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File 133449067089.png - (448.36KB , 1280x720 , 1331905052999.png )
215 No. 215
What's your opinion on intermittent fasting, /fit/?
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>> No. 235
i fast every day.
i get up and drive 45 min to work. work 10hr w/ no break (we aren't given one). drive 45 min home. then i eat breakfast. a few hours later i eat again before sleeping (though usually just bagel or something).

altogether i go ~20hrs each day without eating.

also - ramadan
>> No. 281
I just completed a week-long water fast. It's not very difficult if you have a little discipline. The problem with fasting is the loss of muscle mass. As for intermittent fasting, the evidence seems to support it at just about every turn, but I've yet to see any studies on humans. It's better to fast every other day than to severely reduce caloric intake on a daily basis(better to have 2k and then 0 calories than 1k each day).

In all honesty, eating healthier and exercising more is a better option. I mostly did it as a willpower exercise, the 20 pounds I lost was just a tiny bonus.
>> No. 286
That can't be good for your metabolism...
>> No. 304
I've been doing about 2800 calories a day with 16-18 hours of fasting, bf % has gone down 2% in about a little over a month, still progressing nicely on my lifts. I take a scoop of whey/BCAA before I lift and fast for about another hour afterwards.
>> No. 305
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Whilst I've been hearing good things about it, including the documentary on the BBC, there's no studies that have been released demonstrating a definite benefit. There's no evidence to say they are unhealthy, but I'd rather wait for some firm evidence before looking into doing it regularly.
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