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1100 No. 1100 hide quickreply [Reply]
I tried pot once and I ended up in Canada on a mental ward. Explain that 420ers.
>> No. 1144
I'd really like to hear that story.

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959 No. 959 hide expand quickreply [Reply]
Just a baby
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>> No. 988
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>> No. 1063
I got really high and got caught up on Dr McNinja and let me tell you, it is some shit.
>> No. 1125
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I made this thread almost a year ago while superbaked and it's STILL HERE.

The wonders of dead boards.
>> No. 1126
im not dead, just high

>> No. 1133
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It died a horrible death but it's sister went on to produce the dank buds. I guess the moral of the story is don't even bother to grow unless you got yourself some good supplies.

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1050 No. 1050 hide quickreply [Reply]
Let's make a thread about how to operate in a post 9/11 environment and successfully get, make and deal durgs.
>> No. 1058
Buy a fucking tracphone with cash and don't use your name or address anywhere. Thats about it
>> No. 1096
Searched the image, found a load of great porn.
Thanks, OP.

Operating? Just don't put shit on airplanes.

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1028 No. 1028 hide quickreply [Reply]
So, anyone try this tryptamine? It's a nice psychedelic.
>> No. 1081
I've wanted to, is it legal?
>> No. 1102
>> No. 1113
Dude, wha?

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1084 No. 1084 hide quickreply [Reply]
Lover of opiates
>> No. 1092
Opiates are fucking fantastic. When abused they can be a hellish thing but when taken properly (slightly abused) they can be the most fun and pain relieving experience ever had.
>> No. 1094
I take Ultram (tramadol) it is an Opioid rather than an opiate but it does about the same thing, weaker so you can actually function. Pop 2 or 3 50's and you're good to go for 6 or 7 hours!

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1082 No. 1082 hide quickreply [Reply]
So I got these aK47 seeds germinating, I was wondering:
I live in the tropics (constant 30°C, lot's of sun. Should I grow it inside or outside?

What's the minimum pot size? I don't want it to grow too large.
>> No. 1086
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Nice! Well outside you will end up with a potentially better plant, with more risks. Inside you will be looking at a potentially "lesser" plant with fewer risks. Outdoors is the way to go if you have the option imo. Indoors is nice because of the privacy, but not much else...also pests are easier to control indoors.

A plant can be as small as 12 inches and still produce quality bud. Bigger IS better though, do not think you're going to pull a weight ratio that is constant with plant size...you will lose weight exponentially as you look at smaller and smaller plants. Best of luck!
>> No. 1089
I would germinate and do early growth inside until it is sufficiently insect resistant, and then I'd transplant is outside. That is, if you have a large weed-eating-insect problem in your neck o the woods.
Happy growing!
>> No. 1090

Yes and no. There are a few things you can control better indoors, but you'll also be paying for power. Additionally, if an LEO finds out you have a grow going at your house, you're fucked. That can happen in any number of ways, too.

I would recommend planting the seeds in solo cups filled with a decent soil mixture (not scotts or miracle grow, they will fucking die) that is 50% topsoil (that you can smear between two fingers, not woodpulp) 25% peat, 25% perlite.

Raise these babies under some cfls cheaply and easily until they are about five inches tall. In this time, prepare some holes with the above mixture out in the woods far away from people somewhere near your town. When they reach that height, drop them into the holes covertly.

Return only to water with nutes, and pull males.

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824 No. 824 hide expand quickreply [Reply]
okay op here of the jumanji thread that ended up flying past the point i was trying to make (thanks kirstin dunce) anyway my shroom dealer got robbed of all his package and money by these strapped up mofos and im trying to plan with him a way to get them back. he knows them but he doesnt know where they all crash and hide their drugs. my question to you guys...what would be the best way to get revenge on these fuckers that are keepin me from shroomin and fucked over my dealer. im more for peace but im a pretty tough dude and im not afraid of getting shot (as long as it kills me its all good) im more afraid of being caught by the police. so i was trying to think of a way to find where these fuckers crash and hide their stash so i could give an anonymous call to the DEA and watch them all suffer from a distance. how do i get this done? this shits coming up soon so i need some advice. what they did was not right and needs to be justified. i wont back down from this. thanks all. watch jumanji on shrooms. pic so related
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>> No. 829
op here. yeah i guess youre right :/ i should probably tell him that. i mean it was only 150 dollars and the shrooms he had on him....idk...i guess karma will smite that bastard one day. it just pisses me off mainly cuz shrooms are hard to come across in my area and i have this camping trip coming up with this awesome girl. -_- i guess its best to let it go and not get killed or thrown in jail again. thanks for the advice!....id still like a plan just in case tho >_> just in case.....
>> No. 839
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OP, I don't mean to sound like a doucebag but you totally did not have to post an entirely new thread for this...you could have gotten your old thread back on track just by posting this in that thread instead.

By the way, I'm the guy who (unintentionally) de-railed your old thread by realizing Kirsten was in Jumanji, and I apologize for the inconvenience.

Sage has not been used because I'm a nice guy that loves huge doses of nostalgia and marijuanas.
>> No. 861
dude im a noob to the chan thing but not really. but i didnt really care that you derailed my old thread lol .thought it was funny. anyway still waiting for advice. my dealer mentioned that hes getting together some people for the set up. idk if i want to take part anymore but i already told him i would -_- shitttt
>> No. 926
$150 dollars stolen from your dealer is not even close to a good reason to get shot. If he moves a lot of product (especially shrooms, which around here go for $35 and eighth) he should be able to get that money back in no time. I'm all for getting revenge but if these guys are obviously more armed than you, you might be getting into some shit that isn't even worth it. Also I don't know the background on the robbers, but the DEA might not even be interested in them if they aren't of high profile. The local police may be more interested, and maybe you could only mention the money being lifted, not the drugs.
>> No. 1060
Just remember karma man. You are doing something that is considered illegal yourself, do you truly want to get law enforcement involved? Just sayin somewhere down the road it could bite you in the ass. I say things of this nature should be hansled in the appropriate manner. was only 150 $ that a fuck em up situation, not so much a kill em, but yeah..that

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1051 No. 1051 hide expand quickreply [Reply]
There are several different ways to grow shrooms. There are benefits and drawbacks for each method. Some methods are easier than others. Some produce more shrooms, some are easier to use. It all depends on how much you want to do with this hobby.

Some of the ways that are most commonly used:


This is the pf tek method that everyone kind of knows about. It is really good for beginners. It's called a cake because the mycelium comes out of the jar, compacted, looking like a cake. Benefits: all the material is really easy to find for this method. The growing chambers are easy to make. You can also make a ton of cakes and put them in tons of bins provided you have a ton of jars handy. It's a lot easier to see the contams on the cakes because they usually turn green or black (but not always). Drawbacks: cakes can take longer! You don't usually get the yield as you do from bulk because there is less surface area. Cakes can be "fruited" a few times after a somewhat lengthy soak in water. This means that you can get a few shrooms the first time, pick them, dunk them, and wait for more to come.

>Spawning to bulk:

This is where you mix colonized grains with a substrate (soil or other media). Then, the mycelium reforms and grows through the substrate. Then you get lots of mushrooms. This method requires that you keep this mix of spawn and substrate in a tub, or in an automated tub, or in a martha closet. The container that you use must have the right growing parameters. Benefits include: more shrooms, possibility of mixing bulk substrates that contain colonized grain with more substrate that doesn't have spawn in it and restarting the growing process again. Drawbacks: you need to figure out a way to pasteurize (keep at a low temp for a while to kill of non-beneficial bacteria). You also have to get good at layering the spawn in the tub and getting everything to the right moisture content or 'field capacity'. This can be a little tricky at first.

>Bags (invitro):

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>> No. 1053

Coco coir - This is coconut fiber commonly used as reptile bedding. It comes in bricks. It is sterile and you can either pasteurize or not. It is better to pasteurize it though. Can be found in pet stores.

Vermiculite - vermiculite is a 'hydrous silicate material' it comes sterile. Verm is mixed with brown rice in the pf tek. It is also mixed into substrates to get the right moisture contents.

Manure (cow, sheep, horse). Must be pasteurized.

Straw (usually mixed with something else). Can be pretty cheap. You may need to cut it because it needs to be a certain length.

Worm castings. This is what the worms leave as a left over. It is a little difficult to get the right moisture levels with this one. Is usually pasteurized and mixed with another material. It is like soil.

Compost manure.

>Common grains used for grain spawn:
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>> No. 1054
Other common grains include:

Rye - this is a really common one in the shroom growing world!
>> No. 1055
Fruiting Chambers: These are a little complex, but depending on your method of growing, you use a different container for growing with different methods.






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>> No. 1056
Jars have to be incubated anywhere from 75-80 degrees. The less heat you have, the slower the colonization. The more heat you have, the slower the colonization and the risk of the mycelium dying. You have to kind of hit the sweet spot with temps.

One really good way to make an incubator is to use a heat bomb. This is basically a fishtank heater inside of a plastic bottle filled with water.


Another good way is to put a fish tank heater (submersible) inside of a tub filled with water and put another tub on top of it. You need spacers though, between the two tubs, so that the heater is not touching the tub. Fill with bleach water.

>> No. 1057

A single hole drilled into the top of a jar (1/8ths inch to 1/4 inch) stuffed with poly fill will do the trick. You can pressure cook poly fill and put a needle right through it and it will still be fine. You can also re-use it!

Also this: https://myco-tek.org/showthread.php?5180-Prof%92s-RTV-Injection-Port-Polyfil-Lid-Tek

Bags - http://www.shroomery.org/9665/Cybers-WBS-myco-bag-Tek

This is if you are using WBS as your grain, but if not then do the same thing, but use a different grain.

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1042 No. 1042 hide quickreply [Reply]
What are the negative longterm effects of mdma, droogies?
>> No. 1044
Nothing, eat as much as you can all the time
>> No. 1046
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there are a few.
MDMA works as a serotonin agonist, causing your brain to be flooded with that particular neurotransmitter. Just as a body becomes habituated to any routine chemical use, frequent enough usage will mean that 1) serotonin levels are low to begin with and 2) without the X, the neurons will tend to horde their share of serotonin, releasing it only under greater than normal simulation.

This has a wide variety of effects throughout the body, but the greatest is a lack of joy, and even depression.

Body wise there can be some effects as well; early prostatic hypertrophy, mineral depletion in the body, tremor (which may be permanent).

The ONDCP would have one believe that it leads to holes in the brain, but this is only in rats they had swimming in the stuff. The labwork is considered extremely flawed, by anyone who has looked into it and hasn't taken the governments money.

Any specific questions?

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780 No. 780 hide expand quickreply [Reply]
This thread is about dealing with wanting to get high/waster/whatever when no drugs are available. It's fucking terrible and I'm pissed about it, but don't know how to resolve it, especially since I've already smoked up all the resin and pot-particles scattered around my room two days ago.
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>> No. 973
make sure guy isn't wearing Cop uniform
>> No. 1001
If you're really feeling that bad, I'm going to give you an old junkie tip from my days with opiates. You know why you fail a drug test with enough poppy seed consumption, right? Obvious: poppy seeds give off several natural opiates that break down into morphine. Get a gatoraid bottle. Get a bottle of lemon juice. Go to a whole foods supplier store and buy a package of poppy seeds. Empty aprox. half the gatoraid bottle into a cup. Get another empty cup. Give your lemon juice bottle a couple good squeezes. You want the water to smell acidic and taste it, too. Drop approximately 300g of whole poppy seed into the bottle. Close the lid and shake for about 10 minutes, then (and this is fucking important here) CAREFULLY open the cap JUST A SMALL AMOUNT. A gatoraid bottle is pretty damn sturdy and more importantly, the lid doesn't just fly off. You're going to squeeze the bottle inverted over a cup and extract the liquid without spilling the seeds. It's going to turn shit brown if done correctly and I liked to use gatoraid because the colors change so I know how effective it was. Obviously you can use any bottle but you need a sturdy cap or it's going to fall off and you're going to have to deal with seeds all over the goddamn place. It tastes like ass, but it is strong enough for an opiate tolerant individual to remove their withdraws. In an opiate intolerant individual you're going to get pretty fucking noddy.
I'd also add you are going to get nausea so while you're picking up your supplies go ahead and get one bottle of Dramamine - NOT THE DIMENHYDRATE! You want the one with Meclizine hcl. Take two and you'll never have to worry about nausea again.
Remember that liquid you saved? That's for your second wash. Follow the steps like before with the seeds already in the bottle and you can usually get another love out of it.
>> No. 1029
What's the high like?
>> No. 1031
I have never been able to find contacts in my area. I don't even know how to look. Even if I could, I wouldn't know how to not get ripped off, since I only ever smoked with a generous friend in Seattle. Furthermore, I'm extremely poor. There wouldn't be any room for it in my budget.

I am a sad.
>> No. 1038
My strategy is to befriend everyone that looks like they smoke and hope they know a dealer with decent prices.

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1006 No. 1006 hide quickreply [Reply]
Not sure if I'm asking this in the right place but, I'll try here anyways.

Has anyone ever violated parole before?
If so, What happened?

I can give a back story if you want. It's Heroin Related.
>> No. 1009
Just tell us your story already, no need for pretense.
>> No. 1012
So its his 7th arrest in 10 years.
All of his arrests are for heroin,criminal contempt of court and a burglary and a domestic violence.

He got a year sentence for burglary.
Then he got out 5 months later on parole.
He got a surprise check up. He failed.
officer barked some threats and he didn't think it was real.
He got busted again for tin foils and letters to and from prison innmates.
He got arrested and sitting in jail currently.

How long do you think he will do before he gets let out?
>> No. 1016
That was your fabulous back story? I give him 5 months on parole unless he gets shived.

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561 No. 561 hide expand quickreply [Reply]
u guys fuck with research chems?
foxy methoxy's etc.
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>> No. 653
I took some form of a 2-c back in high school. Saw relaxing yellow/red/blue colors everywhere. My friend and I played pool and table tennis all night. When choosing who would serve in table tennis, we used the beer pong throw method. We hitting it, no joke, every time. This happened about 20-30 times in a row before one of us missed. We felt like gods.
>> No. 656
I have tried AM-2201, and aMT. I have an order of 25I-NBOMe coming through soon. AM-2201 was good, but I wouldn't do it again (I bought 1g, used it over a month). aMT is very nice, extremely cosy, and the first couple of hours are very sociable indeed, I think I'd do that more in the future. 25I-NBOMe I have yet to try, but it sounds very satisfying.
>> No. 845
yeah, i do fuck with them

my resume so far: 2c-e, 2c-b, 2c-c, 25c-nbome, 25i-nbome, DOC, 4-aco-dmt, 4-aco-dalt, mxe, 3-meo-pcp, mpa and some shitty jwh-blend

i feel like i forgot something though
>> No. 928
I love 2ce. I have always really liked LSD, and it still has the best euphoria of any psychedelic I've tried, but in terms of visuals, 2ce is much more intense. The great thing for me is that 2ce doesn't confuse you as much - I usually feel completely sane mentally, and have never had a "bad trip." Aside from occasional word salad, I can communicate with people efficiently and almost soberly. The only downside is the nausea - all of my friends who have taken it have puked. I haven't, but the come up still makes me really queasy and uncomfortable. Still more than worth it though.
Oh, and 2ce feels much less "profound" to me than LSD and shrooms...I have never really broken through on it, which I consider a major downside.
>> No. 999
I fucked with MT-45. It sucked balls. I never got anything nice out of it before I got to OD-doses. Uncomfortable, unpleasant.

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936 No. 936 hide quickreply [Reply]
So what's your LEAST favorite drug cocktail? Mine is alcohol and xanax. I tried it once with5 shots of vodka and 3 mg of xannax (I had purchased a 2.5 mg and my friend who has a prescription gave me a .5). Extremely brief euphoria, followed by brief confusion, followed by passing out for about 9 hours, followed by looking up the combo and realizing that it's very easy to die from. But on the bright side, that's the cocktail that killed Amy Winehouse and I survived!
>> No. 949
Alcohol and Methylphenidate (concerta). Thought it would give me a mild euphoria, so I took a bit of each. Made my heart beat fast and gave me a decently bad headache. This was on like one drink and the lowest dosage of concerta there is.

I guess this thread is more about stupid combinations we've tried.
>> No. 980
7-8 shots of 92 proof rum and 2C-B pill.

Don't remember much but apparently I pushed a lot of people at a nightclub and everything had very vivid colours. Told this girl that I knew that I loved her but she needed to fuck off.
>> No. 982
i love vlc player

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38 No. 38 hide expand quickreply [Reply]
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>> No. 741
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Amon Drüügs
>> No. 746
>> No. 751
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It's been nearly a year since I made this thread.
>> No. 793
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>Green beans
>> No. 940
I referred to drugs once as droogs in high school (ofc not referencing this site it was the 1990s) and my teacher told me to watch/read clockwork orange. shit was strange but to date one of my favorite books/movies.

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469 No. 469 hide quickreply [Reply]
I have heard here and there about how massively potent and hard to control edibles can be. Sounds like a lot of fun. The other night I finally tried some milk chocolate edibles that had a recommended dose of two segments. I took one and a half and went to see Prometheus. By the time the movie was over it was just starting to get weird. Oh god how I tripped balls when I got home. It was unpleasant, I was frightened. Finally I drew a bath and pretty much passed out in the tub. Wow, how I made it this long without trying real, good egibles I do not know.

Oh, sorry, I don't want to make a thread just to tell my pointless story, what are your guyses thoughts on yummy edibles?
>> No. 878
im a driver at a pizza place (but dont want to put the name cuz i dont want to make the company look bad ) but pretty much one of the workers brought weed cookies for everyone at the store last christmas. i bought 12 cookies from him and ate four. they tasted awesome! so yummy. while i was driving i was blasting my music and then the roads just suddenly seemed infinite and my music was all around. like....allllll around.... i love cookies. oh yeah i got really really stoned from the cookies. hard to talk to people when giving them their pizzas. i knew they knew...lol
>> No. 879
My friends like to make what they call 'firecrackers', which are crackers covered with vaped bud and some nutella or something to mask the taste. Good high, long lasting, but won't get you as fucked up as regular edibles.
They're great if you don't want to be too stoned to interact with people. Oh, and they taste fucking awful. Nutella was a terrible idea.
>> No. 905
choco choco choco gimme dat chocolate! gotta have it gotta have it. best drug ever.
>> No. 927
Firecrackers are great. I use peanut butter when I make them. Prep and cook time together are only about 30-40 minutes so they're great if you don't have much time.

I love edibles. The high is not only more intense, but different. Almost has an opiate-like body buzz combined with the giddiness that smoking usually brings. Also, the experience lasts muuch longer, so I always make sure my schedule for the day is clear. Once my dad wanted to meet up for lunch, and I had eaten some brownies my sister made probably 4 hours earlier. It was the most awkward lunch ever, especially because we went to a restaurant that I had waited tables for a year previous. I felt like everyone knew I was stoned, I barely said a word to my dad the whole time and kept staring at the mounted television in the corner.

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576 No. 576 hide expand quickreply [Reply]
What do you guys think about Salvia?

I bought a gram of 5x, 10x, and 20x about a month ago, and I've since tried all three. I've been reading on erowid about all sorts of breakthrough experiences, crazy visuals, etc etc. But when I smoke it, I get a mild high, the giggles, confused, and I can stare at one thing for a long time. Oh, and my eyes tear like CRAZY. But .. I never really experienced anything profoundly psychedelic.

Now, it probably isn't bad salvia because I've let two other friends smoke from it, and they had good experiences with it. Geometric shapes everywhere, feeling of floating/not being in reality, even "astral projection" (My friend uses it to explain a feeling/experience of being in a different world, not used 100% correctly but who cares), and contact with entities.

Am I just insensitive to Salvinorin-A? I smoked it right - I lit it up real well and got it burning good (lit with both a regular lighter and butane lighter), I took a huge hit (from a bowl and bong), held it in my lungs for about 30 seconds, etc etc.

Has anybody else had similar experiences?

I guess this could also be a general salvia thread
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>> No. 637
I find strong but short highs to be preferable in certain situations.
>> No. 877
Just tried salvia for the 2nd time yesterday and i can relate to OPs claim. It pretty much felt like a synthetic weed high without all the crazy bad feelings. i was really high and i thought i was on a raft with my friend, we were in the grass on this patio thing, and i thought the grass was green water...but i was still able to talk and walk around. i took 2 really big hits from a pipe and held them in and all that but i didnt have that break through that everyone talks about. and i didnt act like all those people act on salvia videos. like DURRRR BLAHDURHUASDHOIJDKOMBS im a retard. i was able to carry on a jam session with my buddy high as fuck on salvia. so idk....maybe i need to smoke it out of a bong or something. we just gotta take more hits OP til we get there....far out there. i want to talk to the aliens!! dont you?
>> No. 881
okay hey op. got 7 gs of sally and im gonna update my last post. smoked out of a bong. vaped with weed. 10x. 20x. 30x. yes it works. keep trying. im a lot closer to the truth of myself than ive ever been.
>> No. 890
I smoked 30x before. The room turned into a kaleidoscope and I felt like I was sinking right through the chair. It felt like a weird mindfuck to me
>> No. 904
Drugs make me sticky all over. Truly.

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677 No. 677 hide expand quickreply [Reply]
What is the difference between deliriants (e.g. diphenhydramine, datura) and hallucinogens (e.g. lsd, dmt)?
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>> No. 771
continued from

Will say that hallucinogens have a lot more of an identity-destruction thing where you question everything and lose your place in time. But the energy of a hallucinogen keeps you rooted to the moment where you're still aware that you're mad. You just suspect that it might have always been that way in the eternal moment, that the madness is truth and the rest is a lie.

Delerients don't make you question much, even your hallucinations.
>> No. 841
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LSD: "I've taken LSD and everything is beautiful, I can't tell if these patterns are really there."

Deleriants: "Hello Mr. Shadow Man I like your hat HAHAHAHA. Was I just smoking a cigarette and dropped it? I don't even smoke. I need to go to the bathroom but I don't wanna get off the couch. Who's at the door? Hello Jenny I haven't seen you since you moved to Brazil in 2nd grade, how nice to see you. Did I ever tell you nobody has ever even gone more to look like with what you want when I never needed those particular cook for 350 degrees and preheated for the installation of my new crankshaft."

And then you open your eyes and you never left your couch but you've been shouting with your eyes closed and your heart is beating really fast and you're confused about literally EVERYTHING, and you still don't know that you've even taken anything.
It's a quick delve into madness, like slipping into a tub of water. For most people it's unnoticeable until they come wayyyy down. It's not a high, it's but pure delirium and it's not dun.
>> No. 843
>it's not dun
>> No. 844
Fun, not fun.
>> No. 884
Don't trip on dime, god damn it. I use it for opie itches and getting myself calmed down and sleepy.

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873 No. 873 hide quickreply [Reply]
I'm making ayahuasca later this week but I have been robotrippin.
How long after taking DXM should I wait before taking an MAOI?
>> No. 874
42 minutes and 23 seconds

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250 No. 250 hide expand quickreply [Reply]
I'm gonna be getting some mushrooms later this week, what should i expect?

Any experiences shared would be appreciated, i love stories :]
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>> No. 535
shrooms are fun/spiritual experience depending on the dose

Take 3 grams for the world to turn into a Monet painting and 8 to have your perception of time shift into eternity both forwards and backwards while you piss the bed.

don't take 8 grams at midnight because you will be one tired ass mother fucker at 5 am.
>> No. 663
Don't expect anything, it seems different for everyone. It's good to be with people for at least the beginning, you'll feel happy and buzzed. Later on you might find that talking a lot, and especially moving a lot is not what you want to do.

You might want to find an outdoor area that you can go walking, or maybe some cool interior spaces (before you feel like not moving. I tripped for about 6 hours, moved a lot during the first 2 and a half). Your eyesite will do some really amazing things you might not have thought were possible.

I took 1/16 of an ounce and I never was confused into thinking that my mild hallucinations were real, I was fully aware that I was high but what was happening seemed to make a lot of sense to me. The hallucinations were just slight changes in my environment when I focused on things.

While being with a couple of people (who are or are not high) may be good, it might also be good for you to reflect on yourself and your life and where/who you are and want to be. You might find that things make a lot of sense.

Overall I had pretty much a life-changing, great experience. However the dried mushrooms were difficult to digest and I burped a lot and towards the end my stomach hurt and I got really gassy. I wasn't really too worried about it though. Probably to someone observing they would have been scared for me but in my head it was a very "this too shall pass" kind of thing.
>> No. 785
Fucking yes.
>> No. 794
a good time
>> No. 851
the first time i shroomed i ate 7 gs because i thought they were bullshit. i didnt know anything about mushrooms at the time so i thought they would kick in in like 10 min. so after i was done eating them i called my buddy to tell him that the mushrooms we got were bullshit and he asked me how long ago had i taken them. i told him 20 min ago and then he started laughing and told me im in for a trip. so i still thought it was bs and laid in my bed to go to sleep. then i looked at my back light behind me and it started turning red and shape shifting into a purse looking form. then i couldnt stop laughing. purple wavy energy was shooting through my door frame cracks. the darkness felt more comfortable to me because i could still see things in the dark. i walked around my house in complete darkness following little light nodes hovering around the floor. my hands and feet kept expanding and shrinking. whenever i talked my voice would get lower and lower and then faster. time no longer existed. i looked at my phone buttons and they looked like glowing marshmellowy cartoon buttons. i called my friend. talking to him made me question reality. i started to panic. then he told me to watch something i really like. so i watched up to episode 12 of samurai champloo. (great mushroom show) then i wanted some time to listen to music and meditate kind of so then i had a huge spiritual connection with god and it felt as if i was communicating with my dead grandpa. so the trip lasted 10 hours and im surprised i didnt go mind fuck from taking 7 gs. i took a shower and cleansed myself from all the nasties. after i started coming down i laid in bed to go to sleep it was already like 10 am. while closing my eyes i could see weird trippy visuals spinning around. they were mostly red. wavy lines. listened to broken social scene and fell asleep.

so the next few days i was completely care free and happy with life and people. i was able to tolerate and be more passionate with people

dont start shrooming constantly without reason. dont abuse it. mistake I made. you've been warned.

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673 No. 673 hide expand quickreply [Reply]
i didnt know where to ask this question. i thought about asking in the movie thread but whatever. does anyone else watch the shit out of this movie when they are high on something? seriously this movie is an amazing trip stoned on whatever. to me its about a couple of kids that trip balls on "Jumanji"/DMT and go through some crazy shit for "26 years"/5 min. and end up marrying each other in the end cuz of the experience of the drug jumanji. maybe im insane but give this movie a shot next time you Jumanji
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>> No. 821
I don't get why people get so upset about that kind of information. The show started almost 20 years ago and ended almost 10 years ago. Of fucking course those babies/children would be adolescents or at the very least preteens by now. Are people THAT oblivious to time-- or numbers for that matter?
>> No. 823
The point is that time flies. Maybe you mark off the days on a calander, obsessively keeping track of how long it's been since a trivial tv show ended, but the rest of us don't.
>> No. 827
I love your reasoning. "Man, this guy's not an oblivious fuck about his life and time like me, he must be incredibly anal and obsessive about it; no other explanation possible!

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>> No. 830
Try not to take it so hard, man.

MAYBE was the word used.
>> No. 832
I'm crying you've no idea

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