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File 133867879763.jpg - (152.08KB , 1024x768 , GundamWing.jpg )
413 No. 413
What's the best Gundam to start with? Is there some chronological order you have to watch them in or is each series a separate storyline?
>> No. 414
From what I remember, each one is its own separate entity. If I were you I'd start with Wing. I can't remember them all that well, but it I think it was the least stupid.
>> No. 417
The first Mobile Suit Gundam, Zeta Gundam, Double Zeta, and the Char's Counterattack movie is the same timeline. So is Victory Gundam, but it takes place a hundred years or so after Char's Counterattack, so it might as well be separate.

That's how far I am so I dunno about the rest.
>> No. 445
Copy and pasted from another thread I posted on t his board.

>The original Mobile Suit Gundam, Gundam 00 and Gundam SEED are worth watching in my opinion. I've heard good things about 0083 and Unicorn, but haven't seen those. Gundam Wing was good from what I remember, but that was back in the 90s on Toonami so I could have a jaded memory.

Each of the Gundam series are separate entities, so don't worry about not keeping in chronological method. There are some that are directly connected to a certain series, like the movies, but you can always google those. There's also a wiki - http://gundam.wikia.com
>> No. 446
Don't watch SEED: Destiny. That was shit. I'm only talking about the original SEED series. There's also a remaster coming out at some point apparently. I don't know why, though. It's only 10 years old.
>> No. 447
Watch 08th MS team. Then, never watch another Gundam series again.
>> No. 468
testing spoiler

[%] testing spoiler [/%]
testing spoiler
testing spoiler
>> No. 469
Definitely start with Wing.

Wing is structured like War Movies and it's done as a more mainstream show without being too much Mecha genre. It also has cute guys in cute uniforms.

G is a very over-the-top Fighting Series full of symbolism and speeches. It's so bad, it's good. Even with all the cliche stuff, the writers/producers really have fun with this.

Turn-A a coming of age story and finding identity. It follows a bunch of girls and a delicious trap that should really have been written as a girl. It seems to borrow heavily from Magical Girl conventions.

Seed and Destiny is about an Idol Singer becoming a conqueror, competing with other chessmasters to manipulate others to switch sides in complex political power struggle. The series suffer from poor character focus and really need to be re-cut and re-released to center around the two princesses. Oh why did they go with the ace pilots?
>> No. 470

Try it like BBcode: \[spoiler\]\[/spoiler\]
>> No. 471

Try it like BBcode: <spoiler></spoiler>
But replace the < and > brackets with [ and ], respectively.
>> No. 488
G Gundam was absolute shit. Just saying.

Best Gundam series are 08th MS Team, 0080, 0083, Unicorn, and Gundam 00 gets an honorable mention. Wing holds a special place in my heart, but it really doesn't stand the test of time. Great mech design and memorable characters aside, the melodrama and pretentiousness of the characters (like Relena, Treize, etc) really damages the credibility of the series for me. I don't understand why people liked SEED. It struck me as wanting to combine the best story elements of 0083 and Wing and cram it down the throat of the original. I understand the need to try and keep the franchise alive, but I didn't care for this attempt. And yes, I mean SEED, not just Destiny.
>> No. 489
Unicorn = Seed + G
>> No. 562
I am watching Gundam: Unicorn and it is very interesting. The plot is unfolding into a web of conspiracies and the protagonist,who has high morals on life, is caught up in the web. He is on one side but doesn't treat what his allies call enemies as actual enemies. Unfortunately for him, he has blood on his hands and must deal with the situation he is caught up in.

Unicorn doesn't seem to be a generic over the top mecha film and there is great animations. The typical anime character archetype is ,somewhat, avoided and it is aimed towards an older audience

Gundam: Wing holds a really special place in my heart. It may have closer archetypes but it treats itself more seriously than majority of anime

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