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File shirleyparable.doc - (34.50KB )
800 No. 800 ID: 0df675
This thread is dedicated to posting literary contests, fellowship opportunities, local poetry readings, whatever you can use to get you rname out there. I submitted htis piece to a writing contest yesterday, why haven't you?
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>> No. 802 ID: 33260c
Ahh you're the one who wrote that. I really enjoyed that when you first posted it. Like the ending in the /b/ one better but minor point. I might look for a poetry one to enter. If so I'll post it here.
>> No. 804 ID: 4c410a
I'm waiting to hear if my most recent work has been accepted by a lit-fic 'zine, I have another piece I want to get feedback on from a writer's group I joined recently, and I'm currently working on plotting a novella which will be the longest coherent piece I've written yet. So far I have six and a half pages of plot and notes for it, as well as five or more pre-drafts of scenes.
I've never entered a contest but 7 out of 9 things I've written for submissions have been published so I'm quietly optimistic about it.
>> No. 806 ID: f89417
Where do you go to find mags for your submissions? I know someone who has an account on one of the paying sites, but I'm too lazy to figure it out.

Somewhere I stumbled on this: http://pred-ed.com/
It has reviews of publishers and agents, written by authors. They used to have a section where you could sort by compensation, and genre listings, I don't think those are up there anymore.

I'm looking for a market for my speculative morality fiction.
>> No. 812 ID: 0df675

Thanks for the link. I usually check out writer's & poets, and there's this Writer's Market book I once bought that has thousands of listings; unfortunately it's for trash genre and nonfiction mostly, but it's got a solid repitoire of literary submissions.


Cool man, let us know how it goes.
>> No. 855 ID: c60245
So has anyone here considered going the Maoyuu route?
Apparently the author wrote the original LN in serial form on 2ch. After this achieved some notoriety, he was contacted by a publisher directly.

I'm wondering if that's the sort of thing that only happens in Japan.

Also a side question: What do you believe is the fine line between inserting random literary references, and making references in good taste?
>> No. 864 ID: 6c1540
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Came across this list of contest a while ago. Some are already over, but plenty still open.

Also, the British Poetry Society's annual poetry contest has some good prizes and is open to international entries. (There is a £6.50 entry fee)
>> No. 865 ID: 6c1540
Okay so I just came across a news article about a contest where the prize is a house, and in looking at that one saw another article about a couple doing the same with their house. The catch is the entry fee.. ($199 and $150 respectively), and there's a minimum number of entrants for the prize to be awarded (refunds are given if they don't get enough though). Kinda neat idea or more of a raffle? Any thoughts?



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