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No. 230 hide quickreply [Reply]
Does anyone know where i can get a good torrent of D. Grayman?
>> No. 231
On a torrent tracker somewhere, I'd imagine. Have you even checked The Pirate Bay and Demonoid already?
>> No. 233
I'm going to give you the benefit of the doubt and assume you aren't lazy, and that you really don't know how to find anime torrents... so here's how:

1. Find the anime you're interested in on http://myanimelist.net/ or http://anidb.net/

2. Look at the fansub group section of whichever site you're on and choose which group's release seems best to you (sometimes, especially with old anime, you just have to go with whatever is available to you)

a) Visit the fansub group's website and look for find the relevant page on their site, they should have a link to the torrent there
b) Failing that (i.e. if the torrent is dead, the tracker is dead or their website is dead), search for the anime you want on http://nyaatorrents.eu/, http://bakabt.me/ or http://tokyotosho.info/ (you might have to just go with whatever release you can find at this point)
c) If that didn't work, try some sites like http://thepiratebay.org/
d) If you still can't find it, go to Google and search something like "[fansub group here] [name of anime here]" or "[name of anime here] torrent", and just hope for the best.

If, after all that, you still can't find what you're looking for, then it's acceptable to ask for help (but you're probably SOL).

File 132537750925.jpg - (83.12KB , 1280x720 , [AFFTW] Morita-san wa Mukuchi 2 - 01 [720p][2248ED.jpg )
22 No. 22 hide expand quickreply [Reply] [Last 50 posts]
morita dump for the new board
57 posts and 40 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 116
File 132538146829.jpg - (73.70KB , 1280x720 , [HorribleSubs] Moritasan wa Mukuchi - 02 [720p]_mk.jpg )
>> No. 117
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>> No. 214
can we have more pics?
>> No. 215
She's so cute *⌐*
>> No. 259
This is the most laid back board.

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40 No. 40 hide expand quickreply [Reply]
How would you define the word "moe"?
15 posts and 3 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 181
Except it's 100% bullshit.

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>> No. 182
>Moe IS NOT for you to arbitrarily decide
>Moe IS those aspects which one finds moe

So which one is it? This is a circular reasoning right here. You cannot arbitrarily decide what is moe to you, but you can make a personal decision about what is moe to you after all? Unless I am missing something major here, it is what a part of your definition sounds like. Moe can be defined based on personal feelings, that I do not doubt for a second, but saying you cannot arbitrarily make something moe to you, and then saying that moe is, in fact, everywhere, and you CAN make something moe to you, is somehow flawed reasoning.
>> No. 184
Yeah I don't like using that chart for the glaring reasons that it tries too hard.

I think "arbitrarily decide" comment was more of them saying "don't apply your definition of moe to everyone."
>> No. 185
It would make the chart a lot clearer if it had said what you just did, "Do not apply your definition of moe to everyone." This chart does have a valid point, however: Moe, like art, is whatever you think it is. Words like "moeshit" really mean nothing, I could say that Dragonball Z is "moeshit," if a character from it had sometime or another emotionally affected someone. It would be nice if people would define the show by its actual genre, and compare it to other shows in that same genre, rather than to completely separate ones, like, for example, LOGH vs. K-On.
>> No. 207
Moe? The bartender?

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176 No. 176 hide quickreply [Reply]
So I fucked my sister last night..
>> No. 177
So are you going to just start a bunch of harem threads, then?

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168 No. 168 hide quickreply [Reply]
Any IS bros here?
>> No. 169
I liked it.
>> No. 171
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Yep, here and waiting warmly for a second season and/or more light novels.
>> No. 172
It's so...cute when people take this haremshit seriously.
>> No. 175
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The person who made this - Tactical Loli - is the type of person who takes EVERYTHING extremely seriously.
He's still pretty cool though, as are most Ceciliafags.

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6 No. 6 hide expand quickreply [Reply]
Ok so I am a retarded adult who likes anime. The only three I seem to have enjoyed are Ghost in the Shell SAC 1+2, Hellsing, Trigun, and maybe Full Metal Alchemist. Can you guys recommend some anime for me to watch to pass the time?
6 posts and 2 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 140
I've seen cowboy beebop and ergo proxy and thought that they were ok. I'll check the other ones you listed too

I watched a few episodes of full metal alchemist brotherhood and I didn't like it as much as full metal alchemist. It was like watching the remake of a movie where the writers only slightly changed the story line.

My opinion about hellsing ultimate is that it was way to over the top, cartoony, and unrealistic.

I hate bleach! I cringe every time I try to remember one of the filler story arcs they added into the series. Its like they added all sorts of worthless filler bullshit that had nothing to do with the main story line just so they could have a new episodes every week.

I did sort of like rurouni kenshin and will check out the titles you mentioned

I'll try watching akira

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>> No. 157
Excel Saga/Puni Puni Poemi? No teens saving the world, no drama, just one enormous send up of everything anime and Japan.
>> No. 159

>I watched a few episodes of full metal alchemist brotherhood and I didn't like it as much as full metal alchemist.

>> No. 160
Dude, he did give a pretty legit reason why he did not like it. But then again, I am pretty biased against remakes and such, just seems like an easy way out to me, "rebuilding" something established, just so you do not have to work on anything new.
>> No. 161

Brotherhood isn't a remake, it exists as a completely separate work to the original FMA anime.

Since you seem to be unaware, I'll explain why both versions exist. The original FMA anime was aired while the manga was still incomplete, and as such the studio making it had to create their own storyline which didn't follow the manga's (they even went as far as changing the names and roles of certain key characters). Brotherhood was released after the completion of the manga and followed the storyline that FMA should've had from the beginning, and as a result it was much better than the original FMA.

So you see, Brotherhood isn't a remake or anything of the sort - it's a manga adaptation.

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25 No. 25 hide expand quickreply [Reply]
Madoka a shit.
19 posts and 4 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 119
The dub is worse?
>> No. 120

Actual dub Trailer.
>> No. 122
Wow, I guess we're back to late-90s style shit dubs.
>> No. 124
What on earth is going on in this thread

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>> No. 131
Take your /a/ memes elsewhere. This board is for scholars.

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