No. 1539
ID: 186201
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“I’m (expletive deleted) starving.”
Celebrity chef Mario Batali • Discussing the diet he’s currently on — he’s eating like he’s on food stamps (an average of $1.48 per meal, or $31 per week) in protest of potential cuts to the federal food stamps program. His family was nice enough to join him in what he calls a conversation starter about being hungry in the U.S. Unlike most people on food stamps, he knows ways to make the best of a bad situation, smartly sticking to foods like lentils, apples, rice, beans, peanut butter and jelly. But the problem is, eating good on a diet like this is tough, so many do not. Think his family’s experiment will be effective? (via shortformblog)
I think this is the key argument for those who think that poor people could eat better if they just tried harder. This guy prepares food for a living and he still cannot manage to do this without feeling like he’s going hungry. This is a problem.
(via killsmedead)
also, this.
and me and mingus chillin