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File 132876632260.jpg - (357.64KB , 1280x848 , IMAG0036.jpg )
131 No. 131
Hello, new /fit/. /fa/. /fitfa/.

I'm back from my fat loss hiatus after so long.

I started this journey at 240 pounds of fat, and left off at ~203 pounds of, well, less fat. I've only recently got myself back on track after so many months of irregular and wanton lifestyle, and I'm ready to make this second thread really count.

The picture you see on your right is a picture from the latter part of my last thread. As you can see, even after ~30 pounds of fat lost, it's not exactly the greatest body in the world.
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>> No. 132
File 132876913582.jpg - (68.34KB , 640x480 , IMG_20120208_221529.jpg )
And here, we have my new picture--with dramatic image size reduction to symbolize the great fat reduction I will make (In reality, I just learned how to manipulate the settings on my phone camera)

I am currently 213 pounds at 6'4". As you can see, my lackadaisical attitude towards my supposed change in lifestyle is reflected in this new picture. I've put on a minuscule amount of muscle from my half-hearted lifting sessions, but it's all but unnoticeable here. Yes, I've been careless up to this point, and I have little, if any excuses. This is the fruit of my results, or the lack thereof. I'm willing to fix this.

First things I want to get out:

My diet is in order. I am currently eating at 300 calorie deficit, with a diet of protein-dense food such as eggs, tuna, chicken breasts, and whey, coupled with vegetables such as lettuce, spinach, and broccoli. It's now safe to say that my repertoire of healthy recipes have increased, large thanks to the niche of helpful cooking communities located all over the *chans.

My lifts have stalled frequently due to poor form and aversion to increasing weights. It's something that has only changed recently, but I've seen decent increase in strength after modifying my diet to something more suitable to my lifting routine.

So far, my progress goes along the lines of:

Bench press: 160 pounds--I've only broken past the stall at 135 one month ago. I've seen dramatic increase in this lift during the past two weeks after the diet modification.

Squats: 250 pounds--I've had a little trouble with this recently because of my posture (mentioned below). Also, as much as I try to rest the bar on my traps and use the thumbless grip, the indirect pressure and the due pain on my wrists still plague me.

Deadlift: 225 pounds--It's supposed to be my heaviest lift, but I can't deadlift without my back arching for the life of me. Yes, I do keep my head up. Can it be a possible lack of core strength?

A light inspection of my body as well as feedbacks on my posture confirm that I am suffering from two of the most common posture issues: Winged scapula and lordosis. While the former is negligible save for minor appearance details, the latter seems to be taking its toll on my lifts; contributing to a sharp pain in my lower back when I push the weight off the floor while doing squats. I suppose I have no one but myself and my sedentary lifestyle to blame for this. Now, I'd like to fix this.

Comments and helpful tidbits of information are welcome to help me restart on my way to health. Encouragements and insults are equally welcome as well. I will try to update this thread every few days to show my progress and burden you guys with yet another set of questions regarding fat loss.

Until then. Thanks in advance, /fitfa/.
>> No. 133

Now that I look at this picture, I think it came out to be so that it's stretched vertically. Just a little disclaimer to you guys before you assume I've gained a large amount of weight in comparison.
>> No. 134
Are these 1RM or sets of 3x5?
It's quite a strong squat. What's your routine at the moment?

Also, have you read Starting Strength? This will solve a lot of your problems and will give you cues to solve your deadlift problem and suggest stretches to fix your flexibility issues. The deadlift is primarily a leg/glute movement, and not a lower back one. You can't go wrong reading SS:http://vissoft6.org/031/starting+strength+3rd+ed+rapidshare.html

Dave Tate's 'So you think you can Squat' and Rippetoe's series of videos on the squat will help you work on your form.

Excessive lordotic curving can be caused by sitting on your ass all day. Read BB.com's 'Neaderthal No More' articles. Whenever you stand, squeeze your asscheeks together.

>> No. 135

The numbers you see are derived from my Starting Strength routine of 3x5.

I have read through a copy of the original book a couple of times, although it looks like there have been quite a few parts that managed to go in one ear and out the other.

I'll make sure to study the videos and emulate what's been shown. Also, the link regarding lordosis seems a great deal of help for someone like me. Thank you for your recommendations.
>> No. 182
When I first started off, I had the a slight lordosis as well. I didn't know what it was at the time. I just knew that, as I got off my ass and became more active, my low back posture was some how wrong. I stood with my ass out and up.

I constantly, all day in the office or whenever I noticed it, reminded my self to; squeeze my ass, tighten my gut, and lead with my dick. Eventually this got habitualized and my posture improved. Doing this will also throw your shoulders back and make you look more confident.

This applies to the squat as well. take a deep breath and hold it of course, thats in the book. But, before you drop into the hole, squeeze your sphincter, tighten your abs. Then as you come out of the hole, make sure your still squeezing your ass, and jut your hips up and sort of forward. In a diagonallly fashion. This is the Hip Drive you are looking for. its sort of leading with your dick again. I shout in my head, HIP DRIVE!!! The squat is a very hips oriented movment, coach Rip would say something like "The hips are the main lever action of the squat" I believe. This focus on the hips will also force your chest out and up as well.

hope that makes sense and is helpful.

>> No. 197
>>182 here
I watched a video today that is pretty related to lordosis and squats


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