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File 133987269786.jpg - (37.64KB , 300x300 , Dr_-JsChocolateCrispies.jpg )
469 No. 469
I have heard here and there about how massively potent and hard to control edibles can be. Sounds like a lot of fun. The other night I finally tried some milk chocolate edibles that had a recommended dose of two segments. I took one and a half and went to see Prometheus. By the time the movie was over it was just starting to get weird. Oh god how I tripped balls when I got home. It was unpleasant, I was frightened. Finally I drew a bath and pretty much passed out in the tub. Wow, how I made it this long without trying real, good egibles I do not know.

Oh, sorry, I don't want to make a thread just to tell my pointless story, what are your guyses thoughts on yummy edibles?
>> No. 878
im a driver at a pizza place (but dont want to put the name cuz i dont want to make the company look bad ) but pretty much one of the workers brought weed cookies for everyone at the store last christmas. i bought 12 cookies from him and ate four. they tasted awesome! so yummy. while i was driving i was blasting my music and then the roads just suddenly seemed infinite and my music was all around. like....allllll around.... i love cookies. oh yeah i got really really stoned from the cookies. hard to talk to people when giving them their pizzas. i knew they knew...lol
>> No. 879
My friends like to make what they call 'firecrackers', which are crackers covered with vaped bud and some nutella or something to mask the taste. Good high, long lasting, but won't get you as fucked up as regular edibles.
They're great if you don't want to be too stoned to interact with people. Oh, and they taste fucking awful. Nutella was a terrible idea.
>> No. 905
choco choco choco gimme dat chocolate! gotta have it gotta have it. best drug ever.
>> No. 927
Firecrackers are great. I use peanut butter when I make them. Prep and cook time together are only about 30-40 minutes so they're great if you don't have much time.

I love edibles. The high is not only more intense, but different. Almost has an opiate-like body buzz combined with the giddiness that smoking usually brings. Also, the experience lasts muuch longer, so I always make sure my schedule for the day is clear. Once my dad wanted to meet up for lunch, and I had eaten some brownies my sister made probably 4 hours earlier. It was the most awkward lunch ever, especially because we went to a restaurant that I had waited tables for a year previous. I felt like everyone knew I was stoned, I barely said a word to my dad the whole time and kept staring at the mounted television in the corner.

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