No. 69301
Here's what I got. Tell me what you think of the point buys. Wand to add any thing, maybe some mid-tier stuff?
The year is 2016. Society has collapsed. Gangs of criminals rove the wastelands, seeking the juice, the precious juice. You made it into the one safe haven left in the world: Norway.
Unfortunately for you, you're a massive cunt. After pissing on a police officer and indecently propositioning a reindeer, you're going to prison... in Norway! As part of a new initiative, the gov't of Norway is offering you a set amount of "points" to buy amenties for your stay. You will be in prison for 10 years, after which you are eligable to become a citizen. If you decide to become a citizen, you will earn a monthly stipend of 22 kroners (equivalent of 5000 2015 US dollars).
Your cell contains a comfortable twin-sized bunk with a mattress, a sink, a toilet, a shower with hot water, a trash chute, and 3 edible but tasteless meals a day.
You have 35 points to spend on amenities.
If you choose to become ineligable for citizenship, you can get 40 points to spend. If you choose to be immediately deported when your sentence is up, you recieve 45 points.
2 points. A functioning microwave with microwavable meals.
4 points. Unlimited free food, with the exception of Chick-fil-A (add CFA for +1 point).
6 points. Modest-sized kitchen. Two stove ranges, oven that is 15 inches by 18 inches, standard white monolith fridge and freezer, dish drainer, dish and utensil set, cooking pots and pans. Equivalent of 250 USA dollars from 2015 in food ingredients, of your choice. Nothing organic or non-GMO.
8 points. Gourmet organic non-GMO food from the world's finest chefs delivered daily.
7 points. 80' TV with all cable channels and premium packages.
2 points. A skylight which will provide sunlight into your cell.
4 points. Unlimited top-quality art gear. If you make anything offensive to Islam you will be beheaded.
4 points. HD versions of all movies and TV shows ever released, including extras.
6 points. Top of the line desktop computer, new components will be delivered to you as technology progresses.
4 points. Add all video games that been released and new releases over time.
16 points. Internet. You can't download or stream anything. Can't etrade.
4 points. Surround sound system with all recorded music.
5 points. Workout room with your choice of weights, treadmill, and athletic facilities. Includes self-spotting gear.
6 points. Balcony and breath-taking view of your preferred scenery.
6 points. Library and study with every book ever published. Comes with a portable book reader that is waterproof and can't be easily destroyed.
3 points. A cell phone that can only be activated 1 day a week.
2 points. Medical care from the memdical school of New Dehli. Upgrade to Mayo clinic doctor for +1.
5 points. Made of booze.
5 points. Unlimited drugs, including seeds.
4 points. Unlimited tobacco products.
2 points. Full model train set complete with warehouse sized room to build in. Comes with all lego pieces ever made.
6 points. Workshop with industrial tools, drawing table, supplies, and 1 km squared storage room.
1 point. Pool table.
3 points. HD camera.
3 points. Garden with greenhouse. Does not include sunlight - it is an underground growhouse.
7 points. You get your citizenship immediately and are allowed to invest your socialist oil-revenue money in the stock market.
1 point. Guns. Lots of guns. Every gun you can think of, storage room, shooting rooms. Full armoring room, including equipment and manuals. Unlimited ammo. You can schedule a 1 hour meeting 3 times a week with one of a group of Marine armorers. They care nothing for you and don't make small talk.
5 points. A kitten or puppy. +2 points for another. Each additional one is +1 point.
2 points. Staellite radio.
7 points. Bro-tier lesbian. Will not sleep with you. Has all the same interests as you. Can easily kick your ass.
10 points. Unattractive girl. Nice and friendly. Will fall in love with you after a few months.
10 points. Philosophy professor, educated in every academic topic, will teach and discuss things with you.
12 points. Stunningly attractive 18 year old. Has nearly no emotions, is extremely dull, and thinks you're a creep. Otherwise very pliable.
3 points. Moderately autistic neckbear, likes video games, mlp, trainsets, has trouble connecting. Will try to rape you. Thinks that he is owed sex because he's a special snowflake.
5 points. Hipster named Dominic. Socially skilled but pretentious douchebag. Likes art, drugs, music. Will parrot anything any leftist tells him.
20 points. Your perfect wife-tier woman (or dude if you're gay). Perfect in every way, except will never willingly sleep with you. Will kill herself and cut your d and balls off if you try to force it (will cut your tits and female parts off if you're female). Otherwise loves you unconditionally. Hint: she's basically you're mom.
7 points. Barry Bonds.
5 points. Anders Brehvik. Only has a PS2 to play. Is into video games. Doesn't like Muslims.
2 points. Convert to Islam. You get married and have conjugal visits, but must adhere to Islamic law or you will be tortured, sodomized, and beheaded by one of the roving Sharia enforcers.
1 point. Game Boy Advance SP with every GBA game, all cheating tools and accessories, and a flash cart.
4 points. Extra large fish tank with fish and aquatic critters of your choosing.
20 points. Huge outdoor space to walk around in, with lake. You can fell trees and move dirt with basic hand tools. You can build stuff. Comes with basic camping gear too.
1 point. Old fashioned type-writer with unlimited paper and ink.