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File 132648330663.jpg - (44.00KB , 480x642 , g5ab6.jpg )
27 No. 27 hide expand quickreply [Reply]
/calc/ I need your help.

I'm starting school at a large community college this spring. They have a 2-2 program set up with the local universities where you can take your basics and non-degree specific courses and then transfer your credits according to the specific degree plan you choose.

I went in with the intention of majoring in computer science. After the brief meeting with a "advising counselor" My list of suggested freshman courses was given to me (the whole scheduling process is self-service, with my degree plan and advising counselor's recommendations I sign up for my classes online).

I get home and I see "Algebra." My sister tells me this is a requirement, and all entering freshman have to take College Algebra. But friends have told me their first math course at their university was Calculus 1. In high school, AP Calculus was available, and for the most part the only math class offered that I had not taken.

I tried signing up for Pre-Calc/Calculus instead, but was told that prerequisites were not satisfied.I mean, I could probably benefit from brushing up on algebra before going on but am I being cheated here? Forced to take remedial classes, even with a 650 in math on my SAT's?
7 posts omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 35
same thing happened to me, I took mathematics all the way to calc 1 in HS, but since I wasn't in AP I didn't get credit for those classes towards college. I did really good in them, and taking them again in college made them an easy A and made my transcript look good with As in all math courses up to calc 3. College calculus was nonetheless more technical and more in depth than high school.
>> No. 36
Makes me feel better about my situation. Might as well re-take them. I'd hate to have trouble in higher up math courses because I couldn't remember something easy.
>> No. 42
I agree that you should talk to professors/deans and see if there is a way you can test out of Algebra. Honestly, if you can do the standard manipulations (rearrange equations, simplify, factor, etc.) you shouldn't have a problem skipping it.

As for my intro college courses, I did Calc I and II in high school and then a Calc I through III summer program, so I started with differential equations. The review of calc was nice since my high school class was my junior year, but I still don't think it's worth it to retake a class during the school year. There are so many classes I want to take, in and out of my major, that I can't imagine wanting to waste credits on something I already know.
>> No. 49
I'm a math major and I failed calc 2 and I'm doing just fine in my other math classes.
Its sort of unfair that they expect you to do calc without analysis first.
>> No. 51
Turns out the class I was in was Algebra 1314 for business/liberal arts majors. Taking this class wouldn't allow me to move on to the STEM pre-calc/Calculus courses. There was an opening in a late starting shortened semester 1414 algebra class that was intended for STEM majors.
Needless to say the professor and students in this class are much more intelligent.

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45 No. 45 hide quickreply [Reply]
Hi /calc/,

I'm puzzling over the notion of a size function in my ring theory class. Since my prof doesn't seem to be holding office hours yet I thought I'd bring this here and hope others may benefit as well.

For R an integral domain, a size function N: R --> {non-negative integers} was defined to have the following properties:
(i) N(0) < N(r) for all r non zero
(ii) There exists an m such that N(r) = m iff r is a unit. Moreover N(r) > m for all r not a unit and non-zero.
(iii) For a, b in R non-zero, N(a) < N(ab) and N(a) = N(ab) iff b is a unit.

I'm wandering if my following thoughts are correct or if I'm funamentally mistaken about something here. If I suppose r in R has a non trivial factorization, r = sq, then by (ii) it could be that N(r) = N(sq) = m+1. But s and q are non-unit and non-associates of r, either they're irreducible or have further non-trivial factorizations themselves. Would be it more appropriate to say the "smallest" non trivial factorization can have size 2(m+1) = 2m+2 for this reason? Additionally, what if r isn't a unit, but is irreducible? Does it necessarily have size < m?. Or can the second part of property (iii) be weakened to say something like "N(a) = N(bc) for b and associate of a and c a unit"?

I'm trying to figure out how I might use N to show that r with N(r) = m+1 has a non trivial factorization and ran into these questions. I feel like there isn't enough information here to go off of. Or I'm just too dumb to see the obvious. IDK

Thank you
>> No. 46
Okay I have found that after working on this problem for the last hour I understand the size function a lot better than when I wrote the opening post. I'll suppose I'll keep this up for possible discussion.

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1 No. 1 hide expand quickreply [Reply]
Let's have a get-to-know each other thread. What kinds of math have you taken/do you know?

I've taken calc/DiffEqs and Linear Algebra, and am currently doing Numerical Analysis and Real Analysis. Compactness is weird as hell.
14 posts and 1 image omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 17
I've taken up to Calc III, Diffeq, Graph Theory, Probability Theory, Discrete, and Linear Algebra.

Taking Abstract Algebra next semester. I really want to take Number Theory. Haven't taken a calc class in at least a year so I'm scared to take an Analysis course but I hear I'll need to if I'm to take Topology (and I'd like to).
>> No. 18
Actually life would probably be much easier for you if you were to take topology before analysis. I wish I did ;_;
>> No. 19
Rings are sweet, man.

Groups are for bitches.
>> No. 21
I took topology first and this is a fact.

SAGE has been used.
>> No. 24
I am teaching myself multivariable/vector calc and tensor math, so that I can understand QM and GR some day.

Also, discrete math, axiomatic type theory and category theory are fun from a CS standpoint.

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