has information concerning Ophiuchus, the new zodiac sign ??
Here's the article: http://blog.seattlepi.com/thebigblog/archives/235639.asp
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>> No. 8833
Still a cancer!
>> No. 8859
Oh look, your entire merry mystic circlejerk has been debunked. Again.
>> No. 8860
Except not. The only thing more ridiculous than the amount of people claiming that astrology had been completely changed by this "news" was the amount of people claiming that astrology had been completely debunked by it. If you demonstrate that you misunderstand a particular system while at the same time trying to claim that it's been debunked, it makes you look more like a dogmatic asshole who's more keen on "taking people down" rather than ever employing the scientific method. You're giving actual rationalists a bad name.
>> No. 8875

Even if this doesn't debunk astrology, it has been debunked to death in the past. Here's an article I found by astronomer Phil Plait:


If you don't feel like reading the whole thing, here is the summary, taken from the article itself (although this is a little bit vague, so you should probably just read the article itself):

-There is no force, known or unknown, that could possibly affect us here on Earth the way astrologers claim. Known forces weaken too fast, letting one source utterly dominate (the Moon for gravity, the Sun for electromagnetism). An unknown force would allow asteroids and extrasolar planets to totally overwhelm the nearby planets.

-Astrologers tend to rely on our ability to remember hits and forget misses. Even an accurate prediction may be simple chance.

-Study after study has shown that claims and predictions made by astrologers have no merit. They are indistinguishable from chance, which means astrologers cannot claim to have some ability to predict your life's path.

-There is harm, real harm, in astrology. It weakens further people's ability to rationally look at the world, an ability we need now more than ever.
>> No. 9298

You're not wrong, you just missed the point completely.

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9183 No. 9183 hide expand quickreply [Reply]
(from: http://glasganon.wordpress.com/)

102: The Borstal
When people witness or undergo traumatic events, it can damage a person's psyche to such an extent that the wound never quite goes away, cracking and bursting open afresh if it is probed and broken by a triggering incident. It has long been suggested that places, too, can develop scars from disturbing ordeals that may be torn and bleed freely once again with particular triggers - in other words, haunted.

The alleged crimes undertaken at the Larchgrove borstal are severe: from the 1950s onwards, boys who had committed criminal acts - and even some who had only been implicated in such - were sent to "remand homes" like that at Larchgrove. From the testimony of those staying at the borstal, the conditions were apparently nightmarish, and routine physical and sexual abuse were inflicted on the boys by staff members and by other inmates. Many purportedly committed more serious crimes inside the borstal's walls in the hope of being transferred to an adult prison purely to escape the constant threat of violence and violation inside the borstal.

The sheer volume of psychological and emotional trauma delivered at Larchgrove has resulted in a "splinter" of the area's psychogeography, a kind of recurring insanity that only requires certain triggers to cause unnatural phenomena such as what people think of as "ghosts" to appear, much as a person who had suffered some heinous event such as rape or torture may be shocked into emotional breakdown by a trigger such as certain words, descriptions, people, or similar. Whenever blood is shed at Larchgrove, the building may go mad. Ghosts of past events, skewed and exagerrated by the emotional turmoil of scores of hormonal, adolescent young men, become distorted, degenerated, and warped into horrific monsters of brutality and torture glimpsed in the mirrors, windows and flickering lights of the borstal. Old hallways suffer schizoid breaks and splinter off into new, hellish spatial dimensions occupied by entities measured in pain ladders. New gods of primal fear, fed by the inverted faith of the suffering along the umbilical tension in the air, gestate behind the walls, thrashing in their sleep before birth. Many acolytes of darker purpose supposedly used the borstal as a torture chamber for their enemies after it was closed down, their only tool being the raw, weeping psychosis that the building even now suffers from. With its reopening and repurposing, it has been made more difficult for anyone to use the former borstal in such a way.

Positive gains can be made from even this profoundly negative phenomenon. Much as psychologists use the abnormal psychology of particular people in case studies to illuminate the inner workings of the human mind, so to can the savvy acolyte use the incidents at the former borstal to gain insight into how physical locations "think", or "live". Much experimental work has already gone underway in the borstal already: nowadays, the building is used as an employability center with an adjoining nursery, but there's said to be a certain room, kept locked to all but a core group of acolytes, wherein experiments are performed with a black-handled knife to plumb the building's deep mind and detail its darkest corners.
5 posts omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 9275
I didn’t even realise it was so widespread in Glasgow. I thought I was the only one it had happened to. But if, like you say, other people have seen the same thing, I want them to know that they’re not the only ones.

I was sitting in my living room at about four or five in the afternoon. It wasn’t dark, but there was something in the air… I kept getting that shiver you get all over your arms and back when there’s something weird on your mind, you know? Like when you’ve started to scare yourself into thinking that a stranger’s in your house, or that you’re being watched. I thought it was just cabin fever from being in the house all day. I got up from the couch, turned towards the kitchen, and caught sight of something at the window.

Eyes looking in. That’s what I remember. A face up looking at me through my window. It looked like it was screaming, but there was no sound. I could actually feel my heartbeat all over me like I was hearing it. I felt my blood in every part of my body, and it hurt. It throbbed. A screaming face at the window, dead, white eyes focused on mine. Its mouth agape, as though seeing something awful in my eyes. I feel it screaming through my blood, burning up in my eyes and face.

Then it was gone. I don’t know how. I didn’t see it move. I started to have a panic attack, I wondered if I’d blacked out and it got inside my house. In a way it was – I couldn’t move about the house without thinking about it appearing somewhere else. My bedroom window at night, just as I go to close the curtains. In the shadows of the cupboard. Staring through the hinge of the kitchen door. Through the peephole of my front door. I freaked out, searched every bit of the house, but I never found it.

It doesn’t matter though – you only need to see it once, and it stays with you. I think I’ve seen it since. I can’t tell anymore. As soon as I start to see something at the window, I see the white of the eyes, the dark hole of the screaming mouth. I can’t stop seeing it, even when I close my eyes. It’s everywhere without being anywhere.

I keep thinking about the face. I don’t even remember a body. I don’t remember what it looks like. I keep thinking that I might see the face again in the street, the face of a passerby locking eyes with me and starting that silent scream. Sometimes when I dream, I dream about waking up and seeing it in my room. In the worst nightmares, it talks to me. It tells me it lives in my neighbour’s houses, it watches me from their windows, and it starts to tell me things about them. It tells me things I couldn’t ever know. Little secrets, little stories, little facts they wouldn’t tell anyone. And then they always turn out to be right. What is that? What does that even mean?

What if there are more, and all my neighbours have seen it? What if we all know each other’s secrets, but we’re too scared to say anything?

Tell everyone who’s seen it that I know what they’re going through. I can’t help. I can’t even help myself. But I know.
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>> No. 9289
197: The Silent Man
An entity has entered the annals of urban myth under a number of names and guises; in Glasgow, it is given the name “Sandshoe Sammy”, a mocking title intended to discourage fear by laughing in the face of it – the name comes from the fact that it can move without making a sound, as though its shoes dampened the noise of its footsteps.

This entity is given other names. Another common appelation is “The Still Man”, in the sense that the entity often brings with it a sense of foreboding stillness before it strikes, or that it makes very little movement in those rare moments where it is seen by an eyewitness. Irrespective of how appropriate this title is, it may be misapplied – German folklore refers to it as “Der Stillmann”, which can be translated to “The Silent Man”, referring back to its method of remaining completely quiet when stalking its victim.

The Silent Man usually appears as a man dressed in dark-coloured clothing, but for whatever reason, appears hazy and indistinct when viewed with the naked eye; its facial features seem to blur into one another when viewed closely. According to most eyewitnesses, the Silent Man simply stands and stares – if it can be said to have eyes. The Silent Man will stalk its victims for any length of time before ultimately disposing of them.

In areas where the Silent Man is seen, atrocities are inevitable; it is an omen of disaster. While eyewitness accounts of its actual behaviour are lacking, it is obvious from the aftermath of its appearances that it is capable of severely mutilating its victims. The most common artifact discovered after an encounter with him are a number of “canopic bags” – fleshy containers that hold each of the victim’s individual organs and body parts – the face bag tends to be left behind most often.
>> No. 9291
As most of you know, there usually is tangible evidence that a spirit/entity is present, which I consider as evocation; outside of your body. But I had an experience with workings of death spells and invoking demons at a very young age. At 14 I despised god and sat in church meditating and bringing forth (grey) death enegy within the body of the church. After several weekly attempts, and daily rituals and practices I arrived the forth time standing in a thick crowd. My head started feeling compressed hard,
>> No. 9292
My vision distorted, everything in the dark room became deep blue, sound blocked out... I felt my heart race painfully and had an awful cold soreness around my neck, like the blood was seized. I felt sick and stumbled to the washroom, my head spinning. I sat on the toilet and it faded away, as I shook with fear. I quit persuing that act of violence soon after, and always wondered what it was. I always (from that age to present) believed that angels are evil and decieve the world...
>> No. 9295
137: The Riddle Querent
There is a former swimming pool in the south of Glasgow, which, due to the general disrepair of the building it is housed in, is open to the skies. The pool lies empty and unused during dry weather, but on those nights where the rain seems to fall heavier than usual, the pool quickly fills up as rainfall trickles in through the dilapidated roof.

It is during these nights that something takes up residence in the depths of the pool.

The only way to gain access to pool is through the roof. You must throw yourself into the black water below you, allow yourself to fall with the rain. As the water rises up around you, you will quickly realise that the water goes far, far deeper than you realise – and far further than is actually possible, judging from the depth of the darkened pool during dry weather. To meet the querent of the pool, you must swim down as far as you physically can. If you are confident in the answer you intend to give the querent, then you should consider weighing yourself down with concrete.

When you swim down far enough that your breath begins to burn in your chest, when your lungs feel as though they’re about to burst, you will hear a voice, quivering and vibrating out through the pool – this is the unseen querent, who poses you a riddle.

“Within the hole you saw your whole environment contained,
Though nothing solid from within could ever be obtained.
This mirror manifested -
Appearing as a guest did -
Once the downpour started, and after it had rained.

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9262 No. 9262 hide quickreply [Reply]
Ever deal with someone who thinks every time they move thier new house is haunted? Yeah I know, supposedly ghosts can follow you or be attracted to negative people/energy or whatever but Im kinda a skeptic and my sister's family is a bunch of morons.
I will say one thing though, thier current house, whenever Im over there at night I swear I barely hear people having sex. It's probley not my bro-in-law & sister, thier 7yr old always sleeps with them, but there's no one else it could be either.
Speaking of the 7yr old, she won't go upstairs alone.
They also have crucifixes in every room I think, for what its worth to mention.
>> No. 9267
The sex sounds like a woman moaning in ecstacy and possibly whimpering that shes cumming.
>> No. 9274
In my experiance there's much more crying. Sometimes I have to hit her to get her to shut up.


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9185 No. 9185 hide expand quickreply [Reply]
I hope this isn't frowned upon much here, although I doubt it will be since any activity on this board should be a good thing considering how little traffic it gets.

So anyway, if you know of any particularly good creepypasta (or if you've written some yourself) then please post it here. Likewise if you know of any good sites which have an archive of creepypasta (or just any good creepy sites in general), feel free to post those here too.

I personally don't know of any mindblowingly-great creepypasta but I do know of quite a few sites (some are definitely better than others) so I'll list them below:
http://www.creepypasta.com/ (duh)
http://sayainunderworld.blogspot.com/ (probably my favourite, although updates are few and far between these days sadly)
6 posts omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 9199
That reminds me of this particularly bad creepypasta (though it's probably a parody).
>> No. 9200

Yeah that one is a dramatic reading of a troll pasta same as the John Freeman ones. Still funny though
>> No. 9210
4chan's /x/ is nothing but 15 year olds with tripcodes attention whoring and spam links to streams of video games/movies now. It's kind of sad, I miss the days when there was an active /x/ board that had real content.

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>> No. 9221
A while ago (2 years+), a version of the "Lavender Town" story was posted here, presented in the manner of a scientific study. I wrote a second part to it, describing "visual phenomena" related to the game. You guys bagged on it a bit (all deserved, it wasn't too good), but apparently someone picked it up and reposted it.
Even if i wasn't tangentially related to it, it would still be one of my favorite video game creepypastas.
>> No. 9239
I wrote the first part (by which I mean the first part of the essay-like thing, not the original creepypasta). In truth, I purposely left out explaining a lot of the bizarre phenomena (white hand sprite, etc), because the things that readers would imagine they might be would be vastly more interesting and potentially creepy than any one thing I'd put there). Plus, you run into problems if you try to make something seem more real by describing it more fully and adding more facts about it- and then lose that verisimilitude when someone points out that those "facts" are wrong (the gameboy didn't use .gifs or .swfs, for example). I can appreciate what you tried to do though, so much kudos, chief.

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9211 No. 9211 hide quickreply [Reply]
Well, /x/, today I come to you with a bit of a problem. If you think this belongs in /mind/, I'll take it there; I was really hoping to get your opinions first, though.

So here's the deal: eight times now, seven whilst trying to sleep, I've heard - no, felt a... well for lack of a better term, a voice. It's distinctly female, and yelling/crying out in what appears to be a mix of terror and pain. It's loud, /x/. It only happens for a scant second or two, but it's so loud, so powerful that I can't react or even think while it's happening. It's as if it just overpowers everything else in the ol' noodle. And I feel pretty terrified and hurt myself after, it's by no means a pleasant experience. So, first few times this happened, I wrote it off as bad dreams or night terrors or something, but it started to happen more frequently - and now, while I was goddamn awake. Just going about my business, /x/. It's like somebody making an agonized shout in your ear with a bullhorn while simultaneously being tasered, man. That's the only way I can describe it aptly.
So, I turn to you e/x/perts, for answers. Is somebody telepathically crying to me for help? Somebody trapped, or - or maybe being tortured or something? Am I experiencing some kind of haunting? A curse? Minor possession, even? Or am I developing dementia?

Help me out here, /x/. Lend me your thoughts.
I'm not normally a guy who's prone to panic, but this is really starting to push it.

Pic related, sort of.
>> No. 9212
Auditory hallucination during hypnagogia or less likely, exploding head syndrome.

You should get this confirmed by an actual doctor of course, especially if it's causing you lack of sleep and distress.
>> No. 9213
Lookin' this up. Anybody else have thoughts?
>> No. 9214
>>9212 Ha, I was somewhat concerned at the term "exploding head syndrome" but upon checking it out, it seems to coincide pretty well with what I've been experiencing - at least regarding the loudness and potency of it, anyway.

I'm beginning to think it might indeed be something this wonderfully mundane (if uncommon). Relief washes over me in an awesome wave.

I am, of course, open to any alternate e/x/planations somebody may have.

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>> No. 9216
Could... could you elaborate on that?
>> No. 9217
maybe is a banchee

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