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File 132994839655.jpg - (38.67KB , 500x355 , amphetamines_because_blinking_is_overrated_trollca.jpg )
206 No. 206
Amphetamines are my favorite drug. I've heard some bad things about them, though. How often would one have to partake of them to receive things like holes in the brain or changes in thought processes? Basically, long term effects.

I use recreational doses about once a week currently, for homework mostly.
>> No. 208
You're probably going to be just fine. Amphetamines stunt growth in childhood if you use them often, but I figure you're already an adult and this isn't an issue.

However if you use it only once a week you should be pretty safe. The half life of amphetamines runs from 7 - 36 hours (depending on how basic your urine is).

At your dose I wouldn't expect to see any signs of brain damage. If you were to use abuse them frequently for long periods of time you run the risk of psychosis, which is reversible if you stop taking them, but unpleasant.
>> No. 209
You're fine in the toxicity department.
However, that beautiful euphoria that makes you enjoy the amphetamine high so much may dissipate. I was using about once a week/once every two weeks, and after about two months I stopped feeling almost all euphoria, and was just super focused when I sniffed my usual (high) dose.
>> No. 389
You'll only get an actual hole if you experience severe amphetamine psychosis.
>> No. 409
the dopamanergic action of amphetamines over time downregulates the D1 receptors in the substantia nigra, this new ratio of D! receptors to Ach receptors can give you fancy parkinsosn like symptoms.

>> No. 414
OP they're among the top 3 drugs I actually wish didn't exist.

Enjoy one of the worst things ever/becoming a cocksucking zombie.
>> No. 418
Amphetamines nearly ruined my life. Stay away, dude.

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