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711 No. 711 ID: 6907b8
I'm going on a trip to the American Northwest (read: Seattle and Portland) for a week before returning to Canada to visit friends in BC (read: Vancouver and Victoria)for roughly another week, and I'm at that great quandry all backpackers face: what book to bring for said trip. I've narrowed it down to one of Moby Dick, Crime and Punishment, and 1984. Really can't decide; help me /lit/. Been wanting to read all of them for the last few years, been greatly disappointed that none of them have shown up at all for school (while I've had to read books I despise instead). Leaving tomorrow morning, lets see if I can get a response before then to help me decide.

Pic extremely unrelated.
>> No. 713 ID: b8f3ee
Short story books, man, short story books.
>> No. 714 ID: a33989
i can tell you this. you might want to take moby dick out of the equation. i, personally, couldn't get past all the tangential chapters, notes on the various cetacean species, etc. it also reads like early, early American lit. plus it's a much heavier book than the other two. crime and punishment was really good and i remember not being too impressed with 1984 but i read it a long time ago on the heels of huxley,kundera, and h. miller, but i looked through it semi-recently and think it deserves another chance.
>> No. 715 ID: a33989
speaking of short stories (or novels) .... have you thought about Garcia-Marquez or Jose Donoso?

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