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File 130509108770.jpg - (34.00KB , 216x270 , soops.jpg )
9078 No. 9078
Okay, here's the deal: The original owner of the house I live in committed suicide-in my current bedroom no less. Anyway, we've lived her for five years now, with nothing out of the ordinary happening. That is, until the past two weeks. I keep my laptop upstairs in my bedroom, so I'm up here a lot. Two weeks ago, I was up here, had been online for awhile, when i got the feeling somebody was watching me. I quickly turned to look over my left shoulder, and caught a glimpse of , for lack of a better term, a "shadow" ziiping into the closet. I chalked it up to nerves.
The thing is, this has happened three more times, and the past two nights I have been awakened by something. I would swear someone is shaking my foot until I awaken. Am I experiencing something paranormal, or am I, for some reason I yet don't understand, experiencing some sort of psychological reaction to the the fact that I sleep in the same room that a man killed himself? It would seem odd if that is the case, as I've lived here for five years, with nothing like this occurring, and not really even thinking about it.
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>> No. 9079
File 130513172079.jpg - (354.85KB , 640x850 , 1248799887673.jpg )
There's a possibility is that your head is just fucking with you. What I mean is that since you know someone died in your room, your mind is imagining this man's spirit manifesting itself. Maybe it's because you subconsciously want to see a spirit, or maybe it's because you really believe there is one, and because of that desire or belief you're tricking yourself into seeing and feeling things that aren't there.

It basically comes down to the question of would you still be sensing these things if you never knew a man died in your room?

I'm just throwing that out there, it's a possibility. Stress, fatigue and/or emotional issues could also factor into it... or maybe your house is just haunted, who knows?

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