No. 306
I prefer not to blame anything on "being high." However, I also think it's something that I can function very well on and realize that not everyone else has that same experience. I can get shit done, possibly even better than sober (which concerns me a bit).
As per Spanish class, I'd say I spoke better Spanish and all that while stoned. My uni made me take up to 201 for a language since I stopped after Spanish 3 in high school and my abilities in college flourished well beyond what I was capable of in grade school. Now this is partly due to a myriad of factors like my 102 Spanish instructor was an edible Argentinian woman who was one of the most and only attractive teachers I've ever had, but I think it's also partly due to some correlation wit ze ganj.
Maybe it's my hang-ups, hesitations, and anxiety that prevent me from being as a/effective as I am when even a teensy bit high. But I also know that I prefer to be covert as possible with my highness. I've even taken to eye drops, cover sprays, and all that as part of the ritual. Most people have no idea, some are even shocked, but I bet I've smoked more weed in my life than their circle of friends combined. And I still maintain a nice low tolerance despite a year of solid JWH use. I probably have some kind of cancer because of that synthetic shit but GOOD LORD was that ever delicious.
and to wrap up this rant... a party a few weeks ago featured a nice fellow coming into the "fun" room and telling his version of news about "Space", which I thought was pretty funny because when we did JWH I started calling it Space Dust (some posts on this board 2 years ago were me). And it most certainly did get one higher than an astronaut but I'd make some of the best food, clean the house immaculately, get all kinds of shit done, formulate craaazy ideas for research projects...
So I guess what I'm saying is, if weed isn't doing that kind of shit for you then I just suggest that you find something that does. Weed seriously helps me take on the world with a vigor and focus that I just don't always have. So go to more classes stoned and see how well you survive because that's how I started being a high-functioning (snicker) pothead. And no, these aren't shitty Tim Leary research ideas and psychedelic brain farts neither.