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File 132994839655.jpg - (38.67KB , 500x355 , amphetamines_because_blinking_is_overrated_trollca.jpg )
206 No. 206 hide expand quickreply [Reply]
Amphetamines are my favorite drug. I've heard some bad things about them, though. How often would one have to partake of them to receive things like holes in the brain or changes in thought processes? Basically, long term effects.

I use recreational doses about once a week currently, for homework mostly.
1 post omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 209
You're fine in the toxicity department.
However, that beautiful euphoria that makes you enjoy the amphetamine high so much may dissipate. I was using about once a week/once every two weeks, and after about two months I stopped feeling almost all euphoria, and was just super focused when I sniffed my usual (high) dose.
>> No. 389
You'll only get an actual hole if you experience severe amphetamine psychosis.
>> No. 409
the dopamanergic action of amphetamines over time downregulates the D1 receptors in the substantia nigra, this new ratio of D! receptors to Ach receptors can give you fancy parkinsosn like symptoms.

>> No. 414
OP they're among the top 3 drugs I actually wish didn't exist.

Enjoy one of the worst things ever/becoming a cocksucking zombie.
>> No. 418
Amphetamines nearly ruined my life. Stay away, dude.

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386 No. 386 hide quickreply [Reply]
Can you get a buzz from Clonazepam?
>> No. 391
indeedio, enjoy your pleasant sleepyness
>> No. 392
Your muscles will relax within an hour of taking it and the pleasant sensation will last a few hours, but will take half a day to completely fade away.

If you're already tired, you might get sleepy, but I have to advise against sleeping right after taking it, because Clon. fucks up with your natural sleeping cycles (mainly the R.E.M. phase).

Also, don't take one every day and don't take them for longer than a month or a month and a half. Benzodiazepines generate dependency very quickly and benzodiazepine withdrawal syndrome is A FUCKING NIGHTMATE.


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1 No. 1 hide expand quickreply [Reply]
Hello this is my favorite drug.
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>> No. 21
I think it would be cool to live in India in an opium den, having your inheritance money directly sent to the owner of the place, like that guy in the Kipling story.
>> No. 25
I love opium, but can hardly ever seem to find it. I suppose it's for the better though.
>> No. 37
I've never had opium. Only synthetic opiates, which I love and am actually high on right now. I would like to try opium one day, but I have never even heard of it existing around my parts.
>> No. 59
Opium: The synthetics are better but the addiction is the same.

Opium high isn't worth the cravings, stick to pharmaceuticals so you don't have your heart broken.
>> No. 390
Or do that and be economical and just go for heroin

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385 No. 385 hide quickreply [Reply]
I'm new here, was wondering what the rules on sourcing are? Can I post sources?

Thank u :]
>> No. 415
what the fuck is sourcing wait i dont care

SAGE has been used.
>> No. 416
SAGE has been used.

SAGE has been used.
>> No. 420

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355 No. 355 hide quickreply [Reply]
Good evening /regs/,

My roommate handed me a growkit for shrooms the other day, on account of me being the only person in this house to actually have done shrooms. However, I don't know shit about growing them, and have told him so. I'm still stuck with it, as he's off to live in someone else's house with his girlfriend for the next two months.

The kit came with instructions that didn't match the package (something about a jar, while I got a little plastic bin and a bag), but I figure it's as easy as opening the pack, adding some water and letting it sit inside it's plastic bag at constant temperature and away from light/direct heat until harvesting time. So, please tell me it really is that simple.

And if it's not, then do feel free to tell me what the hell I'm supposed to do with it.

Many thanks in advance.
>> No. 358
dont just start opening packages and four stuff in. you need to do lots of sterilizing. if you get other fungus growing in there with your shrooms you'll die.

while i cant really answer how your particular kit is intended to be used heres a really good generic "how to shrooms" series of videos http://www.tagtele.com/videos/voir/72720/1/

if you watch them you'll have a good idea of how this is supposed to work and should then be able to figure out the kit you have.
>> No. 363

Thing is, I already have a cultivated bin with substrate. There's no dicking around with spores, making and decontaminating a substrate. It's just a plastic bin with everything required already in it, and a bag to grow it in. I just don't have any clear instructions so I don't know what to do with it.

Thanks for the feedback though, I'll watch the videos anyway as it's good knowledge.


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326 No. 326 hide quickreply [Reply]
ok so we made the idea of making macaroni and cheese brownies and we would like to see how you guys would do it and fucking everything
>> No. 330

Figure it out.
>> No. 334
when i'm stoned i like to go to my cousin's spice rack and throw something or other into whatever i eat
i've had a lot of luck going by smell
>> No. 357
I take back what I said about my brownies not being very brownie-like. They weren't very brownie-like, because they were hot as fuck and brownies need to cool.
>> No. 361
what makes these things brownie like and not just baked mac & cheese? The egg? Baking powder?

Just ways of thickening your cheese sauce.

Toast the flour up in a pan or something then whisk the butter in to make a roux. Pour the butter or whatever at a moderate pace.

I like a mixture of cheddar, jack, and American. But whatever cheeses you have work. All Alfredo is, is Parmesan mac & cheese.
>> No. 362
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I'm not sure how to respond to this, because I might have misrepresented the end result of my recipe. The picture I posted earlier was the center brownie after about 5 minutes out of the oven. It was slightly undercooked, piping hot, and generally not a good example.

Here's a picture of a fully cooked and cooled piece. It's bready and completely portable. Forgot to post this with >>357 :3

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339 No. 339 hide quickreply [Reply]
How much does a finger of horse usually go for? Just wondering. I have an insane amount of money coming my way. Just wanna know.
>> No. 350
Five dollars.
>> No. 372
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What in the fuck are you talking about?

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No. 340 hide quickreply [Reply]
so has anyone else ever thought to chase absinthe with energy drinks, like specifically monster? i've been binge drinking for about a week on this shit and today was truly "green fairy" surreal ;]

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317 No. 317 hide quickreply [Reply]
i smoked for a week, a week ago, not sure how much, but it couldn't have been alot. I have never tried detox pills or anything of the sort, but im getting tested in 4 days. can anyone share personal experiences, or anything they took to help them pass a drug test, anything will be greatly appreciated
>> No. 319
try niacin pills, 500mg twice a day for 3 days, drink alot of water and you'll be clean.

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258 No. 258 hide quickreply [Reply]
Okay so I'm really fucking stoned and about to go to Spanish class. And it isn't one of those classes where you can just sit in the back and not participate. It's a class of about 15 students and we spend about half of class time out of our seats walking around the room and interacting with each other in Spanish. I'm sure at least one person is going to realize that I'm stoned.

Pic unrelated but wtf Japan seriously
>> No. 261
Do you care?

Am I the only one who doesn't care if people know I'm stoned?
>> No. 275
Not OP, but I know I'm always nervous about people noticing. If I was that stoned, I wouldn't go to class.
>> No. 276
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I don't care either in most cases, but I could see how it might be bad in certain contexts. For the most part I will just tell people I'm high and if they are offended or something, they're obviously assholes who I don't need to talk to.
>> No. 306
I prefer not to blame anything on "being high." However, I also think it's something that I can function very well on and realize that not everyone else has that same experience. I can get shit done, possibly even better than sober (which concerns me a bit).

As per Spanish class, I'd say I spoke better Spanish and all that while stoned. My uni made me take up to 201 for a language since I stopped after Spanish 3 in high school and my abilities in college flourished well beyond what I was capable of in grade school. Now this is partly due to a myriad of factors like my 102 Spanish instructor was an edible Argentinian woman who was one of the most and only attractive teachers I've ever had, but I think it's also partly due to some correlation wit ze ganj.

Maybe it's my hang-ups, hesitations, and anxiety that prevent me from being as a/effective as I am when even a teensy bit high. But I also know that I prefer to be covert as possible with my highness. I've even taken to eye drops, cover sprays, and all that as part of the ritual. Most people have no idea, some are even shocked, but I bet I've smoked more weed in my life than their circle of friends combined. And I still maintain a nice low tolerance despite a year of solid JWH use. I probably have some kind of cancer because of that synthetic shit but GOOD LORD was that ever delicious.

and to wrap up this rant... a party a few weeks ago featured a nice fellow coming into the "fun" room and telling his version of news about "Space", which I thought was pretty funny because when we did JWH I started calling it Space Dust (some posts on this board 2 years ago were me). And it most certainly did get one higher than an astronaut but I'd make some of the best food, clean the house immaculately, get all kinds of shit done, formulate craaazy ideas for research projects...

So I guess what I'm saying is, if weed isn't doing that kind of shit for you then I just suggest that you find something that does. Weed seriously helps me take on the world with a vigor and focus that I just don't always have. So go to more classes stoned and see how well you survive because that's how I started being a high-functioning (snicker) pothead. And no, these aren't shitty Tim Leary research ideas and psychedelic brain farts neither.

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194 No. 194 hide expand quickreply [Reply]
Ladies, Gentlemen, Droogz

It's been a long time since I've posted, and it's been a long time since I've participated in my night time activities. But, after quite a wild ride I find myself in South Carolina, a new state, and plenty of new houses, and a new camera of course. I've only went out once this weekend, as the weather has limited me, but already I have learned that theres a lot of security lights, people sitting on their porches at night, and dogs, but I'm not gonna give up after the first night, don't worry. I only have a couple shitty pics after the first night, but I'm still going to post them for you here, expect more every week, and please feel free to ask me questions, talk to me a bit, as I'll check the thread daily. For those of you who do not know me, I will simply let my thread do the talking.
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>> No. 290
Fuck guys, I live in some sort of purgatory, I swear. A purgatory where everybody has blinds or dogs or security lights, or a combination of them. This shit sucks, I didn't even get one picture, I'm more sorry than anything. It wasn't even a good night to go out, there was lightning so I can only imagine the cheesy horror movies where you see out of the window and with every flash the serial killer gets closer to the house, you know what I mean, it sounds cool, but it's a good way to get noticed. Also some hicks were shooting something off in the distance and every shot just reminded me if I fuck up, even just a bit, there could quite possibly be no more FIST. Also I was hopping a fence and dropped my cigarettes and didn't notice till like almost a mile later and had to go back to look for them. I swear, it's not just the place I'm in, I think I'm losing my edge. I hope next week goes better. Before I go, I want to say one thing. If you guys are out doing this like in the last thread, or if you are interested in doing it, please post your pictures in this thread, that way there's at least something.
>> No. 292
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It's not. It's a /regs/ board.
>> No. 296
I may start, but definitely this weekend, when I'm off work.
I'll keep you fellows posted if I do decide to.
SAGE for not contributing (yet)

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>> No. 297
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Raaaaaaarg I am a tough angry man.

Too bad you can't just murder and maim everything in your path which displeases you.
>> No. 309
I chortled

SAGE has been used.

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280 No. 280 hide quickreply [Reply]
Can a urine test detect the difference between slow-release Oxycodone and instant-release Oxycodone?
>> No. 281
holy shit
>> No. 284
I wouldn't think so -- thought that an opiate test is an opiate test.
>> No. 291

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262 No. 262 hide expand quickreply [Reply]
Anyone here get really anxious and tense right after a smoke of dank for about 10 minutes or so? Someone I know does that and they get really quiet and stare off into space like something's worrying them. They kind of chill out after that though.

Just curious.
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>> No. 270
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>> No. 271
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>> No. 272
My God, who knew the Dutch could be so funny?
>> No. 274
Yeah, that happens to me on occasion. I don't know if it's anxiety; I've never had panic attacks. It just feels like I can't handle reality for a bit. It always goes away if I smoke more, though.
>> No. 282
Belgian != Dutch, bozo the clown!

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143 No. 143 hide expand quickreply [Reply]
How often do you all smoke?

I've vaped in my vaporgenie about a dimebag and a half last night and today. I've been high in varying amounts for 9 hours. However I'm out of weed so I know I'll have to be sober for at least a few days. Is this awesome? y/n

oh and i'm having one last little bowl, pic related. Each bowl is loose and not packed so it's way less with a vape than a combustion pipe.

but i FUCKING LOST MY GRINDER last night when i tried to make a pb and j but ended up with a disgusting stew of bread, strawberry jelly, butter, and greek yogurt.
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>> No. 212
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This is what I see when I look at you. :3
>> No. 234
Yeah that's what I see when I look at him too. If you think this pic is bad you should see him irl. He looks like a piece of shit.
>> No. 238

What is the point of making this thread?

Nobody cares that you have a shitty scrap of dope left.
Nobody even cares that you exist.

fuck off.
>> No. 240
Someone's cranky.

SAGE has been used.
>> No. 248
I'm impressed that OP's pb&j sammich not only didn't contain any peanut butter but also managed to fit some greek yoghurt in there as well.

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127 No. 127 hide expand quickreply [Reply]
Whats up /regs/? I've been smoking spice for the better part of two years now, not near as good as pot but it works. Figured I'd see what all of you thought about the new age synthetic "cannabis".
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>> No. 221
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I smoke sonic boom, it's some of the best spice ever.
>> No. 229
Any good? We smoke this shit called Wicked Clown all the time and its pretty good.
>> No. 231
I guess I figured you folk here on 99 would have a better in on this stuff but you haven't at all.

I've posted about JWH(018) here since maybe a year ago, almost two, and all I can tell is there's maybe 2 or 3 talkative guys that have noted any sort of intelligence about it. I started on it after a friend and his brother got into it because his younger brother started spending waaaaay too much time with his dealer "friend." JWH provided a strong stride away from the huge price hike, scummy drug dealers, and fuck-you illegality. I saw a fair amount of information online about its chemistry (a lot on Bluelight, where some argue that the carcinogen worry may be irrelevant due to how it reacts within the body, others making note of how carcinogenic and whether it's negligible). I took the risk and enjoyed it. Cancer is my only real concern but I like to joke that I had been drinking so much fucking good-for-you tea and other antioxidant kind of bullshit that I should be fine. I also kind of believe in anti-angiogenetic foods (see: Dr. William Li).

For that and a lot of other reasons it was well worth my crap shoot. Vaped it for about 1 year with common use, was gifted a bit more after the legal hammer came down too, so maybe 18 months of regular use. I'd love to get back into that RC grey-land but I don't even know where to begin anymore. I was told AM-1221 was the new thing a while ago but that it was also insanely potent.

I've always told people to vape their spice. Why use direct flame on such a delicate chemical?
>> No. 232
And yes, my use almost entirely consisted of imported bags of white powder melted inside a glass container. When they made 018 illegal I ordered some other JWH-### which was bunk and ruined that piece. When I was gifted more it took me time to realize I could vape it in a crappy spoon, so I mixed it with tea (good leaf tea, not that dusty granular bullshit, though Tetley can be OK) and wasted about half that giftbag.

Smoking is a total waste compared to vaping it. I don't know how well it'll work with all that extra herb garbage though, that's why I always suggest it to others who actually throw money away on those tiny, near sample size bags of SPICE.
>> No. 239
Yea, AM-1221 is actually much more potent than the JWH-###. As to where JWH was more of a cannabis high AM just straight makes you trip balls, and that was from smoking it combined with some random ass herb they spray it on.

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76 No. 76 hide expand quickreply [Reply]
What do you guys use to roll? If you smoke joints, post the papers, if you smoke blunts post the brand, if you smoke both post whichever you prefer.

I used games for a few years but over the past year and a half I have been using swishers but I have been getting back into rolling games, personal favorite is the honey game because it just seems to burn soooo slow.
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>> No. 101
Juicy Jays (hemp papers) and Royal Blunts, especially the XXL wraps. Which way to go depends on mood, craving, and supply.
>> No. 112
Zig zag extra thin rolling papers, bomb as fuck yo.
Randy's? Jerry's? whatever the fuck they're called with the little metal thing so you can hold em are nice too.

White Owl makes the best blunt wraps.
Zig-Zag comes in second.

Kingpins or anything by Juicy is just fucking terrible.
>> No. 116
Dutch Masters

>> No. 120
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this chick's clove cigar? tastes delicious but now I'm higher than giraffe pussy
>> No. 228
wut up:

I use swishers for small blutns and philies for half-quarter blunts.

pure hemp unbleached papers with hemp cardboard tips are the bomb for joints.

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174 No. 174 hide expand quickreply [Reply]
You guys ever try bath salts? My friend has some but I probably won't try it
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>> No. 185
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Chem buff here, see that top one? That's meth. Good old fashioned backwoods hillbilly cousin fucking meth. That bottom one is a representation of a common bath salt (many are different but essentially that's what they look like). Now think of any tweakers you've met and bath salts essentially emulate what makes them act that way.
>> No. 187
To read your reactions and further contemplate whether I should try it
>> No. 217

Only do it if you can come back with a story like this one. Thanks.
>> No. 222
As if OP can match the sexiness of that acne, faghawk, and teenage facial hair in a bra and panties.
>> No. 224
I like this one better

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186 No. 186 hide quickreply [Reply]
How many people do you think post on /b/ while stoned? I know I do. I always write excessively long and heady-sounding diatribes with entirely well-formed sentences and a couple interesting bits of vocabulary (and impeccable grammar and spelling <i just resorted to spell check to spell "impeccable"; see how smart i am>), but which in the end are unfocused and entirely banal. That's what I do when I post here too I guess.

Anyway, do you think that stoner "crossover" is the reason why /regs/ has so little traffic?

Or maybe regs is where we dump all our bullshit like this while stoned, and we're all the same individuals having real-sounding conversations on /b/ and dumping all our "lololol so sto0ned man" shit over here?
>> No. 188
holy fuck this is good shit
>> No. 189
Too many people post on /b/ while under the influence of drugs and or alcohol. It really pisses me off.

And this used to be the "better /b/" but thanks to regs being a filthy stoner (eh, who am I kidding, we all are) it became /dare/'s replacement.

Which kind of also pisses me off because I did a very nice .gif banner for /dare/ a year and a half ago.
>> No. 216
I lurk for the most part. I'm more likely to post drunk than stoned.
>> No. 220
I'm more likely to post under the influence of hash (lots of it)

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26 No. 26 hide expand quickreply [Reply]
Well, I fucked up.

I have stayed away from coke since the mid 90's, I had to or I was going to never stop going to prison, and the scene was bad, very bad, alot of blood.

I have been doing good at staying away from it, especially with the prolifferation of the internet, plenty of great white noise to get lost in.

new years eve at a large party mostly full of kids half my age, best friend and some of our old friends we have not seen in awhile ended up in a bedroom pounding drinks, I thought we were there to get away from all the stupid kids, which in hindsight is pretty stupid of me as I know better. Anyways, out came the base of course. Perfectly spun, I could see the love.

Like I said I have not touched the stuff in almost 20 years. I figure what the hell, I'll just keep pounding rye and toking and if I jones too much big deal since I'll pass out after awhile anyways.

After awhile mins we had each smoked around 2 balls and the entire supply (that I had seen) was almost gone, crumbs remained.

I had my last hit on a card, my friend grabed the card and used it to scoop ashes as thats how he liked his and then took his hit, I didnt notice at first but he had accidentally taken my hit and did it with his own.

And then I figured it out.
Message too long. Click here to view the full text.
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>> No. 162
>I love me some coke when I've got a long study session.

ho ho ho hokay dr. freud
>> No. 164
Coke is addictive because it has addictive properties, dumbass.
>> No. 166
LSD without a doubt was the reason I was able to kick heroin.
It also made me more motivated, creative, and in my opinion an all-around better person.
This was after only two intense trips.
>> No. 167
go into more detail preas
>> No. 169
It's very hard to explain, as is your mindset during a typical acid trip. Short story is, I feel as though the first time I injected heroin my mental architecture was rearranged. I can't define the changes, but I could feel them. At first I liked this mindset, until 3 years, countless thousands of dollars, wasted hours, possible diseases, self-hatred and regret later I realized that something had to change. I hated who I had become, I hated that I couldn't even properly feel the high anymore. I tried suboxone, and everything my therapist recommended short of rehab (I was in school, and doing well, didn't want to mess that up). LSD came through our city one weekend, and I had never tried it before, so I decided sure. My friend (who was experienced) and I ate 4 hits each and had an absolute blast.
LSD changed my mental architecture, just like heroin did. Except LSD changed it for the better. It hadn't returned it to it's original state (which is impossible after any drugs), but from what I can tell made it better. During the first trip, I took some Suboxone to keep me from withdrawing. I had absolutely no cravings for dope, and felt a silent internal critique of myself. This is also hard to describe, but I felt as though I could see into the future and into the past, and knew that heroin was the cancer that had been eating away at the life I wanted to live.
In short and by analogy, LSD rebuilt my house out of the remains of a tornado. In just 7-8 hours I was completely changed.
After that day, I of course used again, but it was just to stay well. We tripped again the weekend after that, and after this trip I decided to kick cold turkey. No bupe, nothing. I spent a few days out of school, between the couch and the toilet, eyes nose mouth watering withdrawal, but I didn't want any more dope.
I spent the months after that in deep depression, and eventually got better.
I still use opiates occasionally, but am not addicted to them in any sense, and never touch a needle.

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9 No. 9 hide expand quickreply [Reply]
whats a good legit online retailer for spores? anyone ever order any and not go to prison?

i would like to try my hand at agriculture.
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>> No. 78
>> No. 79
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About yeah.
Once they're fully colonized with mycellium and look like little vats of unicorn sperm, let em sit for a week extra so that they colonize all the way inside.
Then figure out some terrarium, let em sit in there and reap profit with 2-4 flushes of shrooms.

I suggest you read PF Tek for Simple Minds, great guide with pics and breaks everything down.

Good luck.
>> No. 82
I've read nearly every variation of PF tek, but I'm just really scared of fucking up. I don't have a lot of money.
>> No. 92
Seconding FSRE. This site is awesome, I've had several spore strains from them over the years. The availability of the strains comes and goes, but I would recommend you (>>9) start out with 'Golden Teacher'.

Having had experience with LCs, I'll tell you that they are a BITCH to do. They are super-easy to contaminate.

If you're going to attempt it, make a bunch of LC jars so you have spares if a couple go wrong.

Personally, I prefer to use agar w/ spores or a syringe. I'm growing at the moment with a popcorn grain.

If you're interested in growing though; buy a pressure cooker. There is almost no getting around it if you want to do anything other than PF cakes. While cakes are pretty good for newcomers they tend to be a pain in the ass when you want to grow lots.

I had a grow log going on /grow/ before the Joker incident, but I haven't re-populated a thread on /nat/ with it's contents.
>> No. 159
My friend took a shot in the dark and ordered some online. He didn't go to prison, but ate half the bag like a re re, and called me asking what a cell phone was at 4:00 a.m. Not all of them are feds I guess.

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