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  • Blotter updated: 2015-09-02 Show/Hide Show All

File 140064762953.jpg - (14.05KB , 170x244 , Untitled_thumb.jpg )
541 No. 541
Sup fraggots. I want to tell you a little story about some wonderful brotards in my gym.

> Warming up at the squat rack, 135.
> Brotard with lat-revealing hand-cut sleeveless t come sup to me.
> "How many sets you got left there, briggity-bro?"
> "I dunno, I'm just warming up, probably 8 or 9."
> "Yo I just need to do some curls, can I work in with you?"
> "Um, okay, I'm going to be going up in weight though."
> "No prob, bob, I'll just put another bar on the curl rests" (no shit, he actually called the safety-catches curl rests) "and work off there."
> So he puts an empty bar on the catches, puts 10's on each side, then busts out shitty half-curls, drops it back on the catches, grunts, and walks towards the water fountain.
> I put his bar on the ground and do my next warmup set (185).
> He walks back, and no shit, he says to me:
> "Yo, bro, can you put that bar back on the curl rests?"
> "Why can't you put it on yourself?"
> "I mean, you took it down, and I'm trying to curl from there, bro."
> So at this point I wanted to scream at him about how if you can't lift the bar off the ground, you shouldn't be curling it, and there's no reason to use the fucking safety-catches to keep from having to lift it.
> But I'm a bro and so I just put it back on for him.

So the moral of the story is, fuck brotards in the gym. And I'm still too autistic and unconfrontational to fucking do more than grunt at them and roll my eyes behind their backs, even though I can outlift them all.

Anybody got their own brotard stories?
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>> No. 557
File 14029272047.jpg - (36.33KB , 500x491 , tumblr_n5ybknURRS1rm9fq1o1_500.jpg )
I go to my local primary school after hours doing a beep test (currently reached my max of 4.0 as of tonight and improving almost every time). There's a family training their kiddy to ride his bike there.

No worries, but the mom insists on bringing him right over across the 1 m x 25 m wide lane on the furthest side of the concrete field, over a total 25 m wide x 25 long concrete.

Not quite a brotard, just a tard. Knowing that I would be too tired too fight off the bogan looking dad un my fatiguing state I didn't say shit and just repaced myself.

Seriously though wtf mumtard
>> No. 564
lol bogan. never heard that before but I might start using it

some guy once started with sets when I was doing them and asked me to put them back, so I did it like once when he asked me. But OP you gotta just explain it like it be, and put that tone in your voice like, its fucking obvious goddamn retard. They'll get it

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