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154 No. 154 hide expand quickreply [Reply]
Hair thread, anyone?

Talk about hair, ask questions and share tips about hair, post pictures of haircuts you like or even post your own hair.

My last haircut was the increasingly popular "Hitler Youth", but I'm a little tired of it and it really lost its appeal for me when it got to the point where every other person I saw had the same haircut as me, or a very similar variation of it. I'm now working on growing my hair out, I've always wanted to do it but I've never actually gone through with it for one reason or another.

As for tips that I can give, the only ones I really know of relate to the washing process:
1. Wash your hair in cool or cold water - heat, as you're probably aware, can damage your hair, and apparently cold water helps wash away dead skin from your scalp and any odours from the oils in your hair.
2. Don't wash with shampoo every time - I find that if I wash my hair daily, I can go for about a week using only conditioner, and my hair has become a lot less oily since I started doing this.

The products I like using most are Aussie's default shampoo and conditioner, I get pretty good results from them and they smell delicious.

Anyway, if you have any advice, post it here.
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>> No. 231
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This guy does it right. Michael Pitt.
>> No. 267
Anyone know which mens' hair styling products are good?

I generally just leave my hair au naturel, but my hair is quite long now and I think I need to use a little something to tame it.

Preferably, I'd like something which is fairly discreet and unnoticable, but strong enough in small quantities to style fairly thick, medium-long hair. I don't plan on doing anything too wild with it, I just want to give my hair a messy sort of look and take it against the natural direction of its growth.
>> No. 269
try brylcreem, greatest mens hair product of all time, no 'foolin, there's a reason its been around for 100 years
>> No. 270

Checked their site and it seems like they have lots of different products. Any idea which is best for hair which is fairly long and thick?

A few years back when I still used hair styling products, I would usually go with clay. It gave me a good amount of control over the style and didn't make my hair look oily. Wax didn't seem to work well for me, it made my hair look oily and didn't hold it very well either. I never liked hair gel, it set like a rock and made my hair look like plastic.

They offer two others aside from those though: paste and cream. I've never used those before, so I don't really know anything about them. Are they any good, or should I play it safe and go for the clay?
>> No. 271
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If your in the US this is what you want right here, $6-$7 at Walgreens but you can usually find it anywhere. If your in the UK just go with cream

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233 No. 233 hide quickreply [Reply]
Does /fit/ have any advice on how to improve posture? I spend a lot of time at my computer since I have little else to do with my time, so naturally my posture is horrible.
>> No. 234
I do too, when I catch myself I try to get up striaght. You could try doing some yoga?
>> No. 236
lordosis or kyphosis?

Do you lift?

heres a couple of videos as a jumping off point



basically; core exercises, posterior chain exercises, and rowing

PS: if you dont lift and dont want to lift, dumbell goblet squats and bentover rows would be a good place to start though
>> No. 251
>I spend a lot of time at my computer since I have little else to do with my time

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>> No. 275
Deadlifts, and do it the proper way. Lift and once the bar reaches your knees you want to squeeze the life out of your glutes.

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207 No. 207 hide quickreply [Reply]
How do I lose muscle mass?

My father's a huge 6'5 250+ lbs gorilla that's given me a body type that I don't necessarily want. Short sleeve shorts are suicidal for me. I either look fat (too loose) or like a douchebag (too tight) How do I get rid of upper muscle mass? Cardio?

Pic is what I feel like. Eugh.

Alternatively, is there anything I can wear that WON'T make me feel like a prick? I'm already growing a beard to go for that introverted lumberjack look.
>> No. 217
Just.. dont dress or act like a douchebag. Then you'll just be a big and strong guy.
>> No. 230
do cardio and never lift a thing
>> No. 276
Don't lift so much and stop eating so much

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>> No. 289
swimming is a great way to tone up

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50 No. 50 hide expand quickreply [Reply]
If I have hair down to m shoulders how can I change the style without permanently changing it? By the way I'm a guy and it's blonde, I'm not taking pictures because of self consciousness
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>> No. 146
When I had long hair I would do a kind of samurai like top knot and it looked pretty good. I don't know how it would look on a blonde dude though.

Eventually I just said, "Fuck it," and shaved off all my hair.
>> No. 147
>how can I change the style without permanently changing it?
Nothing you do to your hair is permanent because it grows back. You could shave your head and it wouldn't be permanent.

Unless you were suddenly overtaken by male pattern baldness within 6 months.
>> No. 151
Why not tie it in a bun?
>> No. 199
corn rows nigga!
>> No. 205
brother, i used to have a long mane, i had troy polamalu hair, and i rocked it wild and out, in a tight bun, or in a pony tail thing. but then i donated it. short hair feels great. give it a thought. i was nervous and didn't want to, but i wouldn't go back.

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193 No. 193 hide quickreply [Reply]
I would like some hand jewelry like this girl is wearing. What is it called?
>> No. 198
slave bracelet, i think
>> No. 227
It sounds so demeaning but it looks so classy. I love it.

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185 No. 185 hide quickreply [Reply]
Hi /fit/. I have been lifting a lot lately. My big lifts have been going up, as well as my little lifts. I'm getting bigger and I'm generally happy. But I am having an issue with one of my knees. It's often a little sore and stiff after running and leg days, but the one thing that I am really worried about is leg curls. Whenever I do them above 60 lbs (single leg), the back of that knee feels like it's going to pop, like somebody has me in a really good knee bar. The other knee is fine. Can you give me any guidance on what is causing this?
>> No. 186
The best way to avoid injury is to exercise the muscles supporting the joint. I would take a small break to make sure you are not over exercising it and resume when you feel comfortable.
>> No. 187
The best advice I can offer sir, is to take an Advil tablet before and after your work out. It could just be inflammation. Make sure it's ibuprofen (Advil), and not acetaminophen (Tylenol) or aspirin (Bayer). If it still hurts or the Advil doesn't do anything, it could be a deeper issue. If that's the case you may want to get it checked out. However, judging by what you've told us, I would suppose the doctors advice to be something like "Don't do leg curls over 60 lbs."

good luck
>> No. 188

I should have added that I have previously injured this knee. I think it was about 8 years back doing leg extensions. Before I got to the full extension it just popped sideways. I never had it checked out, just limped around on crutches for a couple weeks until I could walk on it again.


The back of the knee is a tricky thing to exercise. Aside from leg curls I couldn't think of anything else to do.


Inflammation had crossed my mind from time to time. I'll try some ibuprofen and see if that calms it down. It's been looked at twice, once when I enlisted two years ago and again a little over a year ago, and both times was cleared as "stable." Although all they do is wiggle it around a little, not drop 60 pounds on my heel while I'm laying down. I guess common sense should tell me not to do more than 60 pounds, I just hate holding myself back like that when I know I should be moving up.

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>> No. 189
How's your squat?

Going to say fish oil. IT helps reduce inflammation.
>> No. 191
ooh yes, fish oil. I found a lot of my little joint tweaks alleviated when I started daily supplementing with the 3-6-9 omega oil.

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131 No. 131 hide expand quickreply [Reply]
Hello, new /fit/. /fa/. /fitfa/.

I'm back from my fat loss hiatus after so long.

I started this journey at 240 pounds of fat, and left off at ~203 pounds of, well, less fat. I've only recently got myself back on track after so many months of irregular and wanton lifestyle, and I'm ready to make this second thread really count.

The picture you see on your right is a picture from the latter part of my last thread. As you can see, even after ~30 pounds of fat lost, it's not exactly the greatest body in the world.
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>> No. 133

Now that I look at this picture, I think it came out to be so that it's stretched vertically. Just a little disclaimer to you guys before you assume I've gained a large amount of weight in comparison.
>> No. 134
Are these 1RM or sets of 3x5?
It's quite a strong squat. What's your routine at the moment?

Also, have you read Starting Strength? This will solve a lot of your problems and will give you cues to solve your deadlift problem and suggest stretches to fix your flexibility issues. The deadlift is primarily a leg/glute movement, and not a lower back one. You can't go wrong reading SS:http://vissoft6.org/031/starting+strength+3rd+ed+rapidshare.html

Dave Tate's 'So you think you can Squat' and Rippetoe's series of videos on the squat will help you work on your form.

Excessive lordotic curving can be caused by sitting on your ass all day. Read BB.com's 'Neaderthal No More' articles. Whenever you stand, squeeze your asscheeks together.

>> No. 135

The numbers you see are derived from my Starting Strength routine of 3x5.

I have read through a copy of the original book a couple of times, although it looks like there have been quite a few parts that managed to go in one ear and out the other.

I'll make sure to study the videos and emulate what's been shown. Also, the link regarding lordosis seems a great deal of help for someone like me. Thank you for your recommendations.
>> No. 182
When I first started off, I had the a slight lordosis as well. I didn't know what it was at the time. I just knew that, as I got off my ass and became more active, my low back posture was some how wrong. I stood with my ass out and up.

I constantly, all day in the office or whenever I noticed it, reminded my self to; squeeze my ass, tighten my gut, and lead with my dick. Eventually this got habitualized and my posture improved. Doing this will also throw your shoulders back and make you look more confident.

This applies to the squat as well. take a deep breath and hold it of course, thats in the book. But, before you drop into the hole, squeeze your sphincter, tighten your abs. Then as you come out of the hole, make sure your still squeezing your ass, and jut your hips up and sort of forward. In a diagonallly fashion. This is the Hip Drive you are looking for. its sort of leading with your dick again. I shout in my head, HIP DRIVE!!! The squat is a very hips oriented movment, coach Rip would say something like "The hips are the main lever action of the squat" I believe. This focus on the hips will also force your chest out and up as well.

hope that makes sense and is helpful.

>> No. 197
>>182 here
I watched a video today that is pretty related to lordosis and squats


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164 No. 164 hide expand quickreply [Reply]
cute one piece swimsuits for non fat women, do they exist?
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>> No. 166
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>> No. 167
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>> No. 168
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bears make everything awesome.
>> No. 169
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if only this weren't white and guaranteed to become see trough in water...
>> No. 171
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31 No. 31 hide quickreply [Reply]
any of you guys have a diet program for bulking
include 220-240 gr protein 200-210 carbohydrate using stronglift 5x5
>> No. 34
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This is my average day, the breakfast stays pretty much the same, only takes 10-15 minutes to make. The lunch is a "tv dinner" microwave meal and a weight gainer shake, doesn't get any easier than that. The carbs and the veg at dinner may change but not really. I switch the quinoa with brown rice; and the fresh brocolli with frozen mixed veg, kale, spinach, whatever. Dinner only takes 25 mIn, that is how long it takes for the meat to bake at 425. While the meats in the oven I make the starch and veg. Nothing like a big bowl of cottage cheese/peanut butter/honey for desert, right before bed omnomnom

Lift Days
Throw in my pre workout meal (usually whole wheat English Muffin w/ natty peanut butter and a protien shake), a post workout shake,

Drive Thru
the occasional chicken nuggets at the drive thru (no fries or soda, yecchhh), chicken salads, Chipotle burrito, and bulking burgers and Im good to go

Edited to add in sporadic fruits: I stick with apples, oranges and bananas. I shoot for two or three a day, usually get at least one serving lol.
>> No. 129
Too many grain carbs not enough saturated animal fat. IMO
My Reasoning:
Muscle growth is triggered both locally (intra muscular) and externally (Extramuscular/hormones)
Hormone production particularly testosterone and adrenaline require these fats.
If you can't produce the external conditions which trigger muscle creation/growth you won't grow as quickly.

Muscle creation is a slow process you need long term energy as well. Calorie wise takes approx 4000 kCal to build 1lb of muscle. Simple sugars from carbs are used too quickly by the body and are stored in fat rather than muscle w/o immediate local stimulation. Fats digest much more slowly.
Structurally it makes sense as well cells are basically complex lipid bubbles built to store protein chains. Fats and protein are the bricks and mortar of the body. Sugars are more like the a/c

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96 No. 96 hide expand quickreply [Reply]

Prep for spring.

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>> No. 108
Personally I dont really see anything here that stands out. It feela way mire winter than spring
>> No. 117
Obama and Romney ware Brooks as did most presidents.
>> No. 118
Dress like the 1%
>> No. 119
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A man that is not able to wear a non iron Brooks shirt in America is doing it wrong.

>> No. 120
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Show that you love her, buy her something.

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78 No. 78 hide quickreply [Reply]
Aight. Since the sticky isn't fully restored yet, I guess I'm allowed to ask stupid questions muahaha.
Seriously though, I've just started SS and I have to say it feels great. I'm thinking of continuing the program till about May and then start a cut.
Could someone give me a quick example of a lifting routine for cutting? Is it high rep-volume and less weight? Daily cardio is included I guess.
And when it comes to nutrition, minimum fats, lots of water and veggies, small meals every 2 hours or so?
pic semi-related. I'm mirin'
>> No. 90
High reps/low weights. You also want to increase your sets and decrease your cooling down periods. In essence- you're burning calories more so than if you were burning your muscle up so that it heals better.
Don't deny yourself good fats. Cutting or not, fish is always good on your plate. Cashews tend to be fatty (the good kind), so I eat them in the AM. Chicken and salad with little or not dressing is the perfect meal, but that doesn't mean you can't have an 85/15 (lean/fat) burger with some steamed carrots on the side.
Something I did wrong last spring was that I ate nothing, but greens and little bits of meat. That was cool and all, but I should've tried to get some more grains/oats. And I shouldn't have overdone it all at once. It left me feeling like hell for months afterwards.
Don't be a nazi, but start to eat things you need rather than want right now and you'll be good for summer
>> No. 91
thx a lot friend

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53 No. 53 hide quickreply [Reply]
whoaaaa.... wtf. where did the super sticky of fitness go?

I havent been on the web for a bit and i come back and the stuff I need is missing? what happened?
>> No. 54
Some autist called Joker deleted half the site because someone on IRC called him weird.

Also: >>2

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