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File 136278263655.png - (943.29KB , 800x600 , 010823.png )
624 No. 624
I think subtitles should be translated verbatim and very literally.

It seems like this is happening less and less, both officially and fan-done.

It's particularly bad when the target audience is teenagers.

I'm rambling but the point I'm getting at is that localized scripting is what dubbing is for. Aren't most people using fansubs actually trying to learn Japanese.

I don't get it.
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>> No. 625
btw one I want to point out particularly

coalgirls/guys whatever

this group is awful

yet they're the only ones with BD releases for a lot of recent anime


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>> No. 626
a) Stop posting like a dog with Down's
b) Translating verbatim, especially from Japanese to such a disparate language as English would result in unreadable garbage. You have witnessed this phenomenon before: It's called "engrish".
>> No. 628
Coalpeople don't actually do their own translation, they use other groups.

And as previously stated, there aren't any real "literal" translations. It's a matter of subject-verb agreement, really, as well as matching tone. It gets very complicated at a certain point, the longer the sentence/statement gets.

Not to mention a lot of the time there is no real translation, they have words that might have a list of imprecise definitions into English but nothing concrete.

It's not a matter of pandering to teenagers, it's a matter of making it easy for audiences to absorb what they are saying while keeping the flow.

The only people who care so much about very precise translations are people who think they know how to translate and have never actually attempted it and tried to make it sound comprehensible in English.
>> No. 629
> Aren't most people using fansubs actually trying to learn Japanese.

Where'd you get this? A lot of people use subtitles because they like the original voices, even if they can't understand them. It's rare to find decent official dubs, and even then, it means a year's wait for it to get licensed and released in North America.

As for verbatim translations, these would result to a shit-ton of TL notes. Reading subtitles while enjoying the animation is an acquired skill, but reading notes on top of that is a bit too much, at least for me.
>> No. 638
File 136656581640.jpg - (60.00KB , 704x396 , 1366487579745.jpg )
The point of a translation is to make it easily understandable for the audience while keeping the flow and meaning of the original. Literalism can really bog it down, especially when the languages are so different.
>> No. 645
>Eureka 7

I know it's off topic, but why did people like this show again?
>> No. 647
These guys got it pretty much spot on.

If you're still around, OP, you should give this page by 8thsin (perhaps the most respected translator in the fansubbing scene) a read:

Scroll down to the "Liberal Scale (LS)" section.

The problem isn't liberal translations, it's liberal translations that are done poorly (by the likes of groups like Coalguys who essentially make joke-subs half of the time).

Also, no, most people watch subs because the majority of dubs are awful and fail to convey the same emotion from the original Japanese audio. Trying to learn Japanese by reading subs is inefficient at best and impossible at worst since no two translators will interpret the same line in the same way; for them to do so would mean using a translation so literal that it wouldn't even make sense in English.
>> No. 648
File 136933921361.jpg - (62.76KB , 704x480 , (G_P) Eureka Seven 20(x264)(6E73CE8C)_mkv_snapshot.jpg )

i seen it not too long ago
i liked it

it's kind of...edgy/dramatic and soap-operaish at times, but there are parts that made me feel non cheesy things and are done well

it was the most interesting early on and peaked between when eureka got her hair cut through the episode or two after renton comes back

it's mostly boring after that
>> No. 649
File 13693394223.jpg - (69.69KB , 704x480 , (G_P) Eureka Seven 39(x264)(258DC408)_mkv_snapshot.jpg )
except the soccer episode i liked that one

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>> No. 650
File 136948789524.jpg - (81.00KB , 847x633 , Untitled.jpg )
That felt kinda filler-ish to me.

I do agree with you about it being cheesy in some parts. I mean this (pic related). The ending episode would've been great without all the wow fucking hearts and shit.
>> No. 651
Ah, almost forgot. Butterflies and cherry blossoms.

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