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File 138441205333.gif - (1.61MB , 624x352 , richard speck.gif )
252 No. 252 hide quickreply [Reply]
high protein breakfast burrito-

4oz fish cut up and mixed with a couple eggs and hot sauce.
fry like an omelet.
wrap in a tortilla with some salsa.

that's about 2oz protein depending on the fish.
canned tuna, salmon, sea bass, whatever you got.

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248 No. 248 hide quickreply [Reply]
So, I'm quite fond of stews and usually make one every other week or so. Just today I made a stew consisting of mainly red cabbage and pork and it was surprisingly delicious so I'm going to share the recipe with you guys here. It's all pretty basic stuff so I'll try not to go into too much detail.

You'll need:

1/2 red cabbage, cut into fine ribbons
1 cooking apple (I used a Belle de Boskoop), cut into small cubes
2 shoulder pork chops
100 g cubed bacon
1 onion, cut finely
2 table spoons of (red wine) vinegar
some brown sugar, maybe half a table spoon.
two leaves of laurel
two cloves
(I also threw in some leftover red wine I had laying around)

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239 No. 239 hide quickreply [Reply]
now that it's hot, i been eating fish noodle soup about every day.

2 1/2 c water
Tspn boullion
spoonful fish sauce
fresh basil (to taste)
something green (broccoli usually)
something sweet (few sugar snap peas or red bell pepper)
leeks or onion

boil it with some fish (either fishballs or fresh fillet of whatever. today is salmon)

once the fish is cooked, add bean thread noodles (the ones that are thin and clear, or ramen noodles, or soba, or udon)

sometimes i add fresh mint leaves to the bowl and pour the soup on top of them. add a heaping spoonful of crushed dried thai chillis to kick up the heat and BOOM - awesome spicy hot, minty, sweet, salty, yummy goodness.
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>> No. 243
Aaaaaand, now I'm hungry, and do not have all of those ingredients right on hand. Soon, soon. I like that mint idea and will be stealing it.

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216 No. 216 hide expand quickreply [Reply]
Greetings, /cf/.

I decided to make corn muffins today (yesterday, now), and had the idea to throw in some diced bacon/onion/apple. It seems that they've turned out fairly well, so I thought to share them with everyone here. (Not literally, make your own.)

Having little experience with corn muffins other than quick Jiffy mixes, I pulled up a decent looking recipe to start from and change. Here's a link to the original, and then I'll detail my delicious deviations: http://www.foodnetwork.com/recipes/ina-garten/corn-muffins-recipe/index.html

2 2/3 cups all-purpose flour
3 tablespoons sugar/maple sugar
1 1/3 cup medium cornmeal
2 tablespoons baking powder
1 1/2 teaspoons salt
1 1/2 cups whole milk/kefir/buttermilk
1/2 pound salted butter, melted and cooled
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>> No. 219
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Next, move onto your main ingredients. Combine your dry ones first, and then the wet ones. I whisked up the eggs + milk (really, kefir) first, and then melted the butter....but then I had really hot butter. In order to avoid curdling the eggs, I slowly whisked the other wet ingredients into the hot butter.
>> No. 220
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FInally, it's time to dump it all in one container. Mix well until just combined, and don't overmix.
>> No. 221
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The batter was so thick, I had to spoon it into the muffin tins. They were well greased with bacon grease. I put the muffin tins into the freezer for a few minutes before greasing them so that the bacon grease solidified onto the cold metal. That way it didn't get scraped off by the batter, and no muffins stuck during baking.
>> No. 238
If I was a guy I would want to have babies with you, this is amazing! I'm going to try this out sometime. Bacon seals the deal.
>> No. 242
Thanks! Have you tried them out? I would definitely recommend adding more bacon. They were quite tasty, but I kept wanting to find MORE bacon bits as I ate them.

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208 No. 208 hide quickreply [Reply]
I vaguely remember promising people on IRC that I would do something for this board.

In light of this; I just ate lunch. It was toasted bread, fried chorizo and pork sausages and mushrooms in a lovely sandwich. I used cream cheese instead of butter for the bread, because I'm poor.

What did you eat for lunch today, /cf/?
>> No. 210
Inspired by this thread I made something similar and it was rather delicious though ridiculously greasy. So thanks OP.
>> No. 211
Have you made anything since? Please feel free to post the recipe :)

I am in desperate need of more sandwich ideas.
>> No. 237
Different person here but here are some sandwich ideas I have always enjoyed!

Hot sandwiches:
Any sort of white cheese (mozzarella, provolone, swiss, white american) on melted toasted bread with pesto all up in that bitch and then either hot chicken or well sliced beef. Use a mustard or mayo, but only 1 not both.

Ham and swiss fried in butter then sprinkled with powdered sugar.

Copy a mcmuffin

Philly cheese steak sub with hot sauce

get a George Foreman grill and make steak, thin slice it and throw it in a sandwich and then throw that fucker in the George.

Grilled hotdogs/hotlinks or sausage sliced longways on toast with relish avocado tomatoes onions and shredded cheese. Jalapenos too if you're badass.
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25 No. 25 hide expand quickreply [Reply]
FDA draws criticism after U-turn on antibiotics in animal feed

Environmental groups dismayed after agency drops long-held plan to regulate use of human antibiotics fed to healthy animals


Environmental and consumer groups have condemned the US Food and Drug Administration's move to renege on its long-held policy to regulate the use of human antibiotics in animal feed.

Last week, the agency quietly announced it was withdrawing its plan to limit the use of antibiotics fed to healthy livestock intended for human consumption.

Critics say the U-turn, which comes amid the FDA's own stated concerns over food safety, is at odds with its obligations to protect the public.

The groups also criticised the timing of the announcement, which was made during the holiday season and disclosed only in the federal register.

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>> No. 110
Seems to be the only appropriate board if such a debate were to occur.
Though, the facts of factory farming and the obvious risks it generates aren't necessarily debatable, just not really known or are intentionally overlooked by the general public because they cannot afford to stop supporting the industry nor do they want to.
I mean, who could really argue the tastiness of meat?

SAGE has been used.
>> No. 117

I just recently switched to a diet (not to lose weight) called the Primal Blueprint Diet, or to some, the Paleo diet.

basically, what our hunter/gatherer ancestors ate.

I feel fucking amazing.
>> No. 120
>I mean, who could really argue the tastiness of meat?
I know a girl who is a borderline vegan simply because she hates the taste of virtually all meat and dairy products. She's like a picky eater to the max.
>> No. 190

Vegan. Picky eater.

Same thing, amirite?
>> No. 226
nono 'picky eater' is a class in Tetris and 'Vegan' is a Swedish verb and means syrup.

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114 No. 114 hide expand quickreply [Reply]

Here's the recipe dump from the FamousRecipes executable, as extracted by a hero from /india/ long ago (A little before the last time the site got nuked).

If you're unfamiliar, the recipe list features home version recipes for all kinds of brand name foods and products. Everything from Oreos to KFC chicken, from Big Mac sauce to Red
Lobsters cheese biscuits.

Have fun, and please share results if you do any of the recipes.
3 posts omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 134
if MSG makes food taste better, why are so many people against using it?
>> No. 136

Because it has health paranoia floating all around it.


Whether it's true or not has yet to be determined.

>> No. 141
Alton reckons you can make any coloured roux in an oven, no faffing required.

Doesn't burn because it's not hot enough, cooks evenly because it's an oven.
>> No. 153
the cinnabon rolls are amazing and yes the raw dough is extremly soft and takes some practice to work with but the end result is amazing
>> No. 214
You make me hate myself, but I love you.

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204 No. 204 hide quickreply [Reply]
Fi-na-ll-y! Guy Fieri is getting told. Hard.

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201 No. 201 hide quickreply [Reply]

This is a partial recipe from a Cantonese friend for jiaozi (dumplings) or guotie (potstickers). The listed ingredients are for mixing with 1lb or 500g pork and/or beef. Let it marinate several hours or overnight, and then you can package the meat mixture inside a stretchy dough before cooking.

Jiaozi are steamed dumplings. You can rig up a grill over a couple inches of boiling water inside a pot or some rice cookers have a steaming attachment. Guotie are easily made in a wok or even a large flat-bottomed pot. First you shallow-fry them in a little bit of oil, and as soon as the bottoms start to brown you add boiling water and cover. They finish cooking in the steam.

When I made these several years ago, I just made some sort of dough without a recipe - so I don't have anything written down to post right now. Has anyone else made these or have a recipe to share? They are quite tasty, so I may give them a try again.

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144 No. 144 hide quickreply [Reply]
Soda Pouring Sound Effect (1 Hour)

>> No. 148
nothing else this week has made me as angry as this.
>> No. 159
3 minutes in and not looking back. thanks OP.
>> No. 193
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awesome stuff. this belongs in music or art or something. thanks op
>> No. 194
What a fucking fantastic account. Thanks OP.
>> No. 195
I don't know what's worse: the nose-ring or the hat.

SAGE has been used.

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162 No. 162 hide quickreply [Reply]
Hey guys I just wanted to tell you what I made from what I scavenged around my house. It was very good and thought I would share.

It was a Turkey Caeser Club.

I had 3 pieces of toast. I put Caeser dressing on all sides of the toast inside. I proceeded to add turkey (but chicken would do I would imagine). I applied a slice of tomato, a leaf of lettuce, and a slice of Parmesan cheese. If I had to add one more ingredient it would of been bacon.

Overall the sandwich was 9/10 but missing that extra crunch. I hope you guys take it and enjoy as well.
>> No. 186
That sounds delicious and I am now craving it. Crispy bacon would add the necessary crunch, that is true.

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125 No. 125 hide quickreply [Reply]
I just happened to stumble on this place, I think you guys should call a new thread a Spread.

Anyway, I am out.
>> No. 147
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Brilliant. You're an inspiration.
>> No. 149
>noko in the name field of both posts.
Nice self-bump, OP.

SAGE has been used.
>> No. 154
toasting in a bread

SAGE has been used.
>> No. 156
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Brilliant. You're a saint.

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124 No. 124 hide quickreply [Reply]
Sourkraut, Kasseler, mashed potatoes. Oh Yeah! Got up from lazy couch, bought all I need for lousy 3 € and gonna feast like a typical german (which I am). Have fun on your microwave oven crap.
>> No. 127
This thread doesn't really lend to any discussion, particularly with the dickish comment at the end, but I guess I'm glad for you.

God, I miss this place before the last content deletion.

Oh, do you put nutmeg in your mashed potatoes? I know some Germans do that.
>> No. 150
My mom always used to put nutmeg in our mashed potatoes.


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138 No. 138 hide quickreply [Reply]
What you doing?
Cooking Bolognase like a bawse...
pic unrelated
>> No. 140
I like dipping pickles in mustard, big whoop.
>> No. 143
Roasting cauliflower in the oven with olive oil and salt. Going to eat it with a tahini sauce.
>> No. 146
I don't know why it never dawned on me to do as the OPs picture suggests.

I could even do it with oreos.

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7 No. 7 hide expand quickreply [Reply]
What's in your sauce packet drawer?
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>> No. 41
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Your sauce collection aint shit if you don't have a packet of *vintage* Del Scorcho, with "Beyond Hot" printed on it instead of "Medium".

I have a whole bag of these from back when they switched. They're too old to eat now, so I just hang on to them for their historical significance.
>> No. 42
I remember those, but I tend to actually eat my sauce collection, so nothing is really that old. I do have a 40-year-old bottle of Tabasco sauce, though. It's black, so I'm just keeping it shut.
>> No. 56
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I chuckled when I found this thread. OP - where did you acquire that tiny Tabasco? I've only ever seen them in MREs.

I only really use the Fire sauce and the soy. For some reason, those Kikkoman soys are way better than the bottled stuff - found 'em in cheap store-bought california rolls. I haven't been brave enough to try those new Taco Bell sauces yet. I have huge amounts of store-bought versions of all these, (which will take huge time to exhaust), except the non-edibles. I actually bought them only because I signed up for govt food assistance. Before that, I was all about the free sauces. I have some stainless steel chopsticks I found in a Japanese restaurant, so I don't even use those wooden ones. Those long spoons are useful for stirring tall liquid containers.
>> No. 57
The tiny Tabasco is from a promotion meal at Popeye's.
>> No. 137
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Now THIS is a thread I can enjoy. I'm a motherfucking dipping sauce and sauce packet connoisseur. Currently, I've got Taco Bell Verde and Fire-Roasted, McDonald's Sweet Chili and BBQ, and Chick-Fil-A's Honey-Roasted BBQ and "Chick-Fil-A Sauce" (it's like honey mustard but sweeter, currently one of my favorite sauces).

I don't have any at the moment, but I'm also a huge fan of Papa John's Garlic and Cheese sauces; also Garlic Tabasco, which seems to have vanished off the face of the Earth.

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97 No. 97 hide quickreply [Reply]
Let's share recipes that we've tweaked to be rather tasty. Once I get back home, I'll repost my recipe for Cincinnati chili that I posted here awhile back.

In short, to hell with people who have "secret recipes" who refuse to share.
>> No. 128
I wanted you to come back and post your Cincinnati chili recipe, OP :(
>> No. 129
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I'm not OP but I saved and cooked the fuck out his Cincy chilli. Here's the recipe, I may have amended it to suit my tastes a little, and removed a couple herbs.

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8 No. 8 hide expand quickreply [Reply]
i wanna talk fish recipes
just started eating fish a couple months ago.
around here the common method is to put a few deep slashes on each side and then deep fry the whole thing or bbq it.
when frying it can be covered in garlic, chillis, or shredded ginger. i really dig the latter version.

so, uh, yeah. tell me how y'all cook fishes.
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>> No. 88
I don't :(
I'm not home so I don't have a kitchen of my own.
But when I can I eat Cole's mackerel with some weird Hispanic sauce...
>> No. 90
The one in the piri-piri sauce or olive oil?
>> No. 116
Generic Pancake batter mix and any pilsner kind of beer make an excellent batter for deep frying white fish. Alder smoked salmon is also really good, with a marinade of course salt, soya sauce, and brown sugar. Either of these basic recipies can be added to with herbs, spices, or flavours as you please.
(West coast Canadian here)
>> No. 118
For mackerel:
Steamed with soy sauce, ginger and parsley.
Fried with mango salsa.

My mother used to cook de-boned fish by slitting it in half, filling it with cheese and unripe fruits, wrapping it in foil and grilling the whole thing over charcoal.
>> No. 119
This is a fairly common method, replace stuffing with whatever variety of ingredients. Rubbing any edible skin down with salt (kosher or coarse grain), pepper (chili, black, fresh peppercorn), and some flavorful oil to crispen. Spices vary (smoke paprika, chilis in adobo, roasted cumin seed, whatever) but I say that herbs go in, not out. I love those large baskets for roasting things over and open fire too-- campfire on the beach style.

Lime, pepper, garlic, cilantro mayo, whatever. Thailand has the definite lock on fish though.

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58 No. 58 hide quickreply [Reply]


you know you want them in your mouth
>> No. 59
This is one of those things that sounds completely horrendous, yet will probably taste very good. Jimmy Dean is an underrated product, as well.
>> No. 61
Mmmm sausage balls
>> No. 105
These look like they'd be a fantastic way to showcase some sauces, especially homemade sauces. Blue cheese, from-scratch ranch, BBQ sauce, what have you.
>> No. 108
Have you made ranch that actually tastes really good? I've made ranch a bunch of times, but I always find myself adding MSG to it to bring out the flavors.
>> No. 113

that's a terrific idea. i have never been particularly good at sauces (except bbq) i think some kitchen time is in order

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109 No. 109 hide quickreply [Reply]
Needed a birthday cake so i asked IRC and was told to make chiffon cake. Here are my results!

Oh i made a chocolate one.

>> No. 111
There was a Good Eats episode on chiffon cakes recently. Those shows are a bit corny, but actually contain a lot of good advice.
>> No. 112
Looks tasty, then again I'm biased towards chocolate anything. Glad it turned out well!

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52 No. 52 hide expand quickreply [Reply]
Half a year ago, I noticed that my local supermarket had started selling these bags with mixed frozen fruit, to make smoothies out of. Since they are extremely cheap and delicious I began to drink one large glass of smoothie every day.

But how healthy is it? I am worried I am getting too much sugar.

The fruits are typically strawberries, pineapple, bananas, blueberries, and other.. berries. And I use apple juice, orange juice or pineapple juice. Or mixed fruit juice.
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>> No. 77
I think you mean common misconception, and orly?
>> No. 81

Yes, it's a blog, but there are references and links to the actual studies. HFCS is at most guilty of dumbing down our palates a little.

SAGE has been used.
>> No. 83
are all sugars broken down the same way or does HFCS have its own enzyme/protein that breaks it down, if so that could cause a high concentration of HFCS related enzymes over the other sugars, which could have side effects such as gene control, assuming the presence of the enzyme is an activator/inhibitor.
>> No. 84
Everything in moderation. Fruit is good for you, fruit juices, eh. I tend to avoid them mostly, because as >>68 pointed out, they lack fiber. Why is that important? It's both beneficial to moving everything through you, and it slows down your digestion - which in this case is of a lot of natural sugars. Absorbing them fast is not the best thing, even if you have a perfectly functioning pancreas.

My favorite smoothie recipe is on purpose a more balanced meal. I typically add plain yoghurt and a raw egg or two to the frozen mixed fruits + banana (gives best texture). Raw cream if I have it. Honey if you have unripe/sour fruit. This gives it a more balanced carb:protein ratio and good bacteria at the least, and the raw cream is a beneficial fat (which you need to absorb some vitamins in food, it also slows digestion, makes you feel satisfied for longer, and helps with constipation). This functions as a meal replacement and keeps me satisfied for a long time considering it's an already-liquified quick meal.
>> No. 101
Bio-chem major here, excellent point and gene control is not really involved.

Sugars are metabolized differently.
The big problem with fructose is that it is processed into fat before it can be used by the body. Whereas glucose is used directly and is only stored as fat if you are eating a shit-ton of sugar at once (smoothies may qualify). So fructose keeps building up fat and all the health problems that entails.

Worrying about it doesn't matter, Nearly and sweeteners and fruits have a 50/50 ratio of fructose/glucose (including HFCS, berries, etc).
Decent intro: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fructolysis#Fructolysis_and_Glycolysis_are_Independent_Pathways

As long as you are not eating too much in total, one smoothie every day is alright.

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