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File 136799436475.gif - (1.99MB , 372x323 , 1367862741652.gif )
9536 No. 9536
I consider myself a very logical and rational person. I'm always the voice of reason around others. I'm quick to point out flaws in arguments.

Recently, I tried magic. I believe it works. The issue is that it is about belief manipulation. Now that I see this, I see it everywhere I go, in everything I do and read. All my memories make sense. I guess it's like an understanding of my own existence unlike any other.

Obviously I can't tell many people about this, or I look cuckoo.
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>> No. 9537
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You don't look crazy to me. I believe that:
1) the mind can only combine ideas
2) this can only happen if it often happens spontaneously
2) the ways in which it may do so can be discovered and listed, and are the same from person to person except that some can't do the full set
3) the ideas it combines ultimately come from the senses, which mostly operate through visible, specific features of the surface of the body, and only from roughly or shortly after birth

So there is obviously scope for the development of a universal civilisation that works on complete mind-control if the physical force necessary to:
1) The completion of the psychological research required to list those methods-of-combination
2) The complete rebuilding of all physical environments (e.g. building & infrastructures) in which people will live from birth

You may wish to check this out (I can't remember whether I found it on 99chan):

>> No. 9540
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Pretty cool stuff. I might contest that the mind can only combine ideas, I think thoughts might be something stranger than that. I do see how it might seem that way. I often have thoughts that I know are only due to having spent time lately studying or doing a few things.

I think it's inherently rooted in randomness. Randomness is the dominant quality of these things. While reality seems concrete, it is actually built out of random interactions.

How do you feel about that?
So, are you saying I need to legitimately worry about mind control? I mean...I've had some nasty thoughts and nothing has happened so far.

I just see too many coincidences.
>> No. 9543
I think you need to legitimately worry that in adulthood, even if others materially unbound you altogether, they may well really only do so because they really could already be sure which things you would and would not do.

Also, if we apply Popperian falsification it is easy in this case. Simply provide one instance of a communicable or otherwise useable idea someone has had, and evidence that it can't be produced by any combination of their previous experience.

The result of academic attempts to do this for centuries has become the "cognitive science" of the current cutting-edge.

SAGE has been used.
>> No. 9545
materially unbound? I'm not sure I understand
>> No. 9546
materially unbound? I'm not sure I understand
>> No. 9547
materially unbound? I'm not sure I understand
>> No. 9548
File 136991342821.gif - (85.56KB , 720x278 , 2012-10-02-876lie.gif )
9540 here.
What I meant by "materially unbound" was that the given individual no longer has to get any lumps of stuff out of their way to do as they please to a large extent. Visualise a jail and a laboratory. A definition of laboratory is: a workshop that the worker is willing and able and free to re-design at short notice. A person who is allowed a laboratory and also allowed to put it somewhere else is less constrained by other's uses of inanimate/non-human matter than anyone else. Of course the world is actually made of weir shit like force-fields, but jails have still been pretty effective for millenia anyhow.

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