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813 No. 813 ID: 0df675
How does anyone supposed to even know what to do get more story ideas from?

I saw a rat stuck to a foam trap today at work that was trying to escape by ripping a hole in it, and it got me into this piece about an old guy at a club drinking whiskey and wriggling around in a pleather couch. What's sparked stories in your mind?
>> No. 815 ID: f89417
If I've had a particularly vivid dream I'll write it up. My dreams tend to be narrative, linear, with some flashback (where you actually physically flash back). To dream well one is recommended to avoid smoking the marijuanas at least two hours before bedtime.

Basically, every dream has its intrinsic logic. So I take that logic and make it the paradigm with which I cast the world. Then I write the story in a burst of hashish and music.
>> No. 842 ID: 4a75a5
1.Reading the bible and the lost books of it that the religions don't want people to know about.

2.Taking dph and playing two different games so that they will merge in my hallucinations

3.Things I want to do someday

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