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File 135715901827.gif - (738.67KB , 468x312 , The Fuck!?.gif )
780 No. 780
This thread is about dealing with wanting to get high/waster/whatever when no drugs are available. It's fucking terrible and I'm pissed about it, but don't know how to resolve it, especially since I've already smoked up all the resin and pot-particles scattered around my room two days ago.
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>> No. 781
Last year we had a record high number of busted narcs, so everything is scarce. Even weed. WEED! What the fuck. That's not fair. Get rid of all that kitchen bullshit and chemical garbage, no one but zombies like that shit, but leave the weed alone.


And so we have a 100% inflation on weed prices and it's hard as FUCK to actually find anyone selling.
>> No. 795
you could alwaysbeat vicks vapor pr benzedrex but dint throw uo
>> No. 798
I'm staying at my parents' this week (Dad's birthday is tomorrow), so I've been sober since like Sunday.
I really shoulda bought some to take with me.
I feel your pain, bro.
>> No. 803

Why can't you buy more weed?
>> No. 805
Since drug laws here are so strict and people who would have them are so paranoid that unless I'm good friends with someone, it's virtually impossible to find some.
>> No. 871
now i'm just smoking in my parents' attic
high as fuck lol

SAGE has been used.
>> No. 914
My guys connection is out of town and there's practically no one else who sell weed here. Haven't smoked since Saturday. yes, I'm week willed Just fuck.
>> No. 922
File 136844259848.jpg - (158.97KB , 640x480 , 1367818593647.jpg )
Wow, haha are you me? Feels good just chilling and smoking but I do agree with OP that fiending can be pretty horrible (especially if you've smoked consistently for a while). I guess the best thing to do is eat more, exercise a bit and try and fill you time with productive / creative things. Don't just sit on imageboards talking about drugs d:
>> No. 972
Go to hood look for guy standing in front of gas station ask for green
>> No. 973
make sure guy isn't wearing Cop uniform
>> No. 1001
If you're really feeling that bad, I'm going to give you an old junkie tip from my days with opiates. You know why you fail a drug test with enough poppy seed consumption, right? Obvious: poppy seeds give off several natural opiates that break down into morphine. Get a gatoraid bottle. Get a bottle of lemon juice. Go to a whole foods supplier store and buy a package of poppy seeds. Empty aprox. half the gatoraid bottle into a cup. Get another empty cup. Give your lemon juice bottle a couple good squeezes. You want the water to smell acidic and taste it, too. Drop approximately 300g of whole poppy seed into the bottle. Close the lid and shake for about 10 minutes, then (and this is fucking important here) CAREFULLY open the cap JUST A SMALL AMOUNT. A gatoraid bottle is pretty damn sturdy and more importantly, the lid doesn't just fly off. You're going to squeeze the bottle inverted over a cup and extract the liquid without spilling the seeds. It's going to turn shit brown if done correctly and I liked to use gatoraid because the colors change so I know how effective it was. Obviously you can use any bottle but you need a sturdy cap or it's going to fall off and you're going to have to deal with seeds all over the goddamn place. It tastes like ass, but it is strong enough for an opiate tolerant individual to remove their withdraws. In an opiate intolerant individual you're going to get pretty fucking noddy.
I'd also add you are going to get nausea so while you're picking up your supplies go ahead and get one bottle of Dramamine - NOT THE DIMENHYDRATE! You want the one with Meclizine hcl. Take two and you'll never have to worry about nausea again.
Remember that liquid you saved? That's for your second wash. Follow the steps like before with the seeds already in the bottle and you can usually get another love out of it.
>> No. 1029
What's the high like?
>> No. 1031
I have never been able to find contacts in my area. I don't even know how to look. Even if I could, I wouldn't know how to not get ripped off, since I only ever smoked with a generous friend in Seattle. Furthermore, I'm extremely poor. There wouldn't be any room for it in my budget.

I am a sad.
>> No. 1038
My strategy is to befriend everyone that looks like they smoke and hope they know a dealer with decent prices.

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