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File 140064762953.jpg - (14.05KB , 170x244 , Untitled_thumb.jpg )
541 No. 541 hide quickreply [Reply]
Sup fraggots. I want to tell you a little story about some wonderful brotards in my gym.

> Warming up at the squat rack, 135.
> Brotard with lat-revealing hand-cut sleeveless t come sup to me.
> "How many sets you got left there, briggity-bro?"
> "I dunno, I'm just warming up, probably 8 or 9."
> "Yo I just need to do some curls, can I work in with you?"
> "Um, okay, I'm going to be going up in weight though."
> "No prob, bob, I'll just put another bar on the curl rests" (no shit, he actually called the safety-catches curl rests) "and work off there."
> So he puts an empty bar on the catches, puts 10's on each side, then busts out shitty half-curls, drops it back on the catches, grunts, and walks towards the water fountain.
> I put his bar on the ground and do my next warmup set (185).
> He walks back, and no shit, he says to me:
> "Yo, bro, can you put that bar back on the curl rests?"
> "Why can't you put it on yourself?"
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>> No. 557
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I go to my local primary school after hours doing a beep test (currently reached my max of 4.0 as of tonight and improving almost every time). There's a family training their kiddy to ride his bike there.

No worries, but the mom insists on bringing him right over across the 1 m x 25 m wide lane on the furthest side of the concrete field, over a total 25 m wide x 25 long concrete.

Not quite a brotard, just a tard. Knowing that I would be too tired too fight off the bogan looking dad un my fatiguing state I didn't say shit and just repaced myself.

Seriously though wtf mumtard
>> No. 564
lol bogan. never heard that before but I might start using it

some guy once started with sets when I was doing them and asked me to put them back, so I did it like once when he asked me. But OP you gotta just explain it like it be, and put that tone in your voice like, its fucking obvious goddamn retard. They'll get it

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32 No. 32 hide quickreply [Reply]
Does anyone here actually lift, have programming experience?
Can we get a workout thread going?
My current three day split is

Squat 5x5
Calf Raise 3x12 (0.5, 1, 2 sec pace)
Bench 5x5
Barbell Curl 5x5
Weighted Triceps Dip 3x10
Pendealy Row 5x5
Dumbell Lat Pull 3x10

Squat 5x5
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>> No. 48

Press/Bench 3x5
Chinup 3xWhatever (usually 5)
Squat 3x5

Press/Bench 3x5
Deadlift 1x5
Row 3x5

Press/Bench 3x5
Chinup 3xWhatever (usually 5)
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>> No. 550
This has been my workout for the past few months with pretty good results.

Bench 4 sets of however many I can do (ideal 12-10-8-6 with weight going up) usually more like 12-8-6-3 but that's because I'm lifting with someone that has a larger frame and can bench more than me. Then I do drop sets from just below my top weight down to clean bar in 4 sets.

Incline Bench - 4 sets with same sort of idea. Significantly less weight though. No drop sets.
Chest Fly (machine) - 4 sets 15-12-10-8 increasing weight
Chest Fly (cables - above) - 4 sets 15-12-10-8
Tricep dips - 3 sets - however many I can do (Also works lower chest so this varies on how tired I am but usually about 10-8-8)
Skull Crushers - 4 sets 15-12-10-8
Tricep Circuit - kickbacks/overheads (one arm) 15-12-10-8 per arm. To be clear, 15 of each for each arm, then go up in weight and do 12.
Overhead Tricep Extension - 2 sets - however many I can do. This is an exhaustion exercise
Tricep Rope Push-down - drop sets with 6 weights

Finally, as many pushups as I can do which isn't many since I just worked out my chest.
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>> No. 553
Each of the workouts is a day, with one day of cardio, then a day of optional cardio, then start again.
>> No. 560
Nice. How is it working out for you? I might change mine to model it a little bit after yours. It looks very balanced.
>> No. 561
Fairly well in my opinion. I mean I'm strong for my size in pretty much every exercise. I don't have a six pack or anything, but that's more a body fat thing due to the fact that I'm not dieting in any way. I kinda just eat what I ate before I was working out, which is food that is terrible for me. When I started working out I gained weight, then I lost it all back once I added in cardio. Overall I am stronger, look better, and have better cardiovascular health than I did when I started. To be honest though I don't know what metric you want to use to tell if it's working. I feel like I'm just bragging aimlessly. What are your goals?

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546 No. 546 hide quickreply [Reply]
I need to put on 5kg AND improve my beep test score from a 4 to 7.5 to get into the Australian defence force. Can you make a schedule forecasting the improvement I should expect over time and long it will take? I don't care how long it takes, I just need to get there!
>> No. 548
We don't know what you weigh, what you eat, what your workout entails, or anything about you. Also, do your own goddamn schedule. Do some research and put in the hard work.

Come back when you have specific questions and we will do our best to help but you can't just come in and say "do a shitload of work for me, here is no information, start from scratch."

That image - and the righteous, romanticized sacrificial violence it propagandizes - is monstrously out of touch with the modern world, and it distresses me that anyone could find it inspirational for voluntary military service

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529 No. 529 hide quickreply [Reply]
Sup /fitfa/gs, I recently decided to start dressing like I'm not a depressed high schooler who lives in his own shit. I don't like untucked shirts, so I tend to go with a shirt with a decent pattern on it, tucked in with jeans or khakis, sleeves usually rolled, when I feel like being a little more formal. But in general I'm becoming partial to just wearing a shirt unbuttoned over a t shirt, recently I got a bunch of plaid shirts like this one to do this with. Whats youre opinion on the look? Too 90's? I think untucked looks stupid and I'm not too interested in the newer fashionier shirts that are a little thicker and made to be worn untucked without a tie. I kinda like the idea of wearing what's meant to be a dress shirt more casually.

Am I a lame faggot with no fashion sense?
>> No. 530
The second time I use the word untucked, I mean buttoned but not tucked in, which I think looks like you're wearing a fucking dress.
>> No. 535
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As long as the shirt fits OK around the shoulders and midsection, and the t-shirt you're wearing under it is simple and a good fit, you're good to go, OP. Grey or white works best, other colours can work too depending on the pattern and colour of shirt you're wearing over it. I like that look quite a bit and it's coming back. Make sure your pants fit well, make sure the shirt(s) fit well, and, when you're tucking your shirt in, wear a nice belt that goes with your shoes. When doing the untucked-over-t-shirt, consider pairing it with a wool beany, though that might not be your style.

Besides plaid or other patterns, look into more simple colour blocking, other fabics, textures, etc. Denim shirts, a unified colour, bolder patterns, etc. Also pay attention to what colours work with your skin tone and hair colour. Do bright colours, yellows, reds, etc look good on you? Or earth tones? Or pastels? That can make a huge difference.

>doesn't have to be mega tight, but should not be baggy at all, IMO
I would disagree with this. It really depends on the individual and their style. A close, tailored-or-close-to-it fit can be good if you're going for more of a clean-cut look or if you're on the short and/or stocky side. A looser fit can work with a more laid-back style or if you're on the tall side. For example, if you're the type to wear snapbacks and skateshoes, a baggier fit would work. Or if you're just going for a bit of a "slacker/stoner/skater" chill vibe, it can work. Or if you just have a bit of a chilled out style and personality, you can rock a baggier fit. Not a big billowy garbage bag of a shirt, but a looser hang around the shoulders and the torso.
>> No. 543
He's still Kanye, so there's got to be some zazzle there. I kind of like the chain with that outfit, for exactly the reason you stated: "Hey, I'm just a laid back guy chillin' in my plaid shirt and black jeans BAM BIG GOLD CHAIN"
>> No. 545
Get shorter shirts. Don't wear a big long dress shirt or business casual shirt untucked, it's too long. Get something a little shorter. Or, take the shirts you currently have to a tailor and have the bottom brought up a bit. Leave it long enough that it will stay in your pants if you want to tuck it in, but doesn't look like a dress if it's untucked.

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301 No. 301 hide quickreply [Reply]
Hey all,
Our college (I'm in Australia, think dorm) has 130 people and we're looking to renovate the gym. we currently have this old piece of crap all-in-one machine that no-one uses, and students have been asked to submit what they want.
So far amongst the gym-users here we've decided we need free weights, so we want a bench press, squat rack, dumbbells, and a chin-up bar. We are also thinking about a cable-crossover.
Basically we're trying to get as much as we can for as little money, so if you went to a gym, what would be the bare necessities for you? I think with a bench press, squat rack, chin-up bar and dumbbells you can do a whole lot.
Also, ladies go to the college so they will be suggesting cross-trainers and whatnot - if you have any advice for them then let me know.
Thanks so much everyone!
>> No. 302
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An adjustable bench is a necessity for dumbbell work
>> No. 303
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Also for dips and leg lifts
>> No. 520
A couple of power racks not just one or two.

Foam Rollers and mats help, also resistance bands and shit
>> No. 540
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What's the floor like? Get some rubber-coated olympic plates and a rubber floor cover (or lifting platform, if yall can afford it).

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479 No. 479 hide expand quickreply [Reply]
I have 4 t-shirts, 2 over shirts, 1 down under shell, one camouflage weather jacket (perfect for staying incognito waiting for a freight), 2 ripped and paint-splattered jeans, one zip-offs grey burnt stained pants, white socks, and a pair of heavy duty work boots.

These are all the clothes I own. I like to travel lightly and not worry about ruining my clothes. I could always purchase more at a thrift store or perhaps take a nice donation from a shelter.

Sometimes I wish I had one or two outfits. Classy, rugged, easy to maintain, and matches the traveller's lifestyle. Who says you can't hitchhike and hop freight trains looking fabulous?

However I have no sense of style. Any help from you guys?
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>> No. 509
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Closing with a personal favourite. Hope this has been helpful.
>> No. 512
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>> No. 513
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>> No. 519
>Herschel backpack
>Shiny boots
>Thumb out even though no car is coming
>Ears exposed even though there is snow on the ground
I'm beginning to think this posed modelling shot is not very authentic.
>> No. 527
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Yeah, I can see that. I like that look personally. The little 5 panel hat. It's one of my favourite recent-ish trendy things (recent-ish because it's a hat style that never really goes anywhere and seems to have a small surge in popularity every 10-15 years). But I can see how someone might think it looks a little try-hard.

Plus, on windy days, the breeze can get under the upward-angled bill and zip it off your head. This is easily solved with a hood or pulling the hat further down your forehead or just not wearing the cap on windy days, but it's still a little annoying.

that's the price of lookin' good, baby

It isn't something for everyone though. The more colourful hats work if you're a teenage boy or a hip-hop kid. On guys in their early 20s, especially guys with a bit of a boyish look or build, that kind of thing will make them look too juvenile. But if you're on the other end of things - mid-20s to mid-30s, it'll add a bit of a boyish quality in a good way; especially if you have a bit of a rugged, masculine style and wear a cap with simpler colour blocking and earth tones like some of the examples ITT.

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492 No. 492 hide quickreply [Reply]
Interactive T-shirts? Interactive T-shirts!

This little nigga right here can detect wi-fi signals.

>> No. 493
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AR card T-shirt so you can play games on your girlfriend's titties. You need a 3DS to play AR games.

>> No. 494
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491 No. 491 hide quickreply [Reply]
i dont want thinspirational shit, nor fancy ballet pics or vids or natalie portman in this thread. Only good resources of physiological facts about ballet. how do the muscles work exactly in the movements, what is to know?
Also Ballet exercises with good physiological explications.
>> No. 536
*loud farting noise*


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420 No. 420 hide quickreply [Reply]
I'm looking for comments on my current training program, which I recently started:

Monday: High Intensity Interval Training (running)

Tuesday: Strength training of upper body, arms, plus squats

Wendesday: HIIT

Thursday: Strength training

Friday: HIIT

Saturday: Strength training

Sunday: Rest
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>> No. 427
Are you serious.
You don't include any information about your routines.
Also don't include what you goals or objectives are.
Can't possibly comment because no nothing about the exercises you do or what you are trying to achieve.

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201 No. 201 hide expand quickreply [Reply]
What do you like to use on your face?

I am looking for something to get rid of redness and make my skin smooth.
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>> No. 363
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Valets on sale
>> No. 364
Black Watch Smoking Jacket

Item# MN00124

$ 998.00
>> No. 411
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Is this why I sometimes have oppressive thirst, but no amount of water I drink will satisfying it? I'll drink to the point of being sick, but I'm still extremely thirst on some occasions.
>> No. 424
Like Rosacea? I know a guy who has it- just use some light makeup or ask a doctor it there's any sort of medication you can use.
>> No. 426
All I use on my face is water, soap (only in the shower or if I'm really sweaty/grubby), witch hazel, and sesame oil. For the most part this keeps my skin happy and complexion clear.

My skin tends to be dry, so both soap and witch hazel will dry it out to the point of flakiness/redness. I'll soap up in the shower, then afterwards splash on some witch hazel as a tonic (it's astringent and closes pores), and follow that up with a small dab of oil to seal in all the moisture. I try to avoid touching my face too much or picking at whiteheads. Staying hydrated and eating a good diet also help, and I notice more problems when I fail to.

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341 No. 341 hide quickreply [Reply]
Anyone have knowledge about getting a fitted suit? Generally speaking how much is the (labor) cost? What brand/label has the best deals? Any sort of tips for shopping around and/or the actual fitting?

Just don't want to fuck myself over with this and think it would benefit others.
>> No. 345
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I saved a post some guy made on the old /fa/ board we had before the site got deleted.

>Black - intimidation and power
>Blue - friendly and open
>Brown - reliable
>Grey - intelligent
>For a job interview I'd suggest blue. Never ever black.

>You should always wear a white shirt with a black suit and then any tie.
>For other suits, pick a non-clashing non-same colour shirt and then match it with the tie. Tie is never lighter than the shirt.
>Also match your shoes to your belt, I'd only ever really wear brown with a brown suit. Socks match pants, always. Your school shoes aren't good enough, people will notice them and only them. Buy a decent pair of dress shoes.

>As for the buttons, maybe in your area 1 button jackets are acceptable but I've never seen it in any professional environment, they're mostly evening suits, so go with 2 or 3 buttons.

>If you're going to be wearing it for extended periods sitting down, one of the main features will be the vents or flaps on the back of the jacket. You can get jackets with no vents but they're uncomfortable and I always saw them as more female. 1 slit is fine, I'd always go for 2 though. See picture.
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>> No. 359
Thanks bro
>> No. 368
Quick question here, figured it fit with the thread. Do dark gray pants go with a black suit jacket? I searched around to see if anything mentions it as a faux pas, but I didn't see anything explicitly prohibiting it. I also rarely see the combination, so I was wondering if any of you might be able to lend me some advice. I'd be wearing a blue shirt with a gray tie.
>> No. 413
From my perspective, it's OK to mix certain solid-colored suits together as long as it's not that formal of an occasion, though it would still be fairly iffy.
>> No. 415
if the colors are too close together it looks you're trying to construct a suit out of odd pants and an odd jacket and that's bad

but really grey and black is a great way to go

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372 No. 372 hide quickreply [Reply]
I don't know if this is the right place to post this, but i know the 4chan /fit/ is 99% trolls. Yesterday, I attempted to do a crossfit workout with my cousins. I ended up puking and ever since then i've been coughing up mucus and it feels like my throat is slightly plugged. I'm wondering what the cause is and if i should be concerned.
>> No. 385
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Dont be a bitch youre out of shape get back in the gym man up
It's called detox ing
>> No. 386
Are you used to these types of exercise? Maybe you over exercised yourself or you simply ate right before workout out which is unrecomendable
>> No. 387
*before working out
>> No. 412
You did too much, too soon. The first steps to exercise need to be measured. You sound like you over did it.

Here's a link about it:

Resting after exercise is just as important as the exercise activity itself. Find a balance between the two and increase the routine over time so your body can gradually adjust to the increasing strain of exercise. Progress is about consistency more so than intensity.

Becoming excessively fatigued can weaken your immune system which in turn could allow an illness to take advantage of your body in this weakened and make you sick.
>> No. 510
That girl would be Robert Crumb's dream come true.

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373 No. 373 hide quickreply [Reply]
So i brought this coat and i fell in love with it but it didn't fit properly on the chest, i returned it but they didn't have it in a bigger size, could anyone find this in a medium or something very similar? Name is Farah Vintage Seaweed Livingstone jacket.
>> No. 374
>> No. 401
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371 No. 371 hide quickreply [Reply]
Hey guys.

I'm losing weight a lot faster than the reccomended 2lbs per week, but my lifts are still increasing at a steady pace. For example i have a 225lb squat right now, I increase squats by 12.5lb per work out at the moment, no stalls, no trouble, just keeps on rising.

I lost 5kg this week. Just a bit confused. This is the first month of my cut btw, I weigh 95kg at 6'0, previously bulked to 100kg.

Am I still losing gainz if my lifts are going up?

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370 No. 370 hide quickreply [Reply]

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287 No. 287 hide expand quickreply [Reply]
I know next to nothing about fashion and just want to blend in in a casual setting without looking like a moron. Any tips?
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>> No. 292
and make sure they fit.
>> No. 294
Get some shoes that are in style. Nothing sticks out more (to me anyway) than dirty running shoes in a non-workout setting. If you get anything white get some Magic Eraser, shit is amazing for keeping them that way.
>> No. 350
1. look what normal people wear
2. pick up similar clothes with your choice of colors and size
3. ????
4. fuck hot women
>> No. 351
H&M is a pretty popular chain store found in many malls. You may look like a total bandwagon motherfucker, or asian premed student, but the prices are cheap and solid colored shirts never go out of style...
A nice pair of Vans are always also good. Chukka-lows tend to look pretty great. Although a skater will be able to look right through your scuff-less shoes, no one else will.
Good luck, Joe...
>> No. 352
Oh, and shop with a girl who knows fashion.
Maybe search Tumblr for a fashion blog by someone who lives in your area and tell them your blight. Maybe ask for advice, resources, or for them to meet up with you and take you shopping. After all, how threatening could meeting up in a Mall cafeteria be?

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339 No. 339 hide quickreply [Reply]
where can i find these sunglasses, sauce or a name?
>> No. 342
If there are any places near you that sell knockoff/novelty sunglasses you should be able to find a pair. I've seen pairs like that in places near me, at least.
>> No. 346
honestly i'll continue to look, and we've had similar thoughts on the matter.

If you can find a dead ringer near you i'd arrange something on ebay.

I'm that annoyed.
>> No. 347
thrift store

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215 No. 215 hide quickreply [Reply]
What's your opinion on intermittent fasting, /fit/?
>> No. 235
i fast every day.
i get up and drive 45 min to work. work 10hr w/ no break (we aren't given one). drive 45 min home. then i eat breakfast. a few hours later i eat again before sleeping (though usually just bagel or something).

altogether i go ~20hrs each day without eating.

also - ramadan
>> No. 281
I just completed a week-long water fast. It's not very difficult if you have a little discipline. The problem with fasting is the loss of muscle mass. As for intermittent fasting, the evidence seems to support it at just about every turn, but I've yet to see any studies on humans. It's better to fast every other day than to severely reduce caloric intake on a daily basis(better to have 2k and then 0 calories than 1k each day).

In all honesty, eating healthier and exercising more is a better option. I mostly did it as a willpower exercise, the 20 pounds I lost was just a tiny bonus.
>> No. 286
That can't be good for your metabolism...
>> No. 304
I've been doing about 2800 calories a day with 16-18 hours of fasting, bf % has gone down 2% in about a little over a month, still progressing nicely on my lifts. I take a scoop of whey/BCAA before I lift and fast for about another hour afterwards.
>> No. 305
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Whilst I've been hearing good things about it, including the documentary on the BBC, there's no studies that have been released demonstrating a definite benefit. There's no evidence to say they are unhealthy, but I'd rather wait for some firm evidence before looking into doing it regularly.

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295 No. 295 hide quickreply [Reply]
I can answer pretty much any fitness and diet related question. Provide me with as much relative info about yourself ( age, weight, height, time you've been working out )

Here's a bit about me 5'8 , short blonde hair, 20, uni student. I want to look older. My fashion skills are weak and at my best I look like a hipster in highschool. Any pics, guides, websites, that you can provide is cool :)
>> No. 297
You don't even specify if you're male or female
>> No. 298
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I'm a 25 year old guy, 5'6", work mostly from home these days which makes it easy to schedule workouts and cook decent food. My family was always very active but I was mostly "the smart one," the majority of my exercise being dancing straight through a weekend at a rave. I entered the workforce and spent 8 years getting fat. I joined a gym about 4 months back and by the end of 8 months, hope to have made a major reduction in that. I'm told I'm shockingly strong, particularly in the legs which would likely come from years working in a rendering plant. I'm told I'm surprisingly flexible which I chalk up to dancing/martial arts years ago.

So, all things said, folks seem to think I'm progressing along pretty well. I'm a critical sort of guy and acknowledge I've improved, but I think I should have more and better results by now but don't know how to gauge appropriately. I've lost maybe 8 lbs. total weight. Granted, I've packed on some serious muscle in 4 months which surely means the fat is melting off and being replaced. My goals being strength enough to pick up and throw whatever I damn well please while still slimming down, is there a way to facilitate both?

On the subject of fashion, I'd hardly call myself an expert but I've made huge leaps in the past 5 years just by emulating others. I recommend doing the same. What sort of, for lack of a better word, "style" are you after? What's attractive to you? I personally enjoy clean cut business type apparel, suits, vests, cardigans and such. Conversely, I also like the looks of grunge/punk/goth/metal types. I primarily work freelance, so I need to appear professional, but not AS professional as my more stable contemporaries. My hair is about 3/4 an inch, I maintain a short but full beard/mustache and I've got some pretty wide shoulders for my size. I've walked into a business meeting rocking big leather stomping boots with corduroy pants, a fitted purple button up and grey vest made from distressed fabric. Accessory wise, a nice but sensible watch, ear cuffs, and I've got arthritis, so I wear my wedding ring on a silver necklace. My leatherman is perpetually on my hip.

Some people like my fusion type of dress. I've gotten compliments from employers and strangers alike. Others, particularly family, say I look downright silly. Thing about fashion is mostly not giving a fuck, wearing what you like and learning to coordinate different pieces into a congruent outfit. Wearing clothes that properly fit your body will turn any scrub into a prince/ss in a heartbeat. A personal rule of thumb is to just stay away from graphic tees. They're always tacky. If you want to look older, you'll almost definitely want to dress in a more understated and subtle fashion. Try softer colors.


Are a handful of blogs I check occasionally for inspiration. Find some similar stuff up your alley. Confidence never goes out of style, so strut down Main St. naked if you think you can pull it off.
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>> No. 300
what routine are you following? if you build strength, muscles will follow. the muscles showing is all about the diet.
also, early morning fasted SLOW cardio (basically walking briskly up hill) for like 30-60 minutes will melt fat off like crazy. you shouldn't jog or sprint as it can get in the way of optimal muscle recovery. just do the walk every morning and you will be CUT, provided diet is good.

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245 No. 245 hide expand quickreply [Reply]
/fit/ what have you found effective for improving your deadlift? I had good success with 5x5 and then 3x8, but my gains have slowed considerably over the past couple weeks. What is the optimal set/rep combo you have found for pulling up big weights?
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>> No. 248

315 at 3x8


My grips are one of my stronger areas, I am actually quite proud of that. I can double overhand a single set with no straps, typically I over/under though to get through three sets.

I always thought your ass was supposed to be above parallel when starting a deadlift. I don't think my hamstrings are weak, but I may not be fully engaging them. How low do you go?

What I am finding as I go heavier is that my lower back starts to bow and my chest drops as the bar comes off the ground. Once the bar is at my thighs I can straighten my back out and push my chest up, but getting there I know I must look like shit. I don't want to be one of "those guys" using piss poor form just to lift bigger weights.
>> No. 249
I just looked thru Starting Strength and it definitely said "ass just above parallel" So, I looked at my starting position in the mirror and I'm actually right on, I guess after i set my chest up, it just "feels" deeper than parallel. Sorry about the confusion.

Are you dragging the bar up your legs, keeping it tight against the body? It sounds like youre doing everything right but it's more of a focus problem, keeping the pull in one smooth motion. In which case, dogg, just focus on keeping your chest up and making it happen in one smooth motion. Practice makes perfect, I don't worry about hanging out at certain weight until I feel I've gotten it down. Plus unless you are lifting at a powerlifting gym where 315 is considered small potatoes, you're pretty advanced for most people. And unless you are a 250 lb linebacker I think gains tend to slow down after 3 plate for most people. Sorry Im not more helpful than that. Shit, I haven't lifted more than 295 3x5 since I went onto a push/pull "bodybuilding" routine for the summer. Im so hungry...
>> No. 250

>dragging the bar up your legs, keeping it tight against the body

Come to think of it, I have not been concentrating on that part of the lift lately. I think I have been keeping it too far away from my shins, which means I am probably leaning over too far putting my lower back in a weak position. I'll work on that this week and see if it makes a difference.
>> No. 266

That seems to have been the issue. With a healthy dose of man the fuck up, I worked up to 365x2.

I'm also experimenting now with wide stance deadlifts to make back days more interesting and effective.

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>> No. 272
Stop just deadlifting and either take 2 weeks off (longest time off you can take before atrophy sets in) or switch to alternatives like sumo deads or weighed hyperextensions.

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