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File 139944271144.png - (227.09KB , 600x500 , miyako science.png )
717 No. 717 hide quickreply [Reply]
S1 > hanikamu > hoshimittsu > 365

As always, Miyako is the sunshine in sunshine apartments.
>> No. 718
Why is Yuno the best Hidamari?
>> No. 720
File 139995225595.jpg - (399.75KB , 565x800 , e82b6ae33ef1a6fc127d1a3165bc3cb2.jpg )
Do you think Kana Asumi will keep doing Hidamari after her marriage? I want to hear what a pregnant Yuno sounds like (´・ω・`)
>> No. 724
File 14011690047.jpg - (45.61KB , 848x480 , yuno what it is.jpg )
If Asumin is happy then so am I.

File 133352640919.jpg - (136.59KB , 960x987 , 1313946963454.jpg )
320 No. 320 hide expand quickreply [Reply]
I've been kinda curious about this for a while but, beyond PlanetES, are there any other good hard sci-fi animes? I think it would be pretty cool to see something like mecha done realistically, but anything would do. I'm getting a bit burnt out on all the magic and softer-then-butter-on-the-surface-of-the-sun science.
9 posts and 1 image omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 693
Shit like that is why I just pick and choose animus here and there based on directors/writers/studios that have put out stuff I've seen and liked and completely avoid any kind of fandom forum, anime review sites, etc etc etc because they are just cesspools of emotionally stunted, escapist weirdos.

What I usually do is read up on the people involved in a series or movie via Wikipedia and see what else they've been involved in. This will lead me six-degrees-of-Kevin-Bacon style to other series, writers, directors, etc, and if a premise sounds cool, I'll give it a try.

But at all costs, I avoid fan-written ratings, reviews, synopses, etc.
>> No. 695
Thank you for this. I am enjoying this man.
>> No. 697
>>695 again. First I just enjoyed his silly videos, now I'm thoroughly enjoying his 3-parter contrasting NGE with the Rebuild movies.
>> No. 699
Nice, man. Yeah, he has good stuff and unlike a lot of places, he's able to do well-timed editing to good comedic effect, even if he has serious things to say about a subject.

Also, my personal feelings on it are that it's pretty benign, but if you find one who is being an asshat, you can troll the fuck out of overzealous lolicon worshippers with his rebuttle video.
>> No. 701
Yeah, a lot of youtubers seem to think that random little jump cuts in the middle of sentences makes for a quirky, funny video. DouchebagChocolat seems to know how to edit for enhanced comedic effect. His narration work is also excellent. I love his trip to "Japan."


File 137586578934.jpg - (109.20KB , 500x745 , dLLOx.jpg )
664 No. 664 hide expand quickreply [Reply]
So fucking pissed at this anime, /a/.

>Cold War Alternate history setting
>Starship Troopers Bugs invasion
>giant robots
>giant robots named and based after cool, real life motherfucking planes
>hot girls
>mechaphile MC

Seriously, Satelight fucked up with this, hard.
2 posts and 1 image omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 667
Hmmm ... Interesting, I'll have to give it a try.
>> No. 679
I actually didn't find this show to be really bad. It was just...underwhelming.

Thing is, the first two episodes REALLY promised tons of fanservice and mecha action and politics and shit, but after the fourth episode, it became clear they didn't know what to do with the source material (this is an adaptation of Light Novels, mind you).

The Light Novels will most likely NEVER be translated, so you won't get the real meat OP.

At least the BDs fixed some of the QUALITY, however, although the LN/manga art is much...tastier, so to speak.
>> No. 685
What did you expect OP? This show is just a side dish for the people who enjoyed the original VN's (snd LN's) and are dying for more.
>> No. 686
File 139023558080.jpg - (435.41KB , 1209x1763 , 1384309337419.jpg )
Could've been betters. The chicks are smokin, though.
>> No. 687
Yeah, if there's anything ML is consistent in, is having hot chicks.

File 138644236852.jpg - (99.34KB , 500x500 , tumblr_lshuyqO07r1r1zft9o1_500.jpg )
684 No. 684 hide quickreply [Reply]
Figured I'd post an announcement here for anyone who was looking forward to the up-coming Despera anime. As you may have heard, the production of it had been put on hiatus because of Nakamura Ryuutarou falling ill, but on June 29th of this year, he died of pancreatic cancer.

In case you're not familiar with his name, he's perhaps best known for directing Serial Experiments Lain. He also directed, among other things, Kino's Journey which is one of my favourite anime (I'm part way through re-watching it at the moment, it was one of the first anime I watched). Despera was also to feature character designs from ABe Yoshitoshi and writing from Konaka Chiaki, who both also worked on Serial Experiments Lain and a number of other famous, well received anime.

So yeah, really sad news. The fate of the project is now anyone's guess. Feel free to speculate ITT about whether it will continue with a new director or be disbanded. I just wanted to let anyone here know in case they hadn't heard.


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658 No. 658 hide quickreply [Reply]

watamote anime of the year?
>> No. 659

I never heard that 'N'
>> No. 663
Yes let the tiny little girl represent the neckbeards of the chans. AOTY
>> No. 677
It's over. My tears will not stop coming.

At least the manga still has semi-regular updates.

File 136134587627.jpg - (89.46KB , 1280x720 , hinoka.jpg )
602 No. 602 hide quickreply [Reply]
Internet searches in english got me nowhere, in Japanese it led me to 99-chan. Can anyone shed some light on what this reference to "hinoka-chan" in the latest episode is? It's the name of the ojii-san's vehicle-weapon thing he uses in this episode.

Picture relevant.
>> No. 605
No idea. What search terms were you using? Not sure why that would lead you here, and it doesn't when I search for it, unless you were really going to deep pages.
>> No. 656
I googled hinoka + ameno torifune (his flying machine), and from the results i got a believe they are both porn stars.

File 136278263655.png - (943.29KB , 800x600 , 010823.png )
624 No. 624 hide expand quickreply [Reply]
I think subtitles should be translated verbatim and very literally.

It seems like this is happening less and less, both officially and fan-done.

It's particularly bad when the target audience is teenagers.

I'm rambling but the point I'm getting at is that localized scripting is what dubbing is for. Aren't most people using fansubs actually trying to learn Japanese.

I don't get it.
6 posts and 1 image omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 647
These guys got it pretty much spot on.

If you're still around, OP, you should give this page by 8thsin (perhaps the most respected translator in the fansubbing scene) a read:

Scroll down to the "Liberal Scale (LS)" section.

The problem isn't liberal translations, it's liberal translations that are done poorly (by the likes of groups like Coalguys who essentially make joke-subs half of the time).

Also, no, most people watch subs because the majority of dubs are awful and fail to convey the same emotion from the original Japanese audio. Trying to learn Japanese by reading subs is inefficient at best and impossible at worst since no two translators will interpret the same line in the same way; for them to do so would mean using a translation so literal that it wouldn't even make sense in English.
>> No. 648
File 136933921361.jpg - (62.76KB , 704x480 , (G_P) Eureka Seven 20(x264)(6E73CE8C)_mkv_snapshot.jpg )

i seen it not too long ago
i liked it

it's kind of...edgy/dramatic and soap-operaish at times, but there are parts that made me feel non cheesy things and are done well

it was the most interesting early on and peaked between when eureka got her hair cut through the episode or two after renton comes back

it's mostly boring after that
>> No. 649
File 13693394223.jpg - (69.69KB , 704x480 , (G_P) Eureka Seven 39(x264)(258DC408)_mkv_snapshot.jpg )
except the soccer episode i liked that one

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>> No. 650
File 136948789524.jpg - (81.00KB , 847x633 , Untitled.jpg )
That felt kinda filler-ish to me.

I do agree with you about it being cheesy in some parts. I mean this (pic related). The ending episode would've been great without all the wow fucking hearts and shit.
>> No. 651
Ah, almost forgot. Butterflies and cherry blossoms.

File 136410287127.jpg - (42.13KB , 848x480 , A1.jpg )
631 No. 631 hide quickreply [Reply]
Jesus Christ, that fucking last episode. Why, Mahoro-san?

the original manga ending was no better ;_;

File 135288078930.png - (764.66KB , 1280x720 , [Doki] Mahou Shoujo Madoka Magica - 08 (1280x720 h.png )
547 No. 547 hide expand quickreply [Reply]
Ok look. This show went off the deep end. I watched this episode...back in July and haven't seen any more. It's not hard to piece the rest of it together and I'm really not motivated to finish. I'm only now getting around to ranting about it.

I wasn't on the internet much when this aired, so I'm seeing that apparently it was popular, but I only found out about it this summer while playing TF2. I knew next to nothing going into it, so it surprised me a bit early on but...this terminator shit killed it for me. Just...ugh.

I liked it more thinking it had a man with the golden touch motif, before everything had to be SOME ELABORATE hackneyed and shoddily written CONSPIRACY.

Mami's character was suspicious from the beginning and I'm familiar with the you-know-what cliche, but I was hoping it was one of those things that was SO OBVIOUS it couldn't be possibly be true.

Oh, and if it wasn't enough of a Chrono Cross rip-off already, the scene at the end of this episode was EXACTLY LIKE the first encounter with Lynx[spoiler] at the top of [spoiler]Viper's Mansion.

You are [random english word]
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>> No. 571
File 135763157383.png - (397.74KB , 1000x1000 , a72d98c58e91e77daa60c25b5a06f125.png )
Isn't the moral of the story "don't be a drama queen". at least that's what I took from it

Just the time travel stuff made me head-desk so hard I ragequit everything. I just got done playing Blazblue like 3 months prior to this.

I didn't even mind some of the other dumb VERY UNNECESSARY twists, like the thing you're fighting was once just like you!!!!111.

Btw I genuinely like it, and will defend it to the death, just think it had a ton of wasted potential by being stupid.
>> No. 573
>I'll remember PMMM since it's an affront to what mahou shoujo are supposed to be about (I guess that's why I shouldn't too LOL).

But, PMMM is exactly the throwback to the ancient magical girl genre while paying homage to both the classical magical girl genre and the modern magical girl genre. The entire show plays out like *the* quintessential university thesis papers on deconstructing and reconstructing the entire genre, to demonstrate what magical girls are about.

The magical girl genre emerged from dark fantasy/fairy tale literature with heavy dose of grim, dark, horror, surreal, absurd, and/or derange in dream-like worlds full of symbolism. Then, the genre was subverted with light-hearted slice-of-life stories and escapist wish-fulfilment stories with mundane magic and generally gradually shifted to younger audiences. Later, the genre was fused with the superhero genre and military scifi genre as the main conflict in stories escalated from simple magic rivalry to world-threatening super-villainy. Now, the genre goes full circle (lol, Madoka=circle) by bringing back some of cosmic psychological horror, while retaining some of other aspects it gained.
>> No. 612
>Just the ... stuff made me head-desk so hard I ragequit everything.
It's a refreshing break, since a lot of magical girl shows focus on prophecy, fate, destiny, predeterminism.
>I didn't even mind some of the other dumb VERY UNNECESSARY twists, like ...
LOL, the tainted heart crystal/shards/gem and the magical corruption are such common elements in magical girl show, it'll be hard to NOT have that in Madoka.
>> No. 614
>Isn't the moral of the story "don't be a drama queen". at least that's what I took from it
I thought the moral of story is "beware of those offering to grant you great power and to guide you on your way". Madoka Magica's Kyubey drives this point home much more than Princess Tutu's Drosselmeyer and Revolutionary Girl Utena's Akio ever could.

Although, come to think of it, if this trend continues in magical girl shows, this element might becomes cliche soon. I mean, how many in the audience don't suspect Kyubey's intention from the beginning?
>> No. 630
File 136323895235.jpg - (616.65KB , 1000x1400 , b3f007ee469f20bded311e128de88ba9.jpg )
btw anyone have any good gifs or edits

particularly did anyone photoshop/draw a parody of that flanders thing after episode 7

that's the first thing i thought of

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622 No. 622 hide quickreply [Reply]
So here's the thing, I'm not really familiar with places like 4chan, or any of the other chans, I feel like the 40+ dad trying to be "hip" with kids these days. So I wasn't sure where to post this question, but i chose Animus because it seemed like the best place for a response.
In Shaman King episode 21 the Flying Zen Brothers make an appearance singing a song called "Other Side". A friend told me that this song was a parody of an ACDC song, but that he couldn't remember the name of it. Does anyone know the original song name?
Pic sort of related, I couldn't find a picture of the Zen Brothers.
>> No. 623
It'd help if I could hear that "other side" song first.

And for the record and future reference this might be more suitable for /ask/ or even /r/ if you phrase it well enough.

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603 No. 603 hide quickreply [Reply]
This place seems seriously dead, I expected a 4chan-like site to have quick replies right after stuff is posted, even if it's just some sort of random insult and totally unrelated.

I feel like Frau in this screencap.
>> No. 606
You're a long way from 4chan at this point. You can try and post and inject some life in it, though.
>> No. 619
It's okay OP @_@

I feel the same about the music board, hehe
>> No. 620
99s as a whole is pretty slow/dead from my experience.

The facebook chat is more active, and that's full of ircfags.

File 133382464120.jpg - (233.05KB , 1280x960 , anime-sweet-girl-pokemon-wallpaper.jpg )
329 No. 329 hide expand quickreply [Reply]
What is the best website to watch anime and to find the newest anime to watch?
4 posts and 1 image omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 369

LOGH (the main series as well as the movies) is available on Nyaa (they even have a 720p BD release of the main series and some of the movies using CentralAnime's subs).

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>> No. 371
I use animetake.com for all my animes.
>> No. 379
File 133650165074.gif - (381.22KB , 500x281 , 132086653295.gif )
currently airing anime can be found at fansubbers websites. use mIRC to directly download w/o torrents. you might stay a week behind the japan schedule, but with the time difference (and language diff) that's not so bad.

SAGE has been used.
>> No. 380
I used to use animefreak.tv a lot, and animecrazy, but lots of their links got taken down after the MU and megavideo shutdown :( however there are mirror links and some videos are even embedded on the animefreak site. And if you're looking for a good site that streams anime legally, there's always crunchyroll.
>> No. 610
animetosho.org. A comprehensive DDL list shows up a few minutes- an hour after the torrents show up on the fansubbers' websites.

File 132491646860.jpg - (947.99KB , 1460x2350 , 1273362735763.jpg )
2 No. 2 hide expand quickreply [Reply]
I'm gonna go ahead and re-upload all the recommendation images because I love you all.

Unlike last time, however, I'm uploading my folder of them to Mediafire. This board has a file size limit of 1000KB, and since a lot of these images are upwards of 2MB it would mean that I would have to re-save them as low-quality .JPGs and I really don't want to do that (it makes the small text hard to read and it would take me quite a while).


The folder includes:
- 26 anime recommendation images
- 3 visual novel recommendation images
- A .TXT file with download links for visual novels
- An infographic about learning Japanese

Feel free to contribute any good lists or download links that I left out.
14 posts and 3 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 591
File 136075016794.jpg - (414.34KB , 750x1000 , 2a58b15f072df4cfd917359be410c831.jpg )

I found this through Google.

It was made by some 60 year old Japanese guy. He's skewed towards liking things with magical girls and mechs but it was still more useful than any other list I've seen (not that I've looked for many).
>> No. 592
File 136076586655.png - (1.28MB , 1850x3700 , mangoeschart.png )
Uhh.. that's not a list. Cool mech though.
>> No. 593
File 136076610357.jpg - (1.48MB , 1400x2973 , 1360729318692.jpg )
I looked at your picture again. Is that supposed to be Megatron? That's makes it even cooler.
>> No. 594
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idk, according to gelbooru it's an original work. I'd tell you the artist if I remembered who it was. I tried searching some tags but I can't find it again.

He mostly draws girlies. It cracked me up because it was a stray bad ass picture.
>> No. 607
File 13615582273.jpg - (792.50KB , 1250x1000 , 11508B9997C6E5F11D2A9E5DE8948E5B_1250_1000.jpg )
Yeah I found his profile.

From what I'm seeing here, I wouldn't be surprised if there was actually a little girl inside that mech.

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254 No. 254 hide expand quickreply [Reply]
Oh man, this was amazing. It made me laugh, it made me sad, it made me shout "KAWWWWWWAAIII~~~!!11!".

This animu was so good.
11 posts and 2 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 472
Just look up Haganai
>> No. 487
I think this was a show with a lot of potential that got lost in Meat's tits and moe. The concept of lonely people trying to form a friendship group and connect to each other is quite unique, but I think the concept was eventually lost to fanservice (Close up on Meat's tits in ever episode.) The twist was interesting, but could be seen from a mile away. In the end, I think that Haganai was a show that could have been amazing and quite poignant, but the direction it took just did not fit it very well. Attempt to mix lonely people making friends and fanservice just did not grab me somehow. It would be like Watashi ga Motenai (Unpopular Girl) being made into an anime where the main focus is fanservice and teen comedy rather than her utter awkwardness and social ineptitude. Though I could see where people would like this show. The drawing is quite nice. The comedy is decent. Not the best show I watched, but not the worst either.
>> No. 534
File 134922418973.jpg - (33.09KB , 1024x576 , mpc-hc2011-12-1519-45-08-04.jpg )
Season 2 is due in January
>> No. 586
>> No. 604
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It's a decent anime. The first season is better than what's going on right now I think, because it focused more on their social ineptness. Now it's mostly fanservice shots of Meat, and she annoys me to death.

I really think she is a lesbian and has the hots for Yozora, considering how much she stalks her, smells her wig (pic), cares what she thinks, takes photos of her for a collage on her wall, etc. In fact, if she openly admitted she was in love with her, and that she was gay or bi, I would probably like her a lot more. But at this point she seems like a totally in denial future-slutty girl who could be friends with any people in the school but has too big of an ego to approach them.

Yozora, on the other hand, puts more meaning into the few relationships she does have with others, and while in this season they kind of warped her character to be more childish along with her shorter hair, she is certainly better than Meat in everything but body shape.

This season I am actually kind of liking Rika more than anyone else. She is unique and the only one being herself instead of caring what others think to the point of messing up her own life.

As for the romance aspect that they like to tease us with, I think Yozora would best fit to be dating Kodaka. While I love Rika, she just doesn't seem to click well with Kodaka in that sort of way and I don't think he likes her in that way either. Later on I'm sure she would be able to find a guy that fits her a lot better. Same with Miku, she could find tons of guys later on she'd probably feel the same sort of way about, she just never gave anyone a chance before because she was too selfish and focused on herself and how much better she was at stuff than everyone around her, and totally oblivious to those people. Yozora obviously very deeply cares for Kodaka, and he cared a lot about her in the past, though right now he doesn't seem to "like" any of the girls in that sort of way. He's got that annoying stereotypical Japanese average highschool guy denseness they put in all anime and all guy main characters except Akatsuki (estethica) and Izayoi (mondaiji-tachi).

Plus, if she doesn't date, she will probably be forever alone. Everyone else would easily be able to find someone later on except her, especially considering she's had only eyes for him for years.

File 136128830912.jpg - (403.07KB , 520x736 , Evangelion_3_0_You_Can_Not_Redo_Poster[1].jpg )
600 No. 600 hide quickreply [Reply]
Is 3.0 every coming out on BD/DVD? I really want to watch this, but can't stand camrips and shit.
Anyone else really looking forward to it?
>> No. 601
April 24. You could at least wiki it or something.

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575 No. 575 hide quickreply [Reply]
Ladies and Gentlemen, the time has come.

>> No. 576
Hoo boy. Now only if they would make Despera...
>> No. 577
Sounds like it's going to be a prequel.
>> No. 595
Have you seen the OP?

It's pretty bad.
>> No. 599
I'm really looking forward to this.
They better not fuck this up.

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567 No. 567 hide quickreply [Reply]
I have finally found my waifu, but I'm not even sure if she's ~really~ my waifu or not.

I think of her as more the ideal women, and who I compare other women too.
I know she's not real, and I don't pretend she is, but if I found another girlfriend and she cosplayed as The Boss, I would make such passionate love to her.

Who is your waifu, and what do you think of the concept of a waifu?

Also, are video game waifus allowed?
Pic very related
>> No. 568

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413 No. 413 hide expand quickreply [Reply]
What's the best Gundam to start with? Is there some chronological order you have to watch them in or is each series a separate storyline?
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>> No. 470

Try it like BBcode: \[spoiler\]\[/spoiler\]
>> No. 471

Try it like BBcode: <spoiler></spoiler>
But replace the < and > brackets with [ and ], respectively.
>> No. 488
G Gundam was absolute shit. Just saying.

Best Gundam series are 08th MS Team, 0080, 0083, Unicorn, and Gundam 00 gets an honorable mention. Wing holds a special place in my heart, but it really doesn't stand the test of time. Great mech design and memorable characters aside, the melodrama and pretentiousness of the characters (like Relena, Treize, etc) really damages the credibility of the series for me. I don't understand why people liked SEED. It struck me as wanting to combine the best story elements of 0083 and Wing and cram it down the throat of the original. I understand the need to try and keep the franchise alive, but I didn't care for this attempt. And yes, I mean SEED, not just Destiny.
>> No. 489
Unicorn = Seed + G
>> No. 562
I am watching Gundam: Unicorn and it is very interesting. The plot is unfolding into a web of conspiracies and the protagonist,who has high morals on life, is caught up in the web. He is on one side but doesn't treat what his allies call enemies as actual enemies. Unfortunately for him, he has blood on his hands and must deal with the situation he is caught up in.

Unicorn doesn't seem to be a generic over the top mecha film and there is great animations. The typical anime character archetype is ,somewhat, avoided and it is aimed towards an older audience

Gundam: Wing holds a really special place in my heart. It may have closer archetypes but it treats itself more seriously than majority of anime

File 135334988624.jpg - (296.87KB , 1483x1046 , rozen-maiden-new-anime[1].jpg )
555 No. 555 hide quickreply [Reply]

Shameless copy from a rather shitty site:

The anime announcement apparently concerns the manga’s ongoing second serialisation in Young Jump as “Rozen Maiden” (in katakana rather than English as with the original), tending to suggest a third season, though this is not confirmed.

With it barely having been confirmed that the leaked announcement was not a Photoshop as many had suspected, other details are apparently due in the near future.

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279 No. 279 hide expand quickreply [Reply]




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>> No. 540
What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I'll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I've been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I'm the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You're fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that's just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little "clever" comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn't, you didn't, and now you're paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You're fucking dead, kiddo.
>> No. 541
☺☻♥♦♣♠•◘○◙♂♀♪♫☼►◄↕ ¶§▬↨↑↓→←∟↔▲▼✈ ✈♬☑ ☎ ☒ ☻ ♤ ☤☹♀ ✩✉ ✇♺✖♨ ❦☁ ✌♛ ❁☪ ☂✏♝ ❀ ☭☃☛♞ ✿ ☚ ♘✾ ☯☾☝♖✽ ✝☄☟♟✺ ☥✂ ✍♕✵ ☮☠ ❤☆ ★ ♫ ✔ ► Ω ッ ● ♣ ♪ ☼ ◄ ❥ ♂♀ ♪◘♠☻♣ ♦☺○ ¿ ❤ ☆ ★
>> No. 543
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>> No. 544
I think FLCL is overrated.
>> No. 545
I gotta say the animation, at times, is just so fucking crazy good. It's the perfect happy medium between anatomical correctness, kinetic energy/physics and cartoon wackiness. Wish there was more shows with that kind of animation style, I love it.

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