No. 90
High reps/low weights. You also want to increase your sets and decrease your cooling down periods. In essence- you're burning calories more so than if you were burning your muscle up so that it heals better.
Don't deny yourself good fats. Cutting or not, fish is always good on your plate. Cashews tend to be fatty (the good kind), so I eat them in the AM. Chicken and salad with little or not dressing is the perfect meal, but that doesn't mean you can't have an 85/15 (lean/fat) burger with some steamed carrots on the side.
Something I did wrong last spring was that I ate nothing, but greens and little bits of meat. That was cool and all, but I should've tried to get some more grains/oats. And I shouldn't have overdone it all at once. It left me feeling like hell for months afterwards.
Don't be a nazi, but start to eat things you need rather than want right now and you'll be good for summer