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File 132503604622.jpg - (266.87KB , 1108x814 , always_safe.jpg )
9 No. 9
whats a good legit online retailer for spores? anyone ever order any and not go to prison?

i would like to try my hand at agriculture.
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>> No. 12
Yeah, I'm in the same boat. I'd like this spot to easily hand me the right answer but I'll get a wild hair up my ass one day and dig around if I must.

OP, you going for cubes? I hear it's easiest to grow the "truffles" but don't know if you can easily transition from that to the above-soil golden caps.

I'm also fairly interested in growing other varieties for general consumption.
>> No. 18
ralphsters spores
>> No. 27
free spore ring

1 euro per print.
Also if you make your own prints send in a certain number of a certain kind (i.e. 5 cube prints) and you get yourself a fsre t-shirt.
Cool place.
>> No. 28
*40 cube prints, apologies
>> No. 46
I still don't understand how to do anything with spore prints, only the syringes.
>> No. 64
File 132614642141.jpg - (19.68KB , 268x265 , starecat.jpg )
You can turn the prints in to syringes of your own.
Pick up some empty syringes, a shot glass, some disinfectant alcohol and latex gloves.

IIRC Gist of it is you can boil water, let it cool, scrape some spores into the water, stir the water with the needle (disinfected) and suck the spore-filled water in.
During this its good to liberally douse the surrounding area, tools, gloves etc. with disinfectant, and keep a generally clean environment to prevent contamination.


Protip from the above site: "Leaving a burner on the table (burning) creates a 3ft sterile (as near as) bubble of air. This should eliminate all air born contaminates although instruments and table surface will still need sterilization. Personally I use alcohol as it stops the possibility of heat damage."
>> No. 75
I looked up different ways to inoculate cakes and I think liquid culture might be the easiest.
Now I'm just trying to figure out the best stuff to use for substrate. I wanna use the monobucket/monotub method, but I feel like I'm missing something.

It's just
1. Innoculate jars
2. Wait for them to form mycelium
3. Put cakes in fruiting chamber
4. Harvest

>> No. 78
>> No. 79
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About yeah.
Once they're fully colonized with mycellium and look like little vats of unicorn sperm, let em sit for a week extra so that they colonize all the way inside.
Then figure out some terrarium, let em sit in there and reap profit with 2-4 flushes of shrooms.

I suggest you read PF Tek for Simple Minds, great guide with pics and breaks everything down.

Good luck.
>> No. 82
I've read nearly every variation of PF tek, but I'm just really scared of fucking up. I don't have a lot of money.
>> No. 92
Seconding FSRE. This site is awesome, I've had several spore strains from them over the years. The availability of the strains comes and goes, but I would recommend you (>>9) start out with 'Golden Teacher'.

Having had experience with LCs, I'll tell you that they are a BITCH to do. They are super-easy to contaminate.

If you're going to attempt it, make a bunch of LC jars so you have spares if a couple go wrong.

Personally, I prefer to use agar w/ spores or a syringe. I'm growing at the moment with a popcorn grain.

If you're interested in growing though; buy a pressure cooker. There is almost no getting around it if you want to do anything other than PF cakes. While cakes are pretty good for newcomers they tend to be a pain in the ass when you want to grow lots.

I had a grow log going on /grow/ before the Joker incident, but I haven't re-populated a thread on /nat/ with it's contents.
>> No. 159
My friend took a shot in the dark and ordered some online. He didn't go to prison, but ate half the bag like a re re, and called me asking what a cell phone was at 4:00 a.m. Not all of them are feds I guess.

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