No. 1708
ID: 186201
- (1.49MB
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not as big as most girls, but I'm not very welcome in more mainstream settings.
The shitty part of the internet for girls is that men, in real life, build up a fantasy or expectation of what girls should look like, and when you don't look that way they take it almost personally, and like mister bugspray there, online, they feel they have the right to voice their grievances. Its honestly pathetic, especially aimed at me when ( i like to think) I'm one of the few down to earth, nicer and smarter camwhores you could come across. I'm not like, physically perfect and I do have personality flaws, but over all I'm chill enough that people really should have no reason to come at me.
ALSO, is watersports cool here? I won't post diaper stuff because I know it'll freak you all out, but I made a shorts wetting video for MGF and I have a few pictures i took from it laying around.