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File 133755008155.jpg - (49.28KB , 640x480 , Snapshot_20120518_6.jpg )
1445 No. 1445 ID: 186201
I tried monogamy and it sucked. So I have returned.
Expand all images
>> No. 1446 ID: 0714e8
Delicious! Please post more
>> No. 1447 ID: 186201
File 133755105771.jpg - (49.56KB , 640x480 , Snapshot_20120518_7.jpg )
>> No. 1448 ID: 186201
File 133755111768.jpg - (53.54KB , 640x480 , Snapshot_20120518_41.jpg )
>> No. 1449 ID: 0714e8
I have to wonder if the backside matches what you've got on top.
>> No. 1450 ID: 96ff37
full body shot please?
>> No. 1453 ID: 186201
File 133756096178.gif - (2.16MB , 450x337 , omnom.gif )
guys, there's entire thread of me on the next page. -.-
>> No. 1454 ID: 0714e8
There is but new stuff is always good too
>> No. 1455 ID: 186201
File 133756481882.gif - (1.48MB , 450x337 , ok.gif )
>> No. 1456 ID: 186201
File 133757246424.gif - (2.01MB , 450x337 , kkk.gif )
>> No. 1457 ID: 0714e8
Well hello boobies!
>> No. 1458 ID: 186201
File 133757920465.gif - (1.61MB , 450x337 , 1337559986-1034079914om.gif )
In highschool I drew a picture of a tombstone and I put your name on it.
>> No. 1459 ID: 0714e8
You killed me?
>> No. 1460 ID: 186201
we talked alot at that point and i couldn't think of anything else. You might've texted me or something idk.

on a side note, i cant get these gifs to work on tumblr...halp?
>> No. 1466 ID: 96ff37
What's your tumblr?
>> No. 1467 ID: 186201
i fixed it, was just being a dumbfuck
>> No. 1469 ID: 186201
File 133762443054.gif - (440.50KB , 200x150 , 3a3b530637504a2aca3bdfbe91636604-117155753.gif )
>> No. 1470 ID: 186201
File 133762448695.gif - (363.89KB , 200x150 , 3ba872b66cfd485105b037261b2e93f9-145564947.gif )
>> No. 1471 ID: 186201
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>> No. 1472 ID: 186201
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>> No. 1473 ID: 186201
File 133762474685.gif - (432.83KB , 200x150 , d7658bb78e847413112481e2db57edf6-844093971.gif )
>> No. 1474 ID: 0714e8
Good god! Now I wonder why we stopped talking
>> No. 1475 ID: 143e56
Can I rape you in the mouth?
>> No. 1477 ID: 96ff37
got those pokemon shorts from spencer's, by any chance?
>> No. 1478 ID: 186201
File 133764042230.gif - (543.07KB , 200x150 , 0c311d3de02c253e93a97e2882c3495a-50326.gif )
highly likely
>> No. 1479 ID: 186201
File 133764048710.gif - (537.13KB , 200x150 , 66d7c9474fd7850ebdc1dedf3d46684f-537399847.gif )
>> No. 1480 ID: 186201
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>> No. 1481 ID: 186201
File 133764070696.gif - (545.11KB , 200x150 , 1337626936-87735689.gif )
>> No. 1482 ID: 186201
File 133764075687.gif - (399.41KB , 200x150 , c17e4c3567db08aafdd4d53079425fc6-764966990.gif )
>> No. 1483 ID: 145de2
I humbly request more ass and/or feet.
>> No. 1484 ID: 911174
Ha, I was just about to ask the same thing. Though, I'm leaning more towards the latter. Both, would be nice though. :3
>> No. 1485 ID: 186201
File 133766204532.gif - (334.83KB , 200x150 , a0a73b0366c87ff5bed8dfd2b19f6af2-598260237.gif )
You all need to appreciate how fucking tubby this dog is.
>> No. 1486 ID: 186201
File 133766245714.jpg - (50.83KB , 640x480 , Snapshot_20120521.jpg )
>> No. 1487 ID: 911174
Nice feet, along with everything else.
>> No. 1488 ID: 5da9bc
Your hair looks better than before, and it would go well with a (navy blue with white polka dots) sun dress. Very similar to your bra from this thread's initial post.
Also, for future reference:
1. Keep the background clutter free, or professional.
2. When posing on the bed, pull the sheets taught before posing, It adds gravity lines, and makes it look more seductive.
3. Always, always, always, know your lighting. Most of these shots/gifs are good, but if the order is screwed up, the pictures don't turn out. By order I mean: Light ---> Camera ---> You. The order is important so you don't have poorly lit photos or awkward shadows.
>> No. 1489 ID: 96ff37
not OP, but a navy summer dress with white polka dots is a pretty specific request. How did you come up with it?

SAGE has been used.
>> No. 1490 ID: 96ff37
Hey, OP, I've noticed you have a lot of stuff justifying being overweight on your tumblr. Just to let you know, you're pretty damn far from disgustingly fat. You're chubby and proportionate.
>> No. 1492 ID: 186201
just because it isnt my body shape doesnt mean I cant stand up for whats right.
>> No. 1493 ID: 186201
File 133774988490.jpg - (8.04MB , 3168x4752 , _MG_4329.jpg )
these are actually just me goofing off. I do a lot of shoots I sell.
>> No. 1494 ID: 186201
btw no one click on this picture
>> No. 1495 ID: 145de2

That picture has sideboob for days.
>> No. 1496 ID: aa79f4
Do you whisper sweet nothings about why your lovers should feel bad about their white privilege in their ears as you gently kiss them along their necks, stroking their throbbing erections?
>> No. 1497 ID: 186201
File 133775909524.jpg - (70.89KB , 480x640 , Snapshot_20120520_100.jpg )
lawl, in all seriousness though most of my current lovers are not white. Not really a conscious decision on my part.

And no one should feel guilt about having any sort of privilege, realizing you have one is cool, but no one should ever be ashamed of something that they have been since birth.

I just firmly believe people should be able to do what they want as long it doesn't hurt others and be who they want. Gay, skinny, fat, queer, straight. The fuck ever man, isn't my business, isn't yours, and no one should talk shit about it.
>> No. 1498 ID: b3f407
That makes me think of a mountain of sideboob with a road winding around it. So you're driving down the road, this incredibly long road, and all you see out of the windshield and the driver-side window in side boob. As far as the eye can see.
>> No. 1499 ID: 145de2
I want to kiss your mind.
>> No. 1500 ID: 019c24
I found your Tumblr =3
>> No. 1501 ID: 186201
which one, i have many.
>> No. 1502 ID: 019c24

Fractured Creature =3
>> No. 1503 ID: a59bc9
obligatory - you have msn?
>> No. 1504 ID: a36478
I was just using dark colors with bright pattern. It doesn't have to be specifically navy blue, with white polka dots.
>> No. 1505 ID: 186201
i actually dont have a lot of dark clothing... :T
>> No. 1507 ID: 186201
File 13378626581.jpg - (415.76KB , 2592x3872 , _DSC0909 (2).jpg )
ITT: I make dumb faces with feminists.
>> No. 1508 ID: a36478

Well you should consider getting some, as your hair color and hopefully tanned skin, will really make the colors work for you. Once your skin gets really tan, then obviously, stick with your current pastel colors.
>> No. 1509 ID: 186201
idk if you have noted this, but despite residing in Arizona...I am very pale, freckled and sun burn scarred. I am all set on the tanning. No me gusta.
>> No. 1510 ID: 186201
File 133788438010.jpg - (62.78KB , 640x480 , Snapshot_20120524_15.jpg )
But I bought a dress anyway.
>> No. 1511 ID: 186201
File 133788444899.jpg - (58.02KB , 640x480 , Snapshot_20120524_7.jpg )
...and I kind of look like Mrs. Beasly in it.
>> No. 1512 ID: 186201
File 133789460587.jpg - (68.91KB , 640x480 , Snapshot_20120524_63.jpg )
...i went outside, it kind of sucked.
>> No. 1513 ID: 186201
File 133789531674.jpg - (150.50KB , 640x480 , Snapshot_20120524_19.jpg )
>> No. 1514 ID: 8411fa
i'd like to know more about this experience
what happened?
>> No. 1515 ID: 186201
File 133791979494.jpg - (63.12KB , 506x480 , Snapshot_20120524_106.jpg )
triple digit temp. Fuck that jazz.
>> No. 1516 ID: 019c24
what is your Tumblrs?
>> No. 1517 ID: b3f407
>> No. 1518 ID: 019c24

>> No. 1519 ID: b0468a
>> No. 1520 ID: b0468a
more tits please?
>> No. 1522 ID: aa79f4
File 133797529767.png - (371.40KB , 686x321 , Capture.png )
>Being fat isn’t causing untold economic destruction.
God, isn't it just SO nice to be white?
>> No. 1524 ID: 186201
File 133797980982.jpg - (73.46KB , 533x474 , Snapshot_20120524_68.jpg )
lol thats one of em

people being obese isn't the problem, the problem is the system designed to make people fat and sick with chemicals and hormones and then shame them in to buying diet pills and all that bullshit.

And yes, i have white privilege. Kind of irrelevant to me standing up for all body types of people and such.
>> No. 1525 ID: 186201
File 133798074283.jpg - (140.38KB , 640x480 , Snapshot_20120524_20.jpg )
>> No. 1526 ID: 186201
File 133798079197.jpg - (72.75KB , 459x480 , Snapshot_20120524_27.jpg )
>> No. 1527 ID: 186201
File 133798082351.jpg - (132.71KB , 640x480 , Snapshot_20120524_28.jpg )
>> No. 1529 ID: b0468a
You do realize that the "system" wasn't made like that on purpose, right? There's no evil conspiracy villains working against the average American.

Hormones and chemicals aren't the problem with fattening food. In large quantities hormones and some chemicals (including natural ones) can cause problems, but for the most part both are pretty benign.

And anyways, what's stopping people from beating "the system" and eating healthier? Not all healthy food is expensive.
>> No. 1530 ID: 186201
File 133798476574.jpg - (95.31KB , 640x480 , Snapshot_20120524_35.jpg )
whether it was or not is debatable, but either way, it is the problem.

Most healthy food is expensive, the rest is hard to find. What you find expensive and what others find unaffordable are tow very different things. Most obese and dietary unhealthy people are poor. Why? Because they work all the time and can't afford to spend all that time and money on healthy food, most don't know any better either.


Anyway, i am far from an expert on economics or healthy living, (i suggest you listen to the link above, as she actually knows wtf shes talking about) I just promote positive body image for people of all types. It sucks if other people feeling good bothers you, but that isn't my problem.
>> No. 1531 ID: 186201
File 133798553829.jpg - (69.40KB , 509x478 , Snapshot_20120524_101.jpg )
>> No. 1532 ID: b0468a
File 13379880879.jpg - (136.14KB , 553x371 , break.jpg )
whether it was or not is debatable? For things to be this way on purpose, it would require a global conspiracy.

Cheap healthy foods aren't hard to find at all. Vegetables are usually pretty cheap. If someone wants to be thin, they can do it-- it just requires eating less and exercising.

Anyways, I agree that everyone should feel good about who they are as long as their behavior isn't self destructive. Being a proud meth head would be very silly, for instance. Morbidly obese people who aren't able to walk should be aware that they have a problem, but chubby girls like yourself and even chubbier people shouldn't feel bad.

sorry for shitting up the thread. Please go on posting delicious tits and ass. What's your cup size?

SAGE has been used.
>> No. 1533 ID: 186201
File 133798988559.jpg - (141.32KB , 480x640 , Photo3240.jpg )
it isn't a global conspiracy, but there are ties to fast food and dieting things.

Either way, not my business. I am actually pretty heavily involved in AA a NA stuff, so I know a lot about self destructive things, and shaming people helps nothing.

And to people who are in poverty finding healthy food is difficult, I speak as someone in poverty. The only reason I'm online is my sister paying for internet and my grandparents old laptop they gave to me.

The only fruit and veggies I can afford taste acidic, which is weird.

Here, have a painting I made today
>> No. 1534 ID: 995be0
File 133799279250.jpg - (224.28KB , 500x337 , 20120525-004714_tumblr_lyfkbxpyen1qcwokto1_500.jpg )
i thoroughly enjoy you and your thread. keep going!
>> No. 1535 ID: 911174
Would you ever consider posting my feet pictures, perhaps with lotion or something such as that?
>> No. 1536 ID: aa79f4
File 133801364982.png - (680.75KB , 804x531 , Capture.png )
>The only fruit and veggies I can afford taste acidic, which is weird.
The point is that the parent companies of junk foods are causing " untold economic destruction. " Kraft or Nestle, for example.
>> No. 1537 ID: 186201
this. Y u screenshot my tumblah
>> No. 1539 ID: 186201
File 133807642136.jpg - (44.32KB , 640x480 , Snapshot_20120525_5.jpg )
“I’m (expletive deleted) starving.”

Celebrity chef Mario Batali • Discussing the diet he’s currently on — he’s eating like he’s on food stamps (an average of $1.48 per meal, or $31 per week) in protest of potential cuts to the federal food stamps program. His family was nice enough to join him in what he calls a conversation starter about being hungry in the U.S. Unlike most people on food stamps, he knows ways to make the best of a bad situation, smartly sticking to foods like lentils, apples, rice, beans, peanut butter and jelly. But the problem is, eating good on a diet like this is tough, so many do not. Think his family’s experiment will be effective? (via shortformblog)

I think this is the key argument for those who think that poor people could eat better if they just tried harder. This guy prepares food for a living and he still cannot manage to do this without feeling like he’s going hungry. This is a problem.

(via killsmedead)

also, this.

and me and mingus chillin
>> No. 1542 ID: b0468a
Yeah, maybe you're right. I'm no expert on this stuff and I've always lived a middle class life. To me it seems like eating seasoned rice every day until your stomach shrank wouldn't be difficult, but I guess it would get boring and you would get unpleasantly hungry. Healthy filling food is expensive :(
>> No. 1543 ID: 186201
File 13380890906.jpg - (42.62KB , 640x480 , Snapshot_20120525_4.jpg )
it isnt about comfort, you can shrink your stomach all you want, your body will still require the same amount of nutrients.

Not to mention, when it doesn't receive the fats and such that it needs, your body actually saves up MORE lipids, because it thinks its starving.
>> No. 1544 ID: b0468a
Well,turns out the stomach shrinking thing is a myth but eating less -will- help you be hungry less often and thus lose weight if you want to.


>>A number of factors impact a person’s nutritional and dietary needs. Factors such as a person’s height and current weight, current health status, and activity level also affect what kinds of nutrients they need and how much they need.

Starvation mode is also a myth:


>> No. 1545 ID: aa79f4
> think this is the key argument for those who think that poor people could eat better if they just tried harder.
Sometimes it's fun watching kids talk about poor people. I get by on less than that and can get a balanced diet. FoodNotBombs was a cool place to learn about doing that.
Boy being hungry makes me sizeist!
The point you should be making, that supports your position, is about food deserts in the U.S.
However, personally, knowing about those makes me slightly more prone to judgement of people when I am not in those areas. I do that based on the socioeconomic 'feels' of places anyways though.
Christ I am high
Of course ma'am, I'll fetch two more sides of ranch for you. I bet you'd like to mainline that shit, wouldn't you, you fat gold strewn sack of shit. You've never worked a day in your life. You just went to community college long enough to get your MRS degree. I hope you die of heart disease, breeder.
Fuck, where did that come from?
>> No. 1546 ID: 186201
the point is, a lot of poor people dont have the opportunities or knowledge to be healthy. I havent been to a dentist, hospital or doctor since I was about 12.

I had no idea I was more or less legally blind/lactose intolerant until rather recently.

Some poor people DO know better, but a lot don't, and thats not entirely their fault. There is SO MUCH misinformation and confusing bullshit going on that no one knows which way is up. Its almost as bad as abortion facts.
>> No. 1550 ID: b0468a
If you've got the internet, you can gain a good bit of knowledge about anything. It's like a giant book. You can get free internet at public libraries.

SAGE has been used.
>> No. 1551 ID: 186201
and a lot of people dont know well enough to look. also the internet is also filled with lies and bullshit
>> No. 1552 ID: b0468a
more tits pls
>> No. 1553 ID: aa79f4
File 133817422273.gif - (197.42KB , 780x513 , 20120514.gif )
So not all fat people are gluttonous and disgusting, some are just exceptionally dumb! Thank you for clarifying.
Misanthropy! Excusing x-ism since fuck you, you wanted me to treat everyone equally.
>> No. 1554 ID: 186201
File 133817812951.jpg - (85.16KB , 480x640 , Photo2838.jpg )
whatever makes you feel better dude, I'm just glad I'm not full of hate and don't feel the need to put anyone down and only give people shit when their actions hurt others. Its not my problem how poorly you view yourself that you have to say shit like that. *shrug*

I truly love my body.
What I think of others bodies, and what they think of mine, are irrelevant.
>> No. 1555 ID: 186201
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>> No. 1556 ID: 186201
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>> No. 1557 ID: 186201
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>> No. 1558 ID: 186201
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>> No. 1560 ID: 186201
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>> No. 1563 ID: b0468a
okay... just to clarify, there are multiple people replying to you. Me, I wouldn't call poor people dumb without explaining. But in >>1551 you're basically saying that some poor people are too dumb to think about looking for solutions to their problems. I mean, with the internet, they have the same learning tools higher income people have. You're saying that they're too dumb to use google and try different solutions until they find one that works for them. The internet is full of nutrition tips they could try. The world is full of bullshit, you know, even books can lie. It's true that poor people might not get the same opportunities for health that higher income people get though.

the fact that you have to keep saying "I love my body" makes me think that you don't really. It's like the straight guys who have to keep saying "I'm not gay". But believe me, there's nothing wrong with your body. You're deliciously chubby and hourglass shaped and most guys love that.
>> No. 1564 ID: 186201
i wasnt saying they were dumb, i was saying a lot of them dont have internet, and those who do dont have the means necessarily to know whats bullshit and whats not, unlike a lot of people who grew up in better areas and got better educations, including health education.

there are many exceptions to this just as there are some legit overweight people who are just overweight because they're lazy.

And no, i do love my body, it has some faults, but I love it anyway, I say it alot because I feel people dont say it enough about themselves.
>> No. 1565 ID: b0468a
>> many don't have internet

free internet and books to read at public libraries. Other than that I see what you mean, though. I've noticed that people with little or no education tend to believe in weird stuff because they don't know any better. Even with good research tools some might come to implausible conclusions.

cute nipples <3
>> No. 1566 ID: 186201
i got a little side tracked, but the main point isn't that they CANT learn, its that their weight and health usually aren't their biggest concern.

Most are focused on getting their kids any kind of food. Its sad, but in this day and age, healthy food (actually healthy, not BS healthy) is a luxury item for a lot of people.

My parents loved me, but they worked all day every day for years, they had to choose between me eating and such and me going to the doctors.

I haven't been to a physician since I grew boobs.
>> No. 1567 ID: 186201
In other news, im trying to set up two paysites, one with straight up bdsm and myself, and the other a suicide girls esq ABDL site. Need names. Halp.
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