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No. 230
Does anyone know where i can get a good torrent of D. Grayman?
>> No. 231
On a torrent tracker somewhere, I'd imagine. Have you even checked The Pirate Bay and Demonoid already?
>> No. 233
I'm going to give you the benefit of the doubt and assume you aren't lazy, and that you really don't know how to find anime torrents... so here's how:

1. Find the anime you're interested in on http://myanimelist.net/ or http://anidb.net/

2. Look at the fansub group section of whichever site you're on and choose which group's release seems best to you (sometimes, especially with old anime, you just have to go with whatever is available to you)

a) Visit the fansub group's website and look for find the relevant page on their site, they should have a link to the torrent there
b) Failing that (i.e. if the torrent is dead, the tracker is dead or their website is dead), search for the anime you want on http://nyaatorrents.eu/, http://bakabt.me/ or http://tokyotosho.info/ (you might have to just go with whatever release you can find at this point)
c) If that didn't work, try some sites like http://thepiratebay.org/
d) If you still can't find it, go to Google and search something like "[fansub group here] [name of anime here]" or "[name of anime here] torrent", and just hope for the best.

If, after all that, you still can't find what you're looking for, then it's acceptable to ask for help (but you're probably SOL).

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