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File 130327596497.jpg - (119.54KB , 800x500 , 800px-Five-seveN_USG.jpg )
15817 No. 15817
Are there any downsides to the FN Five-seven 5.7X28mm other than price/availability (including the ammunition)?

The price puts me off to actually owning one, but I find it interesting.
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>> No. 15819
Not the right place to ask buddy
>> No. 15822
The only reason being that somehow, it will turn into a shitstorm.
Anyway, considering that the 5.7mm round is only a hair more powerful than .22 Magnum, why not just buy a PMR30? Much cheaper, ammo is more available, and even holds 10 more rounds.
>> No. 15827
File 130359121118.jpg - (190.00KB , 767x618 , onesparemagazine.jpg )
Plus, the PMR30 is stylish...
>> No. 15829
File 130361530743.jpg - (64.18KB , 500x350 , b_15d179e7dd7ca525dc1c44dda16dcdf9PMR4.jpg )
Kel-Tec has stated that a 40 grain .22 WMR round should reach a velocity of 1230 fps from the 4.3" barrel of their PMR-30 pistol. This works out to 134.40 ft/lbs of energy.

This is a significantly less than the FN Five-seveN USG (4.75" barrel), which can push a 40 grain bullet at 2009 fps. This works out to 358.57 ft/lbs! Nearly three times as powerful as the .22 WMR! 1

This does not mean that the .22 WMR is not a good cartridge. It simply means that the 5.7mm is optimized to be fired from a pistol, rather than the slower burning .22 WMR loads which are designed to be fired from a rifle.
>> No. 15830
The thing is, 3 x 134 still isn't a lot. Your math is correct, it just doesn't mean much. Even if it's 3 times more powerful than .22 magnum, it's still not as much kinetic energy as the average 9mm. So OP, what do you really want?
>> No. 15831

Sure. And if the AP ammo the 5.7 was designed to fire was available then it would be a different story, but as anon already pointed out if ft/lbs is your metric there's better choices than either of these calibers.
>> No. 15832
Part of why proprietary ammo sucks. They could sell AP ammo to civilians just fine, but they decided to be politically correct about it.
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