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217 No. 217
So this is a pretty common thread on other math boards but I was hoping that maybe some of you guys could throw in something new.

What are some great math-related books? I'm talking about stuff like Godel Escher Bach, Zeno's paradoxes by salmon, Euclid's window, philosophy of mathematics by barker, etc. I'd be interested in anything from geometry to linear algebra, introductory texts that aren't too dense are great. Hell, it could be math related fiction like anathema and I'd still check it out.

Also, are there any textbooks from classes you've taken that are particularly good?

tldr post any good math related books
>> No. 218
This book is fantastic. It very gently and rigorously goes from building the reals to integration. It's very very nice and understandable.

This is just a short story but its pretty interesting to from a math point of view. It's basically the story of a giant library which comprises all of the known universe for the characters and which presumable contains all possible books of a certain length

This is a nice exposition of the Library of Babel.
>> No. 221

I forgot this one, sorry for the double post. I taught myself out of this book. It's pretty good, the proofs skip few steps so if you're new to upper math it can be pretty helpful.
>> No. 222
Wow thanks for the quick and great response. I'll be taking that list to the library today.

How dare you double post on /calc/? There's so much traffic, I'd bet that someone's constructive and insightful post was pushed back a few pages by your indiscretion!

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