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File 132764223541.jpg - (37.63KB , 490x377 , image018.jpg )
52 No. 52
So my stats class is shit. Half the people in the class have never seen sigma notation and when it was presented to them, there were audible groans like "wtf is this wizardry" from all the business-/nursing-majors.

And now I'm told to "just look it up in the z-table" for various circumstances without being told why I'm doing this or anything when a cursory skim over probability wikis says that it would be a billion times easier if I just threw some integrals down.

Anyone feel like talking at length about intro stats topics from a calc-standpoint? Or have resources to recommend? This is just maddening.
>> No. 53
Just go to the library and find some relevant books. It should be pretty easy to find them.

Also stats isn't real math, go away!
>> No. 54
Well since a deterministic model is simply a special case of a stochastic one (with probability=1), I have to disagree.
>> No. 55
stats sux

I feel your pain OP
>> No. 56
You're obviously feeling some other pain. I think statistical modeling is very interesting and has loads to offer as a mathematical field.
>> No. 173
Well, you don't particularly need a calc background for intro stats. The reason the tell you look things up on the z table is because, for the most part, it's easier than computing an integral. I mean, what is the z table other than the integral of the bell curve with the same lower bound and varying degrees of upper bound? Though the math behind it is interesting, it doesn't really give the average person an understanding for the practical application of stats. That's why it's intro stats man hahaha. Go take some higher level stats courses, or get on 4chan/sci and check out the website in the very top thread. You'll find lots of resources there.

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