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File 13683886344.jpg - (227.34KB , 1200x1600 , 1108dp_09+diesel_born_fron_air_conditioning+first_.jpg )
728 No. 728 hide quickreply [Reply]
so i've never bought anything steampunk. wanted to buy the SPG album, but no money. So what do you buy, or what would you buy if you had the money?
I could only see myself buying acual steam engines or diesel engines or tools.

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571 No. 571 hide quickreply [Reply]

Also, Syndicate is real.
>> No. 656
The original Syndicate is what scares me, its actually more grounded in reality. That said this really shouldn't surprise you, just like espionage in the Industrial Military Complex is improving so is "civilian" Corporate/Industrial espionage. Deus Ex also has some truths in it, like the banks trying to unify the world under one state. But now we're going into /foil/ so I'll stop there.

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563 No. 563 hide quickreply [Reply]
How would one differentiate the styles of cyberpunk and rivethead?
>> No. 564
What's a rivethead? Those kids with overstyled hair and gas masks?
>> No. 565
>> No. 566
There's overlap to be sure, but rivetheads tend more towards military fashions, "stompiness", etc.
>> No. 587
By the style of cyberpunk do you mean the weird cybergoth thing, or the actual cyberpunk aesthetic?

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570 No. 570 hide quickreply [Reply]
So this just happened.
>> No. 585
Yes, and it's wonderful.

SpaceX is really kicking arse at the moment. Within a decade, the cost of transfer of payload into LEO should plummet. There's no particular reason why you can't launch a few payloads of fuel into orbit and then grab any old space module and fuel up and set off to anywhere in the Solar System to harvest resources. Exciting times. If SpaceX wasn't a load of old hot air as I'd feared, then why should Planetary Resources or any of the other new space firms succeed?

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583 No. 583 hide quickreply [Reply]

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579 No. 579 hide quickreply [Reply]

Ha. He went a bit far with the net police thing.

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526 No. 526 hide quickreply [Reply]
I just watched The Amazing Screw-On Head, a pilot that never went to series based on a one-shot Mike Mignola comic. Anyone else seen it?

I'm far from a steampunk connoisseur but it seemed pretty steampunkish to me... I'm not terribly familiar with Mike Mignola (I read a Hellboy comic at a friend's place once but other than that I haven't even seen the live-action movie adaptations) but I like his aesthetic and enjoyed the little bit of Hellboy I read.

Anyway, you can't really go wrong here: Paul Giamatti and David Hyde Pierce, Lovecraftian supernatural shit, Abraham Lincoln, a robot that somehow exists in the 1860s, and more (and better!) humour than I was expecting. I had no idea this was as much a comedy as anything else and was surprised by the quality of the humour, especially on Pierce's part.

Worth checking out, I'd say. Here's a link:
>> No. 549
That was pretty entertaining. At first I really didn't like how ridiculous it was, but after they launched themselves out of that cannon I was laughing pretty much the rest of the show (also Emperor Zombie's "mine now" line had me rolling). The way Screw-On Head talked kind of reminded me of Dr. Orpheus from the Venture Bros.

I could see this on a late night slot on adult swim or something like that. Sucks that it won't happen though.

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391 No. 391 hide expand quickreply [Reply]
Just watched this. Didn't think it was very cyberpunk. Any thoughts?
3 posts omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 434

well... it is.
>> No. 460
short story > movie
>> No. 525
I watched it, twice, two worst mistakes of my life. The last third of the film is Willem DaFoe in a room flashing back to the first two thirds of the film. I was excited to see it initially because of the two big names, Christopher Walken and DaFoe, and the fact that it was based on a short story by William Gibson.

The poor editing makes the film difficult to follow, the DoP must have had his head up his ass because the shots were incoherent, and the director somehow managed to get a shitty performance out of two award winning actors.

If I didn't know it was based on a cyber punk short story I never would assume that this was cyber punk.
>> No. 544
Not to go into details: shit. Story was not the best work of Gibson either.
>> No. 547
Does anyone know what Gibson thought of the movie?

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480 No. 480 hide quickreply [Reply]
I just finished Ender's Game. I loved it. However I just found out they are making a movie that comes out in 2013. I fucking hate child actors. I don't know if I can get excited about it.

What are your feelings on it? As long as they don't go hollywood on it and get some kids that I can deal with (unlikely) I can see myself seeing it.
>> No. 481
ahh, lucky you, i went through the audiobook version, and at the end Orson Card talks about this very topic

iunno go look through some torrents and hope you get lucky
>> No. 482
I liked the book, the rest of the series is much better. I'm always happy to see good science fiction books made into movies, but I'm fairly pessimistic about this one.
>> No. 533
I'm not the type to get all super excited and hyped about any movie adaptation of books I like. I'll see it and if it's good I'll be thrilled and if it's not good then I won't be bummed. It's not like the quality of the movie affects the quality of the book, so whatever.

I know what you mean about child actors though. They can be really hit and miss and are almost always miss. They might luck out though and get some awesome child actors, which happens every so often...

The only other book in the series I really liked was Speaker. Xenocide was alright but nothing great. Children of the Mind I didn't even bother finishing. I've read Ender's Game like 5 or 6 times in the last 10 years and Speaker maybe 4 times and I've gotta say Ender's Game holds up the best. I was really moved by Speaker the first time I read it 8 or 9 years ago, but every time I reread Speaker I just feel more and more that the philosophical aspects of it are too goddamn heavy handed.

Ender's Game has a story that is simple and direct and doesn't get bogged down in philosophical noodling. It's just an engaging story, not a thought experiment or "vehicle" for intellectual noodling, and for that reason its message is the most clear, concise, and powerful. Speaker is certainly an engaging story, but has too much of a top-heavy "thought experiment" vibe for my liking... it most certainly is a vehicle for intellectual noodling and for that reason is less tight and feels like Card tried too hard to turn what could have been a solid mystery/suspense story with some interesting relationships between the characters into an allegory.

Xenocide had that problem in fucking spades...

I don't know why I went off on this tirade, I just feel the exact opposite of you: I felt like the Ender series just gets weaker as it goes. Ender's Game is super tight and engaging and that makes it the most effective to me. Everything after that gets a bit forced and more about Card pushing shoveling an allegory at the reader rather than just telling a compelling story and letting the story speak for itself and letting the reader draw their own conclusions.

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429 No. 429 hide expand quickreply [Reply]
How do you feel about the fact that someone can post something like this on this board and still be on topic?
4 posts and 1 image omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 520
The definition of "trolling" isn't "having a different opinion than yours".
>> No. 521
You miss a lot of social cues don't you?
>> No. 522
>How do you feel

>> No. 523
Nah, I was in fact "trolling" as twitch accused, but thanks anyway. It was more of a joke really, but these days internet jokes have been made synonymous with trolling.

SAGE has been used.
>> No. 524
Pretty much

SAGE has been used.

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487 No. 487 hide quickreply [Reply]
This is damn cool. Memoirs of the Twentieth Century, a science-fiction book written by an Irishman in 1733.

Full text here for anyone interested:
>> No. 488
Downloaded. I'm actually kind of excited for this. What am I getting myself into OP?
>> No. 489
If you're not familiar with 18th century literature, a very slow read.
>> No. 492
This times ten. The longest fucking dedication/tribute to the king I've ever read.

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463 No. 463 hide quickreply [Reply]

>Contact lenses that help enhance normal vision with megapixel 3D panoramic images are being designed by scientists using military funding.

>For those who do not want to rely on contact lenses, future versions could involve lenses directly implanted within the eye, researchers added.

I am very excited about this.
>> No. 464
It's finally happening!

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1 No. 1 hide quickreply [Reply]
Sci-fi, Cyberpunk and steampunk merged into one board? It's a sound plan!
>> No. 2
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>> No. 3
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This quadrant has been judged acceptable by The Star Chamber in accordance with Brit-Cit legislation.
>> No. 385
I'm all in. Putting everything on cyberguy, no question. One shot to the steamtank or even the piping pretty much anywhere and BAM! Done.

SAGE has been used.
>> No. 453
I dunno, at that range, it's just going to take one punch to take him out, probably before Cy-guy can whip off a shot.
>> No. 457
You kidding? With his wired reflexes, that street samurai could eat the steampunk's children and stack the bones in the shower before he could throw the first punch.

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386 No. 386 hide quickreply [Reply]
>> No. 387
pic related ofc.
>> No. 388

>> No. 389
Posting, saying nothing but "sage". What a fucking idiot. Also fuckyeah. GG

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5 No. 5 hide quickreply [Reply] [First 100 posts] [Last 50 posts]
Retro-futurism is the way forward.
376 posts and 376 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 382
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Helmuth Ellgaard
>> No. 383
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Helmuth Ellgaard
>> No. 384
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Helmuth Ellgaard
>> No. 455
Thanks so much for this thread OP! Amazing images that fill me with nostalgic yearning for my childhood when I would read my dad's old pulp scifi books and magazines from the 60s and 70s.

Can't beat the space age idealism!
>> No. 477
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Reminds me of Star Control II, thus, my childhood. Or rather, teenagehood.

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