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File 130576895993.jpg - (7.13KB , 184x184 , remtrigger.jpg )
15856 No. 15856
Opionions. Give them.

Frankly, the only two I know of are the MP-412 REX, and the Webley, Russian and British made, respectively. Is there any benefit to their action in, say, a combat situation?

Just post opinions here, I s'pose.

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>> No. 15857
Haven't done the math, but heard that the top break design was abandoned since it wasn't as strong as solid frame. That necessitated only lower pressure rounds, which were made obsolete by smokeless powder.
>> No. 15858
Not necessarily. I'd like to see more research put into break-opens, since they're ambidextrous. And just-plain cool.
>> No. 15861

seems like a niche market... but like all niche markets, if it's large enough someone will fill it.


For combat, the semi-auto with detachable magazine is still more viable... more ammo, faster reloads, etc.
>> No. 15862
No doubt there, but revolvers have their merits. A lot of counter-terrorism teams like them for their ammo versatility.
>> No. 15869

Which ones? Can't say I've heard of much revolver usage these days except as backup guns.
>> No. 15870
Law enforcement has moved away from revolvers because of the limitations, especially in ammo capacity. If the shit hits the fan, having 17 rounds is better than 6. Law enforcement also moved away from the larger calibers such as .44 to smaller calibers like 9mm. For one it reduces the chances of collateral damage if the round go through the target or if the officer misses and it goes through a couple of walls and takes out granny. I'm not saying that it still doesn't happen, just saying that it reduces the possibility. Also, officers are trying to promote themselves and get away from the "shoot to kill" and get more into the "shoot to stop the threat", even though they mean the same thing. Walking around with a Dirty Harry sized hand cannon kinda takes away from that image.
>> No. 15883
bullshit- l.a. used to have a stockpile of .45 thompson automatic machine guns for when the 'shit hits the fan'. and what the hell do you think the atf packs? rubberband guns and pellet rifles? LEO's pack more heat because the government says they can. revolvers are just shit anyways and the civilized world moved on over hundred years ago.
>> No. 15884
do yourself a favor and invest in a firearm you enjoy. you're not going to be in a shootout with a thug with a gun (he'll probably say FUCK the law anyways and be packing an automatic or sawed off shotgun).
>> No. 15889
File 130690726684.jpg - (50.75KB , 550x376 , Chiappa_Rhino_04.jpg )
As far as revolvers go, I'd like some trigger time with a Rhino.

Figure the recoil impulse would be a lot more like a semi-auto but perhaps with even less muzzle flip, given the position of the barrel.
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