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File 142114113947.jpg - (340.69KB , 1102x1541 , whatif.jpg )
69181 No. 69181
Full kitchen(6 points)
Mayo clinic doctors(3 points)
Hygiene products and jacuzzi(3 points)
Unattractive girl(10 points)
Garden with greenhouse(3 points)
Books(6 points)
Phone that only works once a week(3 points)
Typewriter(1 point)
3 posts omitted. Last 50 shown. Expand all images
>> No. 69191
You need the skylight, you fucking idiots.
>> No. 69192
I'd take the fully stocked kitchen, booze, asian wife, fish tank, and kitten. I'd get drunk, watch fish, and try to attain enlightenment.
>> No. 69194
basketball americans, you forgot to pick a food source. You are going to starve to death in that basement.
>> No. 69195
Not if you have some other way of seeing daylight. That's why I'd get the garden.
>> No. 69203
Fine, I can afford 3 points.
>> No. 69204
Huge outdoor space
Art supplies
Cell phone
Soundsystem + music
Medical care

33 points total. Fuck it, might as well add the skylight then.

Might scrap the fancy medical care and the soundsystem or trade the outdoor space for the balcony, then half my payout to 5mil so I can get the 18 year old girl so long as she's not there 24/7 but can come and go. I'd only really want her to come by like 2-3 days a week. If she has to be stuck with me in the basement 24/7, I'd just get a kitten or puppy instead.

I'm assuming basic life-sustaining food does not count toward my point total, as the only food items explicitly mentioned in the image are luxury gourmet meals, microwave dinners and booze.

I'm taking the broad term "art supplies" to mean tools for creative expression, meaning musical instruments and recording equipment would also be included.
>> No. 69208
I reduce my payout to $0 to get 45 total points, and take 8 Pauls and 5 guns. I kill them all and then myself, and now that the entire userbase of 99chan is dead in the basement no one will ever make a terrible survey thread again.
>> No. 69209
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This is more of a game thread than a survey thread.
>> No. 69210
Alternatively, I take the art supplies(4), the kitchen(6), the library(6), tobacco(4), a kitten(5), the workbench(6), a pool table(1) and the skylight(2). I'll spend my time practicing calligraphy and messing with circuits at the workbench.
>> No. 69213
You could survive on nothing but microwave dinners. There are some that come with veggies and other moderately healthy options. Likewise, you could get basic, life sustaining food from fast food restaurants-- just order a bunch of the lettuce they put on burgers.
>> No. 69217
I'm already 3 years into that. All I use are liquor and internet. Course I download stuff, but that's all I need. So long as I have liquor and an internet connection I will be happy.

Anchorites would what's in OP picture using no bonus points and in a small prison-cell-sized room, often for a similar amount of time or for the rest of their natural lives in some cases. They would do nothing but pray and read the bible for ten years.
>> No. 69220
8. all movies and tv shows. If I have all shows I have everything on tv. 4 points.

20. unlimited drugs. This covers everything from illegal to medically necessary. 5 points.

17. hygiene supplies and tub. That tub will be nice and who doesn't like to be clean?
3 points

18. doctor. If I or the girl should fall ill we need medical treatment. 3 points.

1. Microwave. Everything is a microwavable meal after its already been prepared. Just means fancy meals will be left overs. 2 points.

34. Attractive girl I can satisfy a ton of fetishes. 12 points.

29. A kitten or puppy. A big bull mastiff for bestiality fun.
5 points.

24.pool table.

All in all I have access to the news so I can keep up with current going ons, I have ccess to as much dirty weird sex as I can handle, I have as much drugs as I could ever need.
Any show or movie new or old I have at my disposal, all the food I could every think of having and some nice relaxation tub and recreation activity of pool.
Really tempted to go for more points for the garden but I'd rather do drugs and have weird sex for ten years in my basement.
>> No. 69223
Halve the payout for 40 points

7, 17, 26, 33, 41

500k/year to make art, do shrooms (from the greenhouse), and hottub with the professor in a beautiful outdoor area is the life I wish I had.
>> No. 69224
I can't believe I spent an ungodly amount of time deciding which options I would choose if I were ever placed in such a situation.
Fuck you bundle of stickss.
>> No. 69231
Whoever made that image doesn't know how the internet works.
>> No. 69239
Full Kitchen (6)
Computer + Games (10)
Gym (5)
Library (6)
Radio (2)
Philosophy Prof (10)

I'd emerge swole while being an educated motherhooligan.
>> No. 69251
You'd come out gay too. Stuck in a basement with a philosophy professor for 10 years would do that to you.
>> No. 69252
yeah right, you'd probably just waste all that time playing video games against the philo prof
>> No. 69255
eating from full kitchen
playing video games
talking to overly-academic buttface
neglecting gym

sounds like my life now
>> No. 69292
3, 23, 35, 41

I would probably hate it to begin with, but with unlimited shop supplies and food, I'd be one fucking amazing cook, and I would probably be one handy craftsman when I got out.

I could start a fitness routine in the outdoor zone so I'd be fuckin' toned when I got out.

And the brony would be forced to adopt this lifestyle of self improvement, and I wouldn't be totally socially isolated.
>> No. 69297
God this one sucks. I'll make my own.
>> No. 69301
Here's what I got. Tell me what you think of the point buys. Wand to add any thing, maybe some mid-tier stuff?

The year is 2016. Society has collapsed. Gangs of criminals rove the wastelands, seeking the juice, the precious juice. You made it into the one safe haven left in the world: Norway.

Unfortunately for you, you're a massive cunt. After pissing on a police officer and indecently propositioning a reindeer, you're going to prison... in Norway! As part of a new initiative, the gov't of Norway is offering you a set amount of "points" to buy amenties for your stay. You will be in prison for 10 years, after which you are eligable to become a citizen. If you decide to become a citizen, you will earn a monthly stipend of 22 kroners (equivalent of 5000 2015 US dollars).

Your cell contains a comfortable twin-sized bunk with a mattress, a sink, a toilet, a shower with hot water, a trash chute, and 3 edible but tasteless meals a day.

You have 35 points to spend on amenities.

If you choose to become ineligable for citizenship, you can get 40 points to spend. If you choose to be immediately deported when your sentence is up, you recieve 45 points.

2 points. A functioning microwave with microwavable meals.
4 points. Unlimited free food, with the exception of Chick-fil-A (add CFA for +1 point).
6 points. Modest-sized kitchen. Two stove ranges, oven that is 15 inches by 18 inches, standard white monolith fridge and freezer, dish drainer, dish and utensil set, cooking pots and pans. Equivalent of 250 USA dollars from 2015 in food ingredients, of your choice. Nothing organic or non-GMO.
8 points. Gourmet organic non-GMO food from the world's finest chefs delivered daily.
7 points. 80' TV with all cable channels and premium packages.
2 points. A skylight which will provide sunlight into your cell.
4 points. Unlimited top-quality art gear. If you make anything offensive to Islam you will be beheaded.
4 points. HD versions of all movies and TV shows ever released, including extras.
6 points. Top of the line desktop computer, new components will be delivered to you as technology progresses.
4 points. Add all video games that been released and new releases over time.
16 points. Internet. You can't download or stream anything. Can't etrade.
4 points. Surround sound system with all recorded music.
5 points. Workout room with your choice of weights, treadmill, and athletic facilities. Includes self-spotting gear.
6 points. Balcony and breath-taking view of your preferred scenery.
6 points. Library and study with every book ever published. Comes with a portable book reader that is waterproof and can't be easily destroyed.
3 points. A cell phone that can only be activated 1 day a week.
2 points. Medical care from the memdical school of New Dehli. Upgrade to Mayo clinic doctor for +1.
5 points. Made of booze.
5 points. Unlimited drugs, including seeds.
4 points. Unlimited tobacco products.
2 points. Full model train set complete with warehouse sized room to build in. Comes with all lego pieces ever made.
6 points. Workshop with industrial tools, drawing table, supplies, and 1 km squared storage room.
1 point. Pool table.
3 points. HD camera.
3 points. Garden with greenhouse. Does not include sunlight - it is an underground growhouse.
7 points. You get your citizenship immediately and are allowed to invest your socialist oil-revenue money in the stock market.
1 point. Guns. Lots of guns. Every gun you can think of, storage room, shooting rooms. Full armoring room, including equipment and manuals. Unlimited ammo. You can schedule a 1 hour meeting 3 times a week with one of a group of Marine armorers. They care nothing for you and don't make small talk.
5 points. A kitten or puppy. +2 points for another. Each additional one is +1 point.
2 points. Staellite radio.
7 points. Bro-tier lesbian. Will not sleep with you. Has all the same interests as you. Can easily kick your ass.
10 points. Unattractive girl. Nice and friendly. Will fall in love with you after a few months.
10 points. Philosophy professor, educated in every academic topic, will teach and discuss things with you.
12 points. Stunningly attractive 18 year old. Has nearly no emotions, is extremely dull, and thinks you're a creep. Otherwise very pliable.
3 points. Moderately autistic neckbear, likes video games, mlp, trainsets, has trouble connecting. Will try to rape you. Thinks that he is owed sex because he's a special snowflake.
5 points. Hipster named Dominic. Socially skilled but pretentious douchebag. Likes art, drugs, music. Will parrot anything any leftist tells him.
20 points. Your perfect wife-tier woman (or dude if you're gay). Perfect in every way, except will never willingly sleep with you. Will kill herself and cut your d and balls off if you try to force it (will cut your tits and female parts off if you're female). Otherwise loves you unconditionally. Hint: she's basically you're mom.
7 points. Barry Bonds.
5 points. Anders Brehvik. Only has a PS2 to play. Is into video games. Doesn't like Muslims.
2 points. Convert to Islam. You get married and have conjugal visits, but must adhere to Islamic law or you will be tortured, sodomized, and beheaded by one of the roving Sharia enforcers.
1 point. Game Boy Advance SP with every GBA game, all cheating tools and accessories, and a flash cart.
4 points. Extra large fish tank with fish and aquatic critters of your choosing.
20 points. Huge outdoor space to walk around in, with lake. You can fell trees and move dirt with basic hand tools. You can build stuff. Comes with basic camping gear too.
1 point. Old fashioned type-writer with unlimited paper and ink.
>> No. 69305
Are there living things in the huge outdoor space, like fish, wild animals or insects? Would it be possible to grow plants out there?
>> No. 69307
Microwavable meals(2 points)
Satellite radio(2 points)
Mayo clinic doctor: (3 points)
Unattractive girl (10 points)
Guns(1 point)
Gameboy(1 point)
Typewriter(1 point)
Huge outdoor space (20 points)

I would have threesomes with the ugly girl and a marine three times a week. We would spend the rest of the time fucking about outside, making art with the ink from the typewriter or playing gameboy.

Me and ugly girl would have occasional dance parties. Listen to this groovy beat from a GBA game, aw yeah.

Is the cellphone a smartphone, by the way? With games and various apps installed on it?
>> No. 69322
Yeah it's possible to grow food out there but you aren't given glass or plastic or really any raw materials except what you gather yourself. Food plants will grow better in the grow-house all of the time. They are exposed to the weather (remember this is Norway) and the weather isn't always amenable to life.

Cell phone can only send and receive calls and texts. Not a smartphone. If you want a smartphone for games and whatnot get the Vidya perk, it comes with a cell phone emulator or some such shit.
>> No. 69323
Yeah there are living things too. Wild animals all of them.
>> No. 69685

I would fry my brain before the 10 years was over
>> No. 69688
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I''ll only need half of the money (35+40 points).

Unlimited fast food (4 points)
52" TV (7 points)
PC (6 points)
Video games (4 points)
Internet (16 points)
medical care from new delhi medical school (2 points)
surround sound system (4 points)
stunningly attractive 18 year old girl (12 points)
wife-tier asian girl (20 points)

total: 75

>> No. 69691
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You fuck, you get an extra 5 points not 40 points. You get no money. You get no girls or games. You get nothing.

>> No. 69720
Unlimited Booze for 5 points
Computer for 6 points
TV for 7 points
All video games for 4 points
All movies and TV shows for 4 points
Library with all books for 6 points
And finally a microwave with microwavable food for 2 points.
For a grand total of 34 points

At the end of my 10 years I would take the ten million and use it to continue living this way for the rest of my life. Cept I'd have nicer food, and music I guess. In fact, my life is mostly like this already. The internet gives access to nearly every song, movie, book, or game ever released, I have enough savings to buy myself liquor for the foreseeable future, and I actually live in my parent's basement. The difference is that if I sit in this basement for the next ten years I will be a failure at 32 instead of having ten million dollars. Woe is me.
>> No. 69732

You made me laugh. Are you Willy Wonka?
>> No. 69733
Thanks for pointing out the reference, no one else got it but you. Not a single person.
>> No. 69746

So you are a d. I get it, nice quip.
>> No. 69752
Oh boo hoo now your ironically understated reference is worthless because someone has pointed it out literally. What a tragedy.

>> No. 69789
File 142466120229.jpg - (200.82KB , 924x1019 , a~n.jpg )
I don't think you know what ironically or literally mean.
>> No. 69790
Everyone's getting banned for a week unless you chang the subject to something funny that has nothing to do with literally and/or figuratively right now.
>> No. 69791
4,15, 17, 26, 30, 34, 42

I'd live better than my wildest dreams.
>> No. 69792
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is this ok
>> No. 69795
not bad
>> No. 69861
3, gotta eat. even if you can't cook, you'll figure it out
8, 9, 10, keep you occupied for 10 years
16, get news, human contact
17, you have to have hygiene products. unless it just means shit like hair gel, then fuck that
23, build shit, can use as makeshift gym
26, walk around even if only a bit, get relatively fresh air

if 17 is not needed for basic health, then take 22 just for the room and a 24 probably. Who knows, model trains might be a ballza timesink or even fun.

So is this a psych paper to see how many people on the internet take the basic internet at a ridiculous cost?
>> No. 69864
Naturally one would need sunlight, fresh air, food, showers, toothbrush/paste and something to prevent illness for your body to have be physically well-set.

Full kitchen(6 points)
Garden with greenhouse (3 points)
Hygiene products and jacuzzi (3 points)
Medical Care (2 points)

I take that the skylight would be unnecessary if you have a nice garden.

For the sake of stimulating my intellect:

Library (6 points)
Typewriter (1 point)
Satellite radio (2 points)

And for enjoying youth and life:

Hot 18-year-old teen (12 points).

I would spend all my time doing yoga in garden, fucking a hot teen, reading superior litterature, catch up on the world situation with my radio and express my thoughts with the ink/paper from the typewriter.

I would just make sure to get out / be in the garden as much as possible.

ballza post, OP.
>> No. 69879
I'd wager I already live a much shittier life, is this supposed to be a "challenge"? Sounds like perks to me.

Kitchen 6 Points; I need to learn to cook and eat healthy
Workout Room 5 Points
Movies/Tv 4 Points; While I work out and general entertainment
Professor 10 Points
Unattractive girl 10 points; Do I get to keep her?
35 points; 10mil

Do I get to keep any of the stuff? Or is it downgraded; like I could keep the big TV but not the cable? Keep the kitchen but have to restock it myself?

Another idea I had was the hot chick and the camera to make porn, if the "internet" option can't download, I assume uploading is also not allowed. Theoretically that could make you a nice bit of money.

With the payout I'd like to try keeping a similar lifestyle living off the interest.
>> No. 69883
What a bad ass kid lol
>> No. 69884
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>living with no fresh air, sunlight, teeth and medicine.
>"Is this supposed to be a challenge?"
>> No. 69885
How many points do I need to spend to get my landlord to call a plumber? Because I'd really like to spend some points right now to have hot water and a basement not filled with shit water.
>> No. 69890
>>69885 Do you live anywhere with tenant rights? In many places I believe if you have given your landlord adequate notice you can eventually call a plumber on your own and bill the landlord. Though it's probably best to usually try and stay on ballza terms with the landlord.
>> No. 69891
Call the EPA instead. The EPA will fine the landlord and continue to fine them until it's fixed.

Source: did this to a landlord who's meth-head son dug up the septic tank in our backyard.
>> No. 69897
The landlord knows the tenant laws very well, I actually got everything fixed last weekend because of it. We've had intermittent shit water for a month, but then the water heater corroded through entirely, flooding the basement a bit. There is no wiggle room with fixing hot water, so a plumber came out the next day and fixed both problems. Landlord is ancient, probably born in the 1920s so "maintenance" is not in his vocabulary anymore. In fact, very few English words are in his vocabulary seeing as he is Chinese. I've also learned to keep my mouth shut around him because he has more fingers than teeth and once spit on my tongue while telling me about keys.
>> No. 70619
>> No. 70621
http://tinychat.com/socremix < - - - - - - -
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