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305 No. 305 hide quickreply [Reply]
Looking for a program that can convert music (mp3, wav, or any type of sound file) into sine waves. Does anybody know where I'd be able to find something like this? If anybody has a script that performs this action which I could copy/paste over into Mathematica, that'd work just as well. All help is appreciated.

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302 No. 302 hide quickreply [Reply]
I am in a foundations class right now and I am having a hard time with the third problem here. I know about ball functions, but where on earth does the null set come in? (look at #3)
>> No. 303
Basically you're looking for points x such that for any positive real r there is a point y in E less than a distance r away from x. In other words you want every ball around x to contain points in E.

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299 No. 299 hide quickreply [Reply]
I'm unsure where/how to start finding the limit. How wrong would I be with: as t approaches 1 (which is Oct. 1st) the price approaches 8 cents, so the limit is 0.08? It's not that simple, right?
>> No. 300
The given information tells you the limit does not exist. The function representing the situation is a step function. Because the left-hand limit (0.06) and right-hand limit (0.08) don't match up, the limit does not exist. Simple enough, right?

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286 No. 286 hide quickreply [Reply]
7 x 8 -1 (70-4) = 3x

i cant solve for x
help me
>> No. 287
>> No. 289
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Okay so just to be explicit, do you mean what is written in my attached image? If this is the case, then what you want to do initially is follow the order of operations
to simplify the left hand side of your equation. And what the order of operations says to do here is evaluate the parentheses first, which yields: 7*8 - 1*66 = 3x. Still following the order of operations and because there are no exponents nor roots here, we move on to evaluating multiplication (no division), which yields: 56 - 66 = 3x. The next stage in the order of operations is addition and subtraction, so do that: -10 = 3x. Now the thing about equations is that whatever you do to (whatever is used to operates on) one side of an equation, you must also do to (must be used to operate on) the other side of the equation for the equation to still hold true. In this case, what you want to do is divide both sides of the equation by 3: -10/3 = x.
>> No. 297
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Thanks man, I know Im a bit late on the response, but yeah...much appreciated.
>> No. 298
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Sure thing, was no trouble. :)

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291 No. 291 hide quickreply [Reply]
can anyone help me proving this one? The left inclusion (⊆) was straightforward but I can't figure out how to prove the right inclusion.
>> No. 293
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I'm pretty sure thats wrong.
>> No. 296
thanks! should've tested it before trying to prove it

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256 No. 256 hide expand quickreply [Reply]
I'm an applied mathematics first year undergrad looking to start an online "classroom" for precalc and trig. Basically, we'll have assigned homework from khan academy that we'll do everyday, and hold discussions about any misunderstood concepts (relating to the "homework" or anything related to maths that any members are interested in) a minimum of twice a week. It would be extremely helpful to have those further along in any higher level courses (calc, differential equations, linear alg, etc.) be part of the group to help explain and answer questions; however, I must disclaim that the HW or coursework wouldn't be very stimulating, and would recommend that you only take part in the discussions. For those of you at my level (just finishing college/advanced algebra) I would create notes for all the lectures that could be downloaded via my twitter feed. I'm going to need a minimum of 4 other members before I kick-start this project, and will remove this thread if nobody is recruited within a month's time from now (last day being 12/15/2012). Thank you for your time and consideration.
17 posts omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 279
Not a problem, I actually thoroughly appreciate the honesty in the criticism, I'd much rather be told I'm wrong than continue believing something that's known to be untrue.

Found a few more links that will hopefully be of use to some of you, enjoy. Comments, questions, and criticisms are always welcomed and appreciated :]

(How to become a pure mathematician/statistician)

This link below is closely related to the field of "predictive analytics". I have a friend who's an engineer at Sandia Labs up in Albuquerque, NM; he's been studying this in his free time because he's been calling it "the future goldmine of statistics". Apparently jobs for these positions are going to be in very high demand in the next 10 years, and currently only 2 colleges have degree programs for the field. Salaries (from what he's told me) range around a comfortable 80-100k per year. Below are some of the maths that are to be used for this field.


And lastly a LaTeX tutorial video library I found on YouTube based off of popularity and positive feedback

Message too long. Click here to view the full text.
>> No. 280

Seconding this. If you're planning to go onto grad school in applied, you're still going to have to take a bunch of undergrad (some grad) courses in pure math. So, proofs won't be a big part of your professional life, but you're going to need to get a handle on it anyhow.
>> No. 283

All excellent twitter feeds for daily mathematics news, philosophy, and problem solving
>> No. 284
don't forget TopologyFact!
>> No. 292
Wondering if there were any useful applications for calculus in the stock market, investor Jim Cramer's said that 4th grade math is all you need to become a successful investor, but I'm a little skeptical. Resources would be nice if anybody has them. Thanks in advance!

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224 No. 224 hide expand quickreply [Reply]
Is it possible to derive Euler's formula without using the Pythagoras theorem?
5 posts and 1 image omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 235
It is possible, I did it in calculus II, using the Power Series expansions. You can also use the limit definition, and polar coordinates. It shouldn't be too hard to find these proofs floating around on the web.
>> No. 238
actually now that i think about it, you don't need to know anything about derivatives. All you need to do is show that sin is indeed equal to that sum.
>> No. 242
Yes, it is possible to find the derivatives of sine and cosine without the Pythagorean theorem. In fact, the only trigonometric identities required are the angle addition formulas, which do not require the Pythagorean theorem for their derivations either. Curiously, the Pythagorean theorem can be derived from Euler's formula:


The writer of the derivation I linked to messed up and threw in a + when there should have been a -, but you get the idea. Anywho, what I'm getting at is that Euler's formula actually cannot be derived from the Pythagorean theorem, but it is the other way around.
>> No. 243

Yeah, that's why i wanted it.

>> No. 396

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225 No. 225 hide quickreply [Reply]
Can you do it?
>> No. 239
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I came up with about 3.85 inches. I realized that if I constructed an inverted cone tangent to the other cones with its base "level with the [other] cones' tips", then the problem reduces to a more familiar one: determining the radius of a sphere inscribed in a cone. Because the base radius of the cones is given, it follows that the distance between the tips of the cones is 10 inches. Usin' that good ol' Pythagorean Theorem (30-60-90 triangle ratios in this case) and the fact that the base of the constructed cone contains the tips of the three given cones, I calculated the radius of the constructed cone as 10/sqrt(3) inches. Because the axes of the constructed cone and the given cones are all parallel, the constructed cone must be similar to the given cones. I used this similarity relation and the height of the given cones to find the height of the constructed cone: 12/5 = (10/sqrt(3))/h ==> h = 8*sqrt(3). Knowing the base radius and the height of the constructed cone, I carried out the same calculations in the attached image to obtain the exact answer of 20*sqrt(3)/9 inches.

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180 No. 180 hide quickreply [Reply]
First of all, check out "Launch LaTeX Equation Editor" up in the bottom-left of the header if you're new to LaTeX. It's very simple to generate math and a great way to start learning LaTeX, and it can save as a picture, with a few options.

Let's share some tips, ask some questions, answer some questions, talk about TeX, share resources, things like that.

freenode's #latex
Not So Short Introduction to LaTeX: http://tobi.oetiker.ch/lshort/lshort.pdf
TikZ, useful for graphics: http://www.texample.net/tikz/examples/
>> No. 214
this is awesome, sticky please
>> No. 223
I just learned a cool tip! You can make shortcuts for longer commands that you use often (for those of you writing longish reports, not equations online)

So if you wanted to replace \mathbb{N} with \N you could do:


And put it anywhere before you plan to use the shortcut, I'd assume. I usually just do it after I list my packages.

(I've never sat down and read a full guide for latex, so maybe this is common knowledge, but I never realized it until I saw a prof do it.)

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217 No. 217 hide quickreply [Reply]
So this is a pretty common thread on other math boards but I was hoping that maybe some of you guys could throw in something new.

What are some great math-related books? I'm talking about stuff like Godel Escher Bach, Zeno's paradoxes by salmon, Euclid's window, philosophy of mathematics by barker, etc. I'd be interested in anything from geometry to linear algebra, introductory texts that aren't too dense are great. Hell, it could be math related fiction like anathema and I'd still check it out.

Also, are there any textbooks from classes you've taken that are particularly good?

tldr post any good math related books
>> No. 218
This book is fantastic. It very gently and rigorously goes from building the reals to integration. It's very very nice and understandable.

This is just a short story but its pretty interesting to from a math point of view. It's basically the story of a giant library which comprises all of the known universe for the characters and which presumable contains all possible books of a certain length

This is a nice exposition of the Library of Babel.
>> No. 221

I forgot this one, sorry for the double post. I taught myself out of this book. It's pretty good, the proofs skip few steps so if you're new to upper math it can be pretty helpful.
>> No. 222
Wow thanks for the quick and great response. I'll be taking that list to the library today.

How dare you double post on /calc/? There's so much traffic, I'd bet that someone's constructive and insightful post was pushed back a few pages by your indiscretion!

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106 No. 106 hide expand quickreply [Reply]
I left school early in 11th grade and began working. I recently found out that I can not stand doing manual labor all day. I feel like my mind is being wasted, I want to go to college for a degree in mechanical engineering. Problem is I am not very good at math.

I never had a problem with it but in school I never really paid attention. Are there any good math tutorials on youtube that could get me caught up to Calculus so when I enter college I don't have to take multiple classes in algebra etc?
7 posts and 1 image omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 168
I'm going to school - I'm in my mid twenties - and I'm in the same boat. I recommend that you take the classes you need, so you absolutely positively have the math you need mastered.
>> No. 178

broken links
>> No. 179
Demonoid was permanently taken down.

SAGE has been used.
>> No. 215
>> No. 216
Khan Academy, got me up to speed, now I'm rocking calculus I.

Odds are you're not bad at math, you just never really tried. Unlike other things you learn in school, being smart and having a decent memory aren't enough to get you by in math. You really have to practice, it's more comparable to a skill like playing an instrument or writing than it is to a subject like history or sociology.

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156 No. 156 hide quickreply [Reply]
I'm a genius when it comes to reading, writing and pattern recognition, but I cant learn math for some reason. I'm a visual type of person, I need to learn math in a way that my brain understands. It's really embarrassing and it makes me hate the fucking school systems pointless salt mines of doing the same shit but not explaining how to do it.

Sorry, rant /end

I have to learn math because I want to make games that dont suck and are educational and fun, who doesn't remember wishing to be a bear as a kid?

Pic is my self esteem
>> No. 157
Have you looked into all the online resources in that other thread (>>106)? Some of those might be helpful. Or if there's anything specific, please let us know so we can help out.

What level of math are you comfortable with? Algebra? Arithmetic? Probability? Are you looking to make video games or traditional games? I would love to help you gain a better understanding, so please let me know what I can do to help.
>> No. 181
School maths is not maths at all. Nothing wondering that you can not learn it.
>> No. 183
I've experienced similar, albeit drawn out issues I think. I didn't seem to have problems mindlessly grinding the content up until around the latter portion of highschool. At that point for whatever reason I developed a consuming interest in various gadfly philosophical persuasions and quickly lost confidence in mathematics as an infallible axiomatic system. Certain epistemological and mereological premises sort of espoused many spheres of mathematics to me as nothing more than perceptual hallucination, as the ideal geometric structures simply do not exist as isolated, non-dynamic physical entities. Choosing to isolate some perceived object from the dynamic flux which is external reality and just pretending that it isn't actively interacting at imperceptible levels with said environment, even going so far to regard it as an "object"; that is, crudely separating a manifestation of fundamental elements and properties and constructing some arbitrary, fictional boundary to isolate this portion of matter from the mire. Notions of "quantity" and the existence of a formal mathematical object was to me at this point mere social consensus.

My entry into some of my engineering program's advanced calculus content actively discouraging as the curriculum's integration of math seemed to orient towards problem solving for its own sake. A governing formula or theory is thrown at us within the context of some arbitrary puzzle and we solve its 2-3 possible permutations using a strict process. No theoretical background, historical context or possible flaws or fallibility are ever provided. I completely neglected the material at that point in light of my edgy philosophical insights and subsequently performed quite substandardly in the course. I was outperformed by peasants who don't seem even aware of quite what math is and are obviously grinding out success a la my pre-pubescant highschool methodology.

I guess my point here is that when you deal with the material in an academic setting you just have to play along with certain systems and axioms the courses dispense and set aside any philosophical grievances. It's symbolic logic; very arid and linear but extremely simple if you put forth a focused, systematic effort. Our, but possibly just my problem is that I prefer an analysis with a bit more undisclosed ambiguity; to blindly accept the as absolute truth the sheer volume of theories and conjecture which were being shat out at me was very difficult until I accepted this.

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65 No. 65 hide quickreply [Reply]

Rules: Solve one, post two or more. Use the equation editor. Try to vary difficulty.

Practice your LaTeX!
Linebreak is \\. Use the upper-left fonts button for non-math text. Anything else you're unsure of, google or ask.
>> No. 68
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Here's a solution to the first one. I'll post my two new problems tomorrow.
>> No. 69
3. x>7
Man I'm good at this math thing.

1. Prove that the integers mod p are a field for p prime.
2. Let 0={ }
1={ }U{{ }}
for all natural numbers n
Define natural number addition in terms of sets.
>> No. 73
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1. Prove that the limit of a sum is the sum of the limits. lim a + b = lim a + lim b for two sequences a and b, provided that both limits exist.

2. Find the eigenvalues of the matrix:
[ 1 6 9 ]
[ 2 5 0 ]
[ 0 0 2 ]
>> No. 77
First of all I don't know how to post properly...
As for "1. Prove that the limit of a sum is the sum of the limits. lim a + b = lim a + lim b for two sequences a and b, provided that both limits exist."
Let X be a subset of R, let E be a subset of X, let x[0] be an adherent point of E, and let f:X->R and g:X->R be functions. Now, suppose that f has a limit L at x[0] in E, and g has a limit M at x[0] in E. Then f+g has a limit L+M at x[0] in E since x[0] is an adherent point of E, then we can construct a sequence (a[n])n=0,infinity, consisting of elements in E, which converge to x[0]. Since f has a limit L at x[0] in E, (f(a[n]))n=0, infinity must converge to L. Similarly, (g(a[n]))n=0, infinity converges to M. By the limit laws for sequences (that is: lim of n->infinity (a[n]+b[n])= lim of n-> infinity a[n]+ lim of n->infinity b[n], since the sum of Cauchy sequences is Cauchy (Let x=lim n->infinty a[n] and y=lim n->infinity b[n] be real numbers. Then x+y is a lso a real number as for every epsilon>0 the sequence (a[n]+b[n])n=1, infinity is eventually epsilon-steady, show that (a[n]) is delta-steady, set delta equal to epsilon over 2, and show that this is eventually true for n>=N, similarly show this for (b[n]), this implies that a[n]+b[n] is eventually epsilon close when you add them) we conclude that ((f+g)(a[n]))n=0, infinity converges to L+M. this implies that f+g has a limit L+M at x[0] in E.
Sorry for getting a bit careless halfway, the typing was getting a little annoying, writing it down is much easier as you can clearly see everything.
PS: I just noticed I didn't directly answer your question, but also showed that this is true for added limits of functions :)
PPS: I just also realized I should answer in a picture... but last time I tried to upload a pic I got a temp. ban for some reason... sorry?

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158 No. 158 hide quickreply [Reply]
Hi /calc/.

I'm working on estimating parameters of a system of nonlinear differential equations using experimental data. The best algorithm I could come up with was to define a cost function as solving the system numerically the data points and taking the squares of the error, then using a built-in Matlab tool to minimize that as a function of the parameters and initial conditions.

I'm worried that it's going to be very slow to solve a bunch of systems of DEs over and over again. Is there a better algorithm, either for solving the system repeatedly when I know the structure, or for parameter estimation in general?
>> No. 159
this might be a dumb question, but can't you just solve the DE's with the parameters as arbitrary constants?
>> No. 160
I could, but they are arbitrary, large, and nonlinear, so it would be a lot of work, both to program it up and to compute it. Parsing the input strings is already kind of a headache, so if that's the best way to optimize it, I'll leave it for future work.
>> No. 161
Actually, is there an algorithm for analytically solving any system of ODEs?
>> No. 172
Have you checked if any Laplace transforms fit your setup? Make them all linear then, solve out the system in terms of the transform, then try to invert the transforms?
>> No. 174
I actually have never used multidimensional Laplace transforms. Do they generalize pretty intuitively?

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52 No. 52 hide quickreply [Reply]
So my stats class is shit. Half the people in the class have never seen sigma notation and when it was presented to them, there were audible groans like "wtf is this wizardry" from all the business-/nursing-majors.

And now I'm told to "just look it up in the z-table" for various circumstances without being told why I'm doing this or anything when a cursory skim over probability wikis says that it would be a billion times easier if I just threw some integrals down.

Anyone feel like talking at length about intro stats topics from a calc-standpoint? Or have resources to recommend? This is just maddening.
>> No. 53
Just go to the library and find some relevant books. It should be pretty easy to find them.

Also stats isn't real math, go away!
>> No. 54
Well since a deterministic model is simply a special case of a stochastic one (with probability=1), I have to disagree.
>> No. 55
stats sux

I feel your pain OP
>> No. 56
You're obviously feeling some other pain. I think statistical modeling is very interesting and has loads to offer as a mathematical field.
>> No. 173
Well, you don't particularly need a calc background for intro stats. The reason the tell you look things up on the z table is because, for the most part, it's easier than computing an integral. I mean, what is the z table other than the integral of the bell curve with the same lower bound and varying degrees of upper bound? Though the math behind it is interesting, it doesn't really give the average person an understanding for the practical application of stats. That's why it's intro stats man hahaha. Go take some higher level stats courses, or get on 4chan/sci and check out the website in the very top thread. You'll find lots of resources there.

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162 No. 162 hide quickreply [Reply]
hey, probably a stupid question, but I found this notation in a script and I'm wondering what the index '0' means..?! It would be cool if you could help me here.
>> No. 163
oh, now this looks ugly. Basically I'm asking for C_{0 }^{\infty}
>> No. 164
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C_0^\infty(\Omega) usually means the set of real-valued compactly supported smooth functions defined on \Omega. These functions are very useful tools in real analysis.
>> No. 166
thanks a lot!

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165 No. 165 hide quickreply [Reply]
Are there any explicit constructions of subsets of the real line whose Cantor-Bendixson rank is an infinite ordinal?
Can a subset of the real line have uncountable CB rank?

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16 No. 16 hide expand quickreply [Reply]
Who are some rad mathematicians?

I nominate one Kurt Gödel, for pissing on the Principia Mathematica party by demonstrating that an axiomatic system can either be complete or consistent, but not both.

Also he wore a ski mask around so that he wouldn't be recognized and worried that someone would poison him, so he only let his wife make him food. He died soon after she did.

>In 1951, Gödel demonstrated the existence of paradoxical solutions to Albert Einstein's field equations in general relativity. He gave this elaboration to Einstein as a present for his 70th birthday. These "rotating universes" would allow time travel and caused Einstein to have doubts about his own theory. His solutions are known as the Gödel metric.
9 posts and 5 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 139
>Paul Erdos (" over the o)
¨ + o = ö

>> No. 140
Ő, not Ö

SAGE has been used.
>> No. 141
Well, given his linguistic peculiarities, I think that an ö would do.
>> No. 146
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I am surprised that no one has mentioned Benoit Mandelbrot. He is the man that made "fractals" a recognizable word, and in doing so tossing the importance and novelty of Euclidian geometry aside. In his famous book "The Fractal Geometry of Nature", he explains how ubiquitous fractals are in life, earth, physics, chemistry, art, ect… We probably would have the technological advancements of the 1990's if it weren't for him. Pic related.
>> No. 152
David Hilbert. Mathematician that had an incredibly wide interests, also a logician.

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151 No. 151 hide quickreply [Reply]
Given a real number 0 < x < 1, is there a general method to build a subset of R whose Hausdorff dimension is x?

Also, does anyone know if it's possible to define the Hausdorff dimension pointwise?

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145 No. 145 hide quickreply [Reply]
Is there an intuitive explanation for eigenvalues/vectors?
>> No. 147
To me, one of the most important things about the eigenvalues of a matrix is that the product of all of them equals the determinant of that matrix. When I first heard this, I had an overwhelming sensation of euphoria. Angels sang.

I'm sure there's more to be posted in this thread.
>> No. 149
I always imagined them like: the eigenvectors of a matrix are the vectors that don't change direction when multiplied by that matrix, and the eigenvalues are how much the eigenvectors change in size.
So they're similar to fixed points.
>> No. 150
Yes, eigenvectors as invariant linear subspaces is a very good way of interpreting them, especially if you're studying dynamical systems (see OP's pic).

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