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File 130620891112.jpg - (161.45KB , 1716x822 , 3patriotes%20c-1.jpg )
15875 No. 15875 hide expand quickreply [Reply]
Today is Patriotes Day in Quebec. I have always wondered what specific kind of firearms were used in citizen rebellions around the first half of the 19th century. Does anyone have any information on what kind of weaponry the 1837-1838 patriots could have got their hands on?

Here's a video featuring historically-accurate weaponry "in action"...


Also, since most of the historical information available in english was written by british loyalists, it is relatively biaised. I'd like to know what you guys think of all this.
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>> No. 15886

The FLQ did fight and kill for their country... they also did get categorized as a terrorist movement by the federal governement. You can,t openly say that you agree with what the FLQ did without someone calling the police on you or shit like that. You couldn't start a legitimate civil war against a "democratic" government in the western world in the 20th century and you sure as hell can't do it in the 21st. The october crisis is a fairly good example: as soon as there is a sliver of doubt regarding potential violence, the feds use the War Measures Act to send in all the troops they can legally justify.
>> No. 15887
>French, can't fight for shit

The French Foreign Legion, Napoleon, the Marquis de Lafayette and the French Resistance would like to have a word with you.
>> No. 15888

French Foreign Legion?
>> No. 15890
The FFL might be composed of 70%-75% foreign soldiers, but the officers and command are all French. The French have had a bad rap since the WW 1 and WW 2, but they do have a pretty strong military. I wouldn't fuck with them unless I had an ace in my sleeve.
>> No. 15895
Is that a famous picture of someone from that FLQ? Why did you bring them up? Did they call themselves "The Patriotic Citizens" or something? Because all I see is some jerk with a microphone which, in this context, implies that someone thinks too much of such people.

SAGE has been used.

File 130576895993.jpg - (7.13KB , 184x184 , remtrigger.jpg )
15856 No. 15856 hide expand quickreply [Reply]
Opionions. Give them.

Frankly, the only two I know of are the MP-412 REX, and the Webley, Russian and British made, respectively. Is there any benefit to their action in, say, a combat situation?

Just post opinions here, I s'pose.

Pic not related
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>> No. 15869

Which ones? Can't say I've heard of much revolver usage these days except as backup guns.
>> No. 15870
Law enforcement has moved away from revolvers because of the limitations, especially in ammo capacity. If the shit hits the fan, having 17 rounds is better than 6. Law enforcement also moved away from the larger calibers such as .44 to smaller calibers like 9mm. For one it reduces the chances of collateral damage if the round go through the target or if the officer misses and it goes through a couple of walls and takes out granny. I'm not saying that it still doesn't happen, just saying that it reduces the possibility. Also, officers are trying to promote themselves and get away from the "shoot to kill" and get more into the "shoot to stop the threat", even though they mean the same thing. Walking around with a Dirty Harry sized hand cannon kinda takes away from that image.
>> No. 15883
bullshit- l.a. used to have a stockpile of .45 thompson automatic machine guns for when the 'shit hits the fan'. and what the hell do you think the atf packs? rubberband guns and pellet rifles? LEO's pack more heat because the government says they can. revolvers are just shit anyways and the civilized world moved on over hundred years ago.
>> No. 15884
do yourself a favor and invest in a firearm you enjoy. you're not going to be in a shootout with a thug with a gun (he'll probably say FUCK the law anyways and be packing an automatic or sawed off shotgun).
>> No. 15889
File 130690726684.jpg - (50.75KB , 550x376 , Chiappa_Rhino_04.jpg )
As far as revolvers go, I'd like some trigger time with a Rhino.

Figure the recoil impulse would be a lot more like a semi-auto but perhaps with even less muzzle flip, given the position of the barrel.

File 130383517554.jpg - (44.71KB , 730x450 , implosion_nuclear_weapon_big.jpg )
15834 No. 15834 hide quickreply [Reply]
I'm considering buying a nuclear weapon for home defence, and I'm stuck trying to decide on yield and type. I've always been a fan of implosion-type weapons for their increased portability and stopping power, but the slightly bulkier gun-type weapons do just as good a job for half the cost.

As for yield, I like the W-84 warhead for its great versatility, it can easily be changed from a minuscule 200T yield for taking out just a single block, or turned up to eleven, for a 150KT yield big enough to take out any city that poses a threat to my personal safety. Its only drawback is that its larger and heavier than most warheads I've used, so I'd need a bit of practice to get comfortable with it.

On the other hand, there's the W-79 artillery warhead, which can easily fit into my backpack or laptop bag for when I am traveling inner-city and need a concealed carry, but it's yield is far less potent, capable of only defending against ten to fifteen square blocks at it's maximum. It does scale down to less than a hundred tons of stopping power, so perfect when testing at the range and you don't want to spend too much on ammunition.

I briefly considered going with fusion instead of fission for the extra stopping power, but I realized that when it came down to it, I'd only really be defending myself against a neighborhood or two, large town at most. I probably won't ever need to defend against a whole city or county.

So yeah, any input before I go down to the range would be more than welcome.

(Trolling is not allowed on this board.)
>> No. 15835
Make sure to check the law regarding owning a self defense nuclear device in the area you live, the maximum yield can vary wildly from place to place. A neighbor of mine had his confiscated and also got like $300 fine just because it was a few kilotons over.
>> No. 15836
File 130386441359.jpg - (32.81KB , 400x314 , MIRV.jpg )
Man, I live in California where we're not allowed to have MIRVs with more than 3 warheads. Shit sucks bro.
>> No. 15838
Are you kidding? Here in Illinois we can't even carry fuel-air devices for protection. Its a police state over here.
>> No. 15841
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Nice. Personally, I open-carry a W54 in the SADM holster (pic is from my phone). I'd have gone for a 79 myself, but I tend to prefer dual-purpose rather than radiation-based, and W79s are hard to come by.
>> No. 15879
File 130630716521.jpg - (412.55KB , 1600x1166 , Ivy_Mike_Sausage_device.jpg )
Me, I prefer an Ivy Mike. Partly because I'm only interested in area defense and think that air blasts are cheating and partly because it's a great ice breaker for guests.

Maintaining the cryogenicis costs a fortune, but I like to show off.

File 130620557714.jpg - (156.72KB , 2600x555 , condor_outback_large_blue_walnut.jpg )
15874 No. 15874 hide quickreply [Reply]
I'm thinking about getting a Stoeger Condor Outback because I want a compact over-and-under. Does anyone have this particular gun, or Stoeger in general? Can anyone recommend any good over-and-unders (preferably compact)?
>> No. 15878
question... what do you plan on doing with it?

Skeet? Hunting? General range toy?
>> No. 15881
OP here,

Hunting, and range weapon.

SAGE has been used.

File 130594387352.jpg - (58.70KB , 635x474 , sharpshot.jpg )
15866 No. 15866 hide quickreply [Reply]
In this thread, perfectly timed photos of shooting.

This is actually a picture that was taken by me shooting this water bottle at Dragonman's in Colorado Springs.
>> No. 15867
That's pretty awesome, I'm going to have to try that once the range nearby reopens.

SAGE has been used.
(Too much SAGE... cook it again)
>> No. 15871
so were you aiming through the lens/digital screen of the camera? WAS IT LIKE PLAYING A VIDEO GAME OF YOURSELF???

lol that's pretty cool though
>> No. 15872
This is actually kind of a neat idea, and holy shit there's activity on /w/.
>> No. 15873
Actually yeah, that's exactly what I was doing... I am surprised I was able to make that shot.

File 130453727594.jpg - (24.40KB , 800x139 , 24677-DEFAULT-L.jpg )
15845 No. 15845 hide expand quickreply [Reply]
Do any of you fuckers hunt? I want to start going after the wild boars in my area in the near future, and to that end I intend to buy this magnificent cocksucker; the savage 111 flns 30-06.

I come here so you learned fellows can tear me down and give me all the many reasons why it is the worst possible gun for the job and what the hell am I thinking etc.
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>> No. 15848
The Howa 1500 is also worth looking into. Very affordable, very competent.
>> No. 15850
getting my R700 from the FFL dealer in the near future, problem is, SJ/bay area doesn't exactly have a whole lot of places to go hunting at without payin a whole buncha money. Havin lived in ohio and hawaii, I'm not really used to this. a little upsetting tbh.
>> No. 15852
paying to go hunting? I'm confused. Are you referring to so-called 'canned hunts' where you pay to go with a group, or licenses, etc? The boars I'm going after are classified as a pest, and it's open season on em with no restrictions or license required. Hell, some counties even have a bounty on em.

As for the rem-700, I've seen many a forum debate on the two, and the consensus seems to be that calling one better is merely splitting hairs, and really it's all about personal preference.

also: http://www.gun-tests.com/performance/affordable3006.html something I read during previous research that holds the howa 1500 and savage 111 at about equal, this being prior to savage's accutrigger, which addresses their main concerns. Overall, my mind hasn't been changed but I do appreciate the input
>> No. 15853
>Remington Model-700

This. Remington 700s have stood the test of time for many reasons.
>> No. 15854
Fuck yes they have man.

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15849 No. 15849 hide quickreply [Reply]
Are there actually any "smart" airsoft-rifles that are designed efficiently instead of trying to immitate real weapons?
>> No. 15851
File 130471781422.jpg - (140.44KB , 814x545 , ultimateinline.jpg )
They kind of emulate real weapons, but airsoft flamethrowers are about as brutally efficient as it gets. If you've got the time and tools, you can build one yourself.

File 130327596497.jpg - (119.54KB , 800x500 , 800px-Five-seveN_USG.jpg )
15817 No. 15817 hide expand quickreply [Reply]
Are there any downsides to the FN Five-seven 5.7X28mm other than price/availability (including the ammunition)?

The price puts me off to actually owning one, but I find it interesting.
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>> No. 15827
File 130359121118.jpg - (190.00KB , 767x618 , onesparemagazine.jpg )
Plus, the PMR30 is stylish...
>> No. 15829
File 130361530743.jpg - (64.18KB , 500x350 , b_15d179e7dd7ca525dc1c44dda16dcdf9PMR4.jpg )
Kel-Tec has stated that a 40 grain .22 WMR round should reach a velocity of 1230 fps from the 4.3" barrel of their PMR-30 pistol. This works out to 134.40 ft/lbs of energy.

This is a significantly less than the FN Five-seveN USG (4.75" barrel), which can push a 40 grain bullet at 2009 fps. This works out to 358.57 ft/lbs! Nearly three times as powerful as the .22 WMR! 1

This does not mean that the .22 WMR is not a good cartridge. It simply means that the 5.7mm is optimized to be fired from a pistol, rather than the slower burning .22 WMR loads which are designed to be fired from a rifle.
>> No. 15830
The thing is, 3 x 134 still isn't a lot. Your math is correct, it just doesn't mean much. Even if it's 3 times more powerful than .22 magnum, it's still not as much kinetic energy as the average 9mm. So OP, what do you really want?
>> No. 15831

Sure. And if the AP ammo the 5.7 was designed to fire was available then it would be a different story, but as anon already pointed out if ft/lbs is your metric there's better choices than either of these calibers.
>> No. 15832
Part of why proprietary ammo sucks. They could sell AP ammo to civilians just fine, but they decided to be politically correct about it.

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