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245 No. 245
/fit/ what have you found effective for improving your deadlift? I had good success with 5x5 and then 3x8, but my gains have slowed considerably over the past couple weeks. What is the optimal set/rep combo you have found for pulling up big weights?
>> No. 246
how much are you lifting right now?
>> No. 247
When I got up near 300 lbs I had to start using straps, after that I started using mixed grips. my grip was stalling me before the weight was. After 315 I found that 1x5 was plenty of work.

Also based on what I see at my gym from most guys is weak hamstrings. Make sure you are starting the pull with your ass low enough, and your knees over the bar. So that you start the pull with the hamstring, thru the glutes, into the back, utilizing the whole posterior chain
>> No. 248

315 at 3x8


My grips are one of my stronger areas, I am actually quite proud of that. I can double overhand a single set with no straps, typically I over/under though to get through three sets.

I always thought your ass was supposed to be above parallel when starting a deadlift. I don't think my hamstrings are weak, but I may not be fully engaging them. How low do you go?

What I am finding as I go heavier is that my lower back starts to bow and my chest drops as the bar comes off the ground. Once the bar is at my thighs I can straighten my back out and push my chest up, but getting there I know I must look like shit. I don't want to be one of "those guys" using piss poor form just to lift bigger weights.
>> No. 249
I just looked thru Starting Strength and it definitely said "ass just above parallel" So, I looked at my starting position in the mirror and I'm actually right on, I guess after i set my chest up, it just "feels" deeper than parallel. Sorry about the confusion.

Are you dragging the bar up your legs, keeping it tight against the body? It sounds like youre doing everything right but it's more of a focus problem, keeping the pull in one smooth motion. In which case, dogg, just focus on keeping your chest up and making it happen in one smooth motion. Practice makes perfect, I don't worry about hanging out at certain weight until I feel I've gotten it down. Plus unless you are lifting at a powerlifting gym where 315 is considered small potatoes, you're pretty advanced for most people. And unless you are a 250 lb linebacker I think gains tend to slow down after 3 plate for most people. Sorry Im not more helpful than that. Shit, I haven't lifted more than 295 3x5 since I went onto a push/pull "bodybuilding" routine for the summer. Im so hungry...
>> No. 250

>dragging the bar up your legs, keeping it tight against the body

Come to think of it, I have not been concentrating on that part of the lift lately. I think I have been keeping it too far away from my shins, which means I am probably leaning over too far putting my lower back in a weak position. I'll work on that this week and see if it makes a difference.
>> No. 266

That seems to have been the issue. With a healthy dose of man the fuck up, I worked up to 365x2.

I'm also experimenting now with wide stance deadlifts to make back days more interesting and effective.

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>> No. 272
Stop just deadlifting and either take 2 weeks off (longest time off you can take before atrophy sets in) or switch to alternatives like sumo deads or weighed hyperextensions.
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